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In Freud’s Footsteps Ch 14 Sec 2.

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1 In Freud’s Footsteps Ch 14 Sec 2

2 Carl Jung Disagreed with Freud on two major points:
Jung is more positive about human nature. People will try to live up to potential. Difference between the personal unconscious (Freud’s idea) and the collective unconscious- a “storehouse” of instincts, urges, and memories of the whole human species through history.

3 The Collective Unconscious
Full of ideas called archetypes- an inherited idea, based on the experiences of one’s ancestors, which shapes the perceptions of one’s world. Can be identified in dreams, visions, paintings, poetry, myths, religion.

4 Archetypes Appear over and over again: The self, or “ego”.
The Shadow- One’s “dark side”.

5 Archetypes In many forms: The Hero The anima and animus-
the male and female counterparts of the soul. The light in the path; goodness and mercy

6 Archetypes The Wise Old Man The Journey Evil The Great Mother

7 Alfred Adler The driving force in your life is your desire to overcome feelings of inferiority.

8 Alfred Adler One who continually tries to compensate for his weaknesses has an inferiority complex. We each set up our own “lifestyle” based on our experiences. If parents overpamper child--> self-centered child. If parents neglect child--> angry and hostile child.

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