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SDMX Opportunities MED Meeting 14 May 2013 Daniel Suranyi Eurostat B5

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1 SDMX Opportunities MED Meeting 14 May 2013 Daniel Suranyi Eurostat B5
Management of statistical data and metadata

2 Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there?
Where are we today? What can data providers do?

3 Statistical Data and Metadata EXchange
World Bank UNSD SDMX ISO 17369 3 3 3 3

4 The SDMX Components SDMX Information Model Content Oriented Guidelines
IT Infrastructure for exchange and sharing Content Oriented Guidelines SDMX Information Model 4 4

5 The SDMX Components Describe statistics in a standard way
Objects and their relationships Data Structure Definition (DSD), Concepts, Code List Central management and standard access SDMX Registry, SDMX Web Services Cross Domain Concepts Cross Domain Code Lists Statistical Domains Metadata Common Vocabulary Push Provider generates and sends file to receiver Pull Provider opens web service to data Receiver downloads regularly Hub Special case of pull: receiver downloads on end user request 5 5

6 Data Validation Process
Before/During Transmission (“First Level”) - Implicit through SDMX - Format Check (SDMX-ML) - Code Check (SDMX DSD) After Transmission ( “Second Level”) - Currently not in SDMX - Detailed value check - Mirror check - …

7 SDMX – opportunities Streamline data flows
Central management (SDMX Registry) Across domains Across organisations Data structures, concepts, code lists Software tools Data sharing

8 Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there?
Where are we today? What can data providers do?

9 Eurostat SDMX Implementation Process

10 Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there?
Where are we today? What can data providers do?

11 Eurostat project status (data exchange)
JVS/LCI (Job Vacancy Statistics/ Labour Cost Index) Water International Trade* Education* STS (Short Term Statistics) TEC (Trade by Enterprise Characteristics) Maritime R&D* (Research & Development) National Accounts* Balance of Payments* EGR IS (EuroGroups Register Identification Service) Aviation Fisheries* Orchards Pesticides TIC (Trade by Invoicing Currency) Waste * Other international organisations involved

12 Implementation projects – Some milestones
Domain International actors Production phase Fisheries UN (FAO) 2011 Balance of Payments All SDMX Sponsors (IMF coordinating) 09/2014 National Accounts All SDMX Sponsors (Eurostat coordinating) Research & Development UNESCO, OECD 2014 Education International Trade UNSD, OECD To be defined

13 Example project: National Accounts
Operational planning, governance structure Reflect reporting needs  rationalise data exchange Definition of domain concepts  populate with code lists Link domain concepts to National Accounts tables Generate SDMX artefacts (DSDs) and visualisation templates (XLS) Release Summer 2013

14 Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there?
Where are we today? What can data providers do?

15 SDMX Implementation in Member States
Tools offered Action Web Forms No costs for organisation Manual work for senders (type, copy/paste) SDMX Converter (sender’s PC) Installation on sender’s PC Manual work for senders (convert) (batch mode) Installation on server SDMX Reference Infrastructure Mapping of database to DSDs Own SDMX Implementation Local development in organisations

16 SDMX-RI Workflow Data Provider Data Collector Web Svc SDMX Registry
Mapping Assistant DSD Web Client Web Svc Test Client Non-SDMX local database SDMX data set SDMX-RI

17 Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there?
Where are we today? What can data providers do?

18 Questions? SDMX Support Team SDMX Website Eurostat SDMX Info Space
SDMX Website Eurostat SDMX Info Space

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