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Rutgers University Psychology Department R-Point Subject Pool

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Presentation on theme: "Rutgers University Psychology Department R-Point Subject Pool"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rutgers University Psychology Department R-Point Subject Pool
Guidelines and FAQ


3 Why R-points? Principles of Psychology 101 &102 require students to participate in research First-hand experience of the scientific methods of psychology Valuable data for our researchers! Extra credit class students are not required to complete R points Can use R points for extra points Must wait for “free-for-all”, either shortly before or after spring break! Do NOT sign up for studies or complete prescreen until “free-for-all”!!

4 Underage students (under the age of 18) may not participate in research
An alternate assignment can apply Students will have the option to participate in research once they turn 18

5 R-points Due Date Monday April 30th, 2018
Everything R-points related must be completed, submitted, and assigned by this date. The system will lock you out of your account on May 1st, 2018 and you will not be able to adjust or complete anything else. Accounts will unlock at the beginning of the Fall 2019 Semester

6 How do I earn R-Points? Students over the age of 18 only:
Sign up for time slots on the Sona System website:

7 Sona System: the psychology department’s research scheduling system
Look for studies and read brief descriptions Sign up for times that fit your schedule Manage your schedule and cancel timeslots if needed Read frequently asked questions Find contact info for researchers

8 How do I create a Sona account?

9 Use your RUID # as your User ID
Listed on Blackboard if you look at “Personal Information” Don’t have a net ID for Blackboard? Create a net ID at this site:

10 How do I sign up for an account?
1. Please use your RUID # as your User ID 2. Use an address that you check regularly 3. Sign up for the CORRECT section(s)!

11 What if I have to make up points, or if I want to earn extra credit points for another class?
If taking a class that gives extra credit for r-points, select on course listing Priorities: R-points Makeups (if you’re doing them) Current requirement (Principles 101/102) Extra Credit classes R point studies won’t become visible to extra credit courses until “free-for-all” begins (projected to be right before or after spring break this semester).

12 The first time you log in, you will be invited to take the PRESCREENING SURVEY
Voluntary, 45-minute online survey Must be completed in 1 sitting After submitting ALL answers, you will receive 2 R-points If you decline, you can access the survey later by clicking on “My Profile” and looking for the “Take Prescreen” link

13 “My Profile”

14 How do I sign up for studies?

15 How do I sign up for studies? (continued)

16 Study Information

17 How do I sign up for studies? (continued)

18 How do I sign up for time slots? (continued)


20 Now that you’re signed up….
Be there on time! Researchers are only required to wait 10 minutes before marking you as a no-show Know where you’re going and how to get there Studies on Smith Hall 4th floor give phone numbers for a reason! If you need to cancel, please do it in advance

21 “My Schedule/Credits”

22 How do I cancel a time slot?
Click to view researcher contact information If the cancel button is not available, click to find the researcher’s contact info. Send them an (not me!) Out of courtesy to our researchers, please make every effort to cancel your appointment in advance.

23 What if the researcher cancels or does not show up for the study?
If you receive a cancellation 24 hours or more before the scheduled appointment, no points are rewarded to you. If the researcher cancels the appointment via with less than 24 hours notice, you are entitled to 1 R-Point, regardless of the number of points the study is worth. If the researcher cancels the final slot in a multi-part study via with less than 24 hours notice, you are entitled to all points. Please check your the day of your appointment for cancellations.  If the researcher has not cancelled and fails to show at the designated time, you are entitled to all of the R-Points for that study. If researchers are not present within 10 minutes of start time, please contact the subject pool coordinator at

24 How can I earn R-Points if I do not wish to participate in research?
Adult students (18+) may also summarize research articles from peer-reviewed journals in psychology. One summary = One R point Summaries should be typed (not hand written) 1 page long, double-spaced, 1-inch margin, pt 12 or smaller font size. Papers must be submitted NO LATER than the last day of scheduled classes. (April 30, 2018) The provisions for alternative requirement appear on the Psychology Department web page and are listed in detail on the Sona-Systems website under the menu “FAQ”.

25 Alternate assignment For more information concerning the difference between peer-reviewed and popular literature, please go to

26 Hints and suggestions Take the prescreening survey first!
If you are unsure where to go for a study, look up the researcher’s contact info and ask for directions. If your appointment is on the 4th floor of Smith Hall, remember to dial the number listed in the study info. If you follow someone through the locked door, you won’t know where to go, and the labs are all locked.

27 Ahmet Ceceli R-points Coordinator RutgersRpoints@psychology. rutgers
Ahmet Ceceli R-points Coordinator

28 If you’re interested in a PAID study (no R Points!)
ADHD MRI Study 2 sessions Session 1: Psychiatric Interview (1-1.5 hrs) Session 2: MRI scan ( hrs, only 1 hr in scanner) Must have ADHD diagnosis (can inquire without one for non-ADHD group, but priority in recruitment given to ADHD diagnoses) Ages 18-35, no other psychiatric diagnoses No present or past use of psychoactive meds (no antidepressants, etc., although ADHD meds are fine) Must enjoy eating chocolate and crackers (will be eating M&Ms and Goldfish during scan session) Individuals without ADHD diagnoses who also fit the above criteria may reach out to be considered for the study

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