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Dewey Decimal Classification

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1 Dewey Decimal Classification

2 (The guy who invented the Dewey Decimal Classification System)

3 SO Why not come up with a way to organize non- fiction books in libraries so that people can easily find them?

4 Eureka! (Shouted librarians)

5 Dewey’s ingenious solution was to arrange all knowledge into ten very general categories which he then continued to divide into smaller and smaller topics. His plan was to find a way to put all books on the same subject together on the library shelves.

6 The Dewey Decimal System divides all non-fiction subjects into ten categories using a different set of call numbers for each category.

7 Religion Language People Poetry and Plays Thinking and feeling
Everything in the world made by people Everything in the world NOT made by people What you do for fun Poetry and Plays Past events and places 921 Biography

8 100 – 199 Philosophy Psychology Philosophy Thinking about ourselves
Who am I? Why am I here?

9 200 – 299 Religion Beliefs Religions Mythologies
Where did we come from? Who created us?

10 300 – 399 Social Sciences Communities - Learning to get along together
Trade Commerce Politics Government Education Law Transport Welfare Folk lore and fairy tales

11 400 – 499 Language Languages How do we communicate with each other?

12 500 – 599 Natural Science Natural Science Maths
Nature and the world around us The universe The earth Animals Birds Reptiles Fish

13 600 – 699 Applied Science Applied Science Technology
How we have changed the natural world to make it more useful Anything that people invent, engineer, grow, manufacture, process and build

14 700 – 799 Fine Arts/Sports/Leisure Sport Recreation
How people use their leisure time Art Craft Dance Music

15 800 – 899 Literature Literature
The stories, poems and plays people write in their leisure time

16 But what about fiction? Fiction books DO have Dewey Call numbers—for example, books by American authors all have the Dewey number 810—but there are so many, we leave that off and shelve fiction by the first three letters of the author’s last name.

17 900 – 999 Geography/History/Biography Geography History Biographies
The rest of the world How they live now How they lived long ago

18 000 – 099 General Knowledge General Knowledge Encyclopedias
Books about libraries & museums Journalism Computers Controversial or unexplained topics

19 And what subjects belong in this Dewey category?
General 600 Domestic animals They’re Dewey Numbers because they now mean something. Domestic Animals that are dogs 636 636.7 Working dogs Working dogs that are German Shepherds 636.73 Specific

20 636.737 636.7375 636.73756 Specific German Shepherds born in the U.S.
German Shepherds born in Minnesota German Shepherds born in Minnesota that were born in Anoka County Even more Specific

21 Think of them now as Dewey Numbers! 567.912 001.94 970.1 636.7
Remember that stuff about Call Numbers? Think of them now as Dewey Numbers! 031 330.51 970.1 863 636.7 551.52 001.94 398.2

22 The Dewey (call) number is found on the spine label.
Why??? When the book is shelved, it can be easily seen.

23 Practice Makes Perfect
Builder Ted Library Skills Game "Do We" Really Know Dewey? Adventure 1 and 2 Eugene School District Information Literacy Skills

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