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CANGAROO-III and beyond
Masaki Mori* for the CANGAROO team *ICRR, The University of Tokyo Pre-ICRC workshop: New Generation Cherenkov Imaging Telescopes Aug 1-2, 2005, Mumbai, India
“CANGAROO” = Collaboration of Australia and Nippon for a GAmma Ray Observatory in the Outback Woomera, South Australia
CANGAROO team University of Adelaide Australian National University
Ibaraki University Ibaraki Prefectural University Konan University Kyoto University STE Lab, Nagoya University National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Kitasato University Shinshu University Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Tokai University ICRR, University of Tokyo Yamagata University Yamanashi Gakuin University 15 universities from Austraila and Japan, about 40 people
Brief history of CANGAROO
1987: SN1987A 1990: 3.8m telescope 1990: ICRR-Adelaide Physics agreement 1992: Start obs. of 3.8m tel. 1994: PSR 1998: SNR1006 1999: 7m telescope 2000: Upgrade to 10m 2001: U.Tokyo-U.Adelaide agreement 2002: Second and third 10m tel. 2004: Four telescope system
(BIcentennial Gamma RAy Telescope)
Why Woomera? NZ: too wet, not many clear nights Woomera: Former rocket range and prohibited area…infra-structure and support Adelaide group was operating BIGRAT ELDO rocket Launch site in ’60s BIGRAT (BIcentennial Gamma RAy Telescope)
CANGAROO-II telescope
Upgraded in 2000 from 7m telescope completed in 1999 114 x 80cm CFRP mirror segments in parabola (first plastic-base mirror in the world!) Focal length 8m Alt-azimuth mount 552ch imaging camera Charge and timing electronics (March 2000) Tanimori et al., ICRC 1999
CFRP mirror & tuning system
80cm, 5.5kg Kawachi et al., Astropart.Phys. 14, 261 (2001)
CANGAROO-II camera 3 FOV R4124UV (Hamamatsu) 0.115 pixel Lightguide
CANGAROO-II Electronics
Woomera: 2004 March The observatory is near Woomera, at the southern edge of Australian desert. Now we completed four ten meter telescope as planned. T T T3 T1
Basic specifications of telescopes
Location: 3106’S, 13647’E 160m a.s.l. Telescope: 114 80cm FRP mirrors (57m2, Al surface) 8m focal length Alt-azimuth mount Camera: T1: 552ch (2.7 FOV) T2,T3,T4: 427ch (4 FOV) Electronics: TDC+ADC T2 The telescope reflector consists of cm diameter small spherical mirrors made of fiber-reinforced plastic with aluminium surface. The first telescope has a 2.7degree field-of-view camera, and the rest three have 4 degree cameras. Mori et al., Snowbird WS (1999)
GFRP mirrors and tuning system
Tuning using star images via a CCD camera 2.0 Before tuning After tuning Ohishi et al., ICRC 2003
Spot size T4 Y (vertical) X (horizontal) 0.7
Point Spread Function (FWHM) T1: 0.20 T2: 0.21 T3: 0.14 T4: 0.16 Y (vertical) (measured at construction time) This is an image of a star focused by our reflector at the focal plane. The full-width-at-half-maximum size of the point spread function is about 0.2 degree. This value is not so good but still less than the size of one pixel of our camera. Image of a star on camera observed by a CCD camera X (horizontal)
CANGAROO-III camera R3479 (Hamamatsu) Lightguide (T1/T234) T1 T2,T3,T4
FOV 3 4 Num.of pixel 552 427 Weight ~110kg Size of PMT ½” ¾” Pixel arrangement square hexagonal HV polarity negative positive HV supply unit 1ch/16 PMTs 1ch/1 PMT
PMT gain uniformity and linearity
Kabuki et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A500, (2003)
Lightguide design Winstone cone cross section
Efficiency vs. incident angle Kajino et al., ICRC2001
High voltage control & monitor
Camera calibration Blue LED flasher at the reflector center
Blue LED flasher in the camera box Patterned screen Yamaoka et al., ICRC2003
CANGAROO-III Electronics (1)
Kubo et al., ICRC 2003
CANGAROO-III Electronics (2)
Discriminator and summing module (DSM) Trigger logic
CANGAROO-III Electronics (3)
Single photoelectron spectrum measured with DSM and ADC ADC linearity
Telescope control Telescope control unit Driving control PC
GPS Position data (every 100ms) Position command (alt-azimuth) RS-232C Driving control PC Remote command/position data/NTP Hayashi et al., ICRC2003 Local area network
Star position error observed by a CCD camera
Star tracking Star position error observed by a CCD camera T3 PMT size RMS deviation 0.013 degree CCD Y-axis (degree) Here are some data showing the performance of our telescopes. This plot shows errors of star positions observed by a CCD camera with a camera lens set at the center of the reflector. It means our tracking accuracy is less than 1 arc miniute and is well within the size of one pixel of our camera. Hear Kiuchi’s talk! CCD X-axis (degree)
Construction of CANGAROO-III
: Observation start : Expansion to 10m : Observation : Tuning T1 T2 T3 T4 2000 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 3 11 12 7 1 6 4-telescope stereo Here is our history of construction of telescopes. The first one is operating in 10m mode for 5 years. The four-telescope array started observation in March last year.
Sample of 4-fold stereo events
Here are some samples of 4-fold stereo events. Color scale shows ADC counts which is proportional to number of electrons detected in camera pixels. For the first half year our telescopes were triggered independently and coincident events are searched for using the GPS timing information and common event numbers. Then we introduced a global trigger system which I will mention later. Data: 2004 March
Global trigger system d Telescopes Telescopes Coincidence
Before: “software trigger” Each telescopes triggered independently Now: “hardware stereo” Requires at least 2 telescopes If no coincidence Reset Dead time 1/100 100m t=d/c < 500ns variable 650ns Opt.fiber 150m Telescopes Telescopes Opt.fiber Turnaround ~2.5s Trigger Wait time ~5s Trigger Event number Coincidence
Effect of global triggers
without global trigger muon with global trigger hadron with global trigger without global trigger Length/size Muon events are removed!
Beyond CANGAROO-III In the near future In the long range
Improvement of old T1 and others In the long range No unified plan yet… Started brainstorming, technical and physical considerations…
Large reflector/high altitude
Where should we go? Wide FOV camera Lower Energy Wider coverage Large reflector/high altitude Higher Energy Large effective area Higher sensitivity
A case study: array of telescopes
How to achieve large effective area in modest cost? Large span array with wide cameras? SPAN Yoshikoshi et al. Paleiseau WS (2005)
Lateral distribution of light
Tail is extended beyond 150m!
Array span vs. effective area
6 FOV camera Gamma-ray energy: 100 GeV, 1 TeV, 10 TeV
Summary CANGAROO-III is a system of 10m imaging Cherenkov telescope build by Japanese-Australian collaboration. We have been carrying out 4-telescope stereo observations of sub-TeV gamma-rays since 2004 March. Now we have incorporated a global trigger system to reduce muons. We are studying the next-generation telescopes. One option could be a large-span array of telescopes to increase the effective area. In summary, we are carrying out 4-telescope stereo observations since 2004 March. Stereo characteristics are under investigation and analysis is underway. Recent results with the first 10m telescope were given for the Galactic center and a pulsar binary PSR B /SS2883.
Stereo observation Target 2 distribution Intersection point (qx, qy)
Angular resolution 0.25deg 0.1 deg Energy resolution 30% 15% Better S/N (no local muons) 2 distribution Intersection point (Simulation) Target Entries/bin Now I turn to our stereo analysis. The procedure is basically the same as that developed by the HEGRA team and I do not go into detail. Square of the angular distance of the intersection point of image axes from the target point, or theta squared, has a peak toward zero if there is a gamma-ray signal. (qx, qy) 2 = x2+ y2 2 [deg2]
Unfortunate situation for the Crab
Showers from the Crab The oldest T1 has higher energy threshold and bad efficiency for stereo observation Only T2/T3/T4 are used for stereo analysis Stereo baseline becomes short for the Crab observation at large zenith angles Now I have to explain our unfortunate situation for observations of the Crab in CANGAROO-III. The 5-year-old T1 has a higher energy threshold and stereo efficiency is bad, so currently we do not use its data for stereo analysis. Then, the stereo baseline to observe the Crab at large zenith angles, around 55 degree, become very short.
Large zenith angle observation of the Crab
Higher energy threshold ~1TeV Bad intersection accuracy Narrower Far coresmall anglebad accuracy h30 That makes our accuracy to determine intersection points of image axes very bad. First we restricted events whose axes opening angle between 15 degree and 165 degree. Entries/bin h60 Accept 15<<165 only
Crab signal (1) Preliminary Preliminary (simple square cuts)
Team “A” (simple square cuts) Nov 2003 On Preliminary Preliminary Off Entries/bin (On-Off)/bin This is the theta squared plot for on- and off-source. The excess of events around zero shows a gamma-ray signal. From its shape we can estimate our angular resolution. 2 [deg2] 2 [deg2] Sigma : 6.19 Excess : 25842 event Angular Resolution : 0.16 (HWHM) T2 & T3 ON 7.5hr OFF 7.0hr
Crab signal (2) Significance map Differential flux Preliminary
Team “A” Significance map Differential flux Preliminary Preliminary This is the significance map of data around the Crab nebula showing the consistency of its position with the Crab nebula. The right panel is the differential energy spectrum which is consistent with that given by the HEGRA group. Angular resolution for the Crab (h~35) ~0.17 (RA) / 0.14 (Decl)
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