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Class 6 Hepp et al -15 Cha 13 Quant Descriptive Designs.

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1 Class 6 Hepp et al -15 Cha 13 Quant Descriptive Designs.

2 Research Designs: Kazdin Gelso

3 Research Designs: Kazdin
Experimental Quasi-Experimental Correlational

4 Internal Vs. External Validity
Internal Validity Experimental Control Random Assignment to Groups Manipulation of IV External Validity Generalizability

5 Internal & External Validity
E I Experimental Field E i Correlational Descriptive e I Laboratory e i Clinical Trials

6 Kerlinger MAXMINCON Principle
Maximize Minimize Control

7 Kerlinger MAXMINCON Principle
Maximize Variability in constructs of interest Experimental: Treatment groups Correlational: Measured variables Minimize Error/random variance Experimental: Within treatment groups Assessment/observation procedures Participants’ characteristics not examined Control External Confounds

8 Quant. descriptive Designs
Purpose: Describe Phenomena Types of Studies Occurrence Characteristics Relationship among variables Survey epidemiological Variable Centered Person Centered

9 Can Survey Research Be Used To:
Test Cause-Effect Relations ? YES NO Test a Hypothesis ?

10 Survey Research Describe, document frequency, characteristics, patterns of behaviors, attitudes, events- Epidemiological Identify variables that may explain behaviors, attitudes, events Test hypothesis about the association of behaviors, attitudes, events Generate a causal hypotheses cholera example Chap. 13 p. 289 Cook, Alegria, Lin and Guo’s Study

11 Quant. descriptive Designs
Purpose: Describe Phenomena Types of Studies Occurrence Characteristics Relationship among variables Survey epidemiological Variable Centered Person Centered


13 Latent vs. Observed Constructs
Cole et al. (1987) assessed social skills and depression from 4 perspectives: Self-report Researchers’ behavioral ratings Interviews Significant others’ report


15 Variable Centered Research
Bi-variate Correlation Extent to which 2 or more continuous psychological constructs vary together Pearson correlation coefficient r- bivariate correlation: strength and direction r = r = r = r2 coefficient of determination Regression multiple IV’s one DV Examine combined contribution of several IVs to one DV Examine unique contribution of each IV to the DV while controlling for the other IVs

16 Pina-Watson et al Hypothesis

17 Pina-Watson, et al. 2014

18 Bivariate relation (Pearson’s r) of x, y, and z to Life Satisfaction
Independ. SC r = .46 Barriers r =-.32 Life Satisf. Career D Self- Efficacy r = .44

19 Coefficient of Determination
Correlation of Life Satisfaction with ISC r = r2 = % Barriers r = r2 = % CDSE r = r2 = % Variance explained (shared)

20 Regression Hypothesis

21 Examine the unique () and collective (R2) relation of predictors x, y, and z to Life Satisfaction controlling for S & G Independ. SC Barriers SES Life Satisf. Career D Self- Efficacy GEN

22 1 SES + 1 GEN +1 ISC + 2 Bar + 3 CSE+ C = Life Satisfaction R2 =
Independ. SC r = SES -.18 Barriers r =-.32 Life Satisf. Career D Self- Efficacy r = GEN

23 Pina-Watson, et al. 2013

24 Categorical Continuous ????

25 Multiple Linear Regression
Objective: examine the unique and collective association of several independent variables (or predictor variables) to one dependent variable (also called criterion variable). Both IVs -predictor(s) and criterion-DVs are continuous. Categorical variables with only two levels can be used as predictors-IVs (e.g. gender, depressed/not depressed; treatment/control group)

26 Fill in the Blanks The best research design is:
What type of design is used in the randomized controlled clinical trials used to examine therapy outcome?

27 Multiple Linear Regression
It is best when: Predictors (IVs) are not highly correlated among themselves and Predictors (IVs) are correlated to the Criterion (DV)

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