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Catalysis Experimental Design

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1 Catalysis Experimental Design
Course Work Task Luella High School Henry County Schools, GA Francesca LaJesse 7th period; Dr. R.’s Chemistry Class Digital convergence is taking place in many shapes and forms. Today, many devices and systems offer an array of digital information handling capabilities to allow a user to enjoy different digital information and services with ease. As the mode of access and use of digital information becomes ever more diverse, the need of an effective and universal user interface has become ever more critical, especially in the living room where a user switches arbitrarily among various digital services. Francesca LaJesse Why Not All Chemical Reactions are Fast Enough Salient Features of Catalysts and Challenges Importance of Catalysis Effective Collisions Reversibility of Reactions Reaction coordinate diagram etc. Need to be explained Refer to your notes and other References as needed and do a good job Remember to talk about catalytic converters in detail. . Specificity Sensitivity – pH – temperature Inhibitors and poisons Promoters Cost Catalysis in Biology Give a powerful overview of catalysis in biology What is catalysis? Definition catalysis Definition of catalyst Functions of catalyst Reaction coordinate diagram for catalyst effect Types of Catalysis Sources and References Name and Explain

2 Catalysis Experimental Design
Note This Reaction should not be repeated by anyone Luella High School Henry County Schools, GA Francesca LaJesse 7th period Digital convergence is taking place in many shapes and forms. Today, many devices and systems offer an array of digital information handling capabilities to allow a user to enjoy different digital information and services with ease. As the mode of access and use of digital information becomes ever more diverse, the need of an effective and universal user interface has become ever more critical, especially in the living room where a user switches arbitrarily among various digital services. Expected Outcome The Catalysis Reaction Chosen Procedure (part A- observing catalase reaction) In part A, the hydrogen peroxide should be broken down more quickly due to the enzyme found in the liver, known as catalase. The solution should bubble, demonstrating the break down of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. In part B, the reaction rate of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide should be slowed down due to the extreme change in temperature. An extreme change in temperature causes the catalase to become deformed and have a more difficult time doing its purpose. In part C, the acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate should have also caused the reaction rate of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to be slowed down. This is because the optimum pH of catalase is 7.52, which is around the pH of a neutral. Ideally the water would have had the best effect on the reaction rate of hydrogen peroxide. The acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate would have caused the catalase to become deformed similarly to the extreme temperature changes in part B. Place 2 mL of the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into a clean test tube. Use the forceps and scissors to cut a small piece of liver and add it to the test tube. Push it into the hydrogen peroxide with a stirring rod. Observe the bubbles in terms of endothermic and exothermic reactions, and record the reaction rate based on how rapidly the solution bubbles. Pour off the liquid into a second test tube. Add more liver to this liquid and again record the reaction rate. Add another 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide to the liver remaining in the original test tube. And record the reaction rate. For my experimental design of catalysis, I have chosen the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes into two substances, water and oxygen. The reaction taking place in this experiment is 2H2O2  2H2O + O2 Experimental Purpose This experiment will test the effectiveness of the enzyme, catalase. This speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. This reaction takes place in cells and is important because it breaks down the hydrogen peroxide that is produced as a byproduct of many cellular reactions. If the hydrogen peroxide was not broken down by the catalase, the hydrogen peroxide would act as a poison. Procedure (part B- temperature’s effect on catalase) Put a piece of liver into the bottom of a clean test tube and cover it with a small amount of water. Place this test tube in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Remove the test tube from the hot water bath, allowing it to air cool, and then pour out the water. Add 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to the test tube. Put equal amounts of liver into 2 clean test tubes and 1 mL of H2O2 into 2 other test tubes. Put one test tube of liver and one test tube of H2O2 into an ice bath. Place the other set in a warm water bath, but not boiling. After 3 minutes, pour each test tube of H2O2 into the corresponding tube of liver and observe the reaction, recording the reaction rate of the cold liver with H2O2 and the warm liver with H2O2. Activation Energy Graph Materials HCl solution NaOH solution 6 test tubes Measuring pipette 10 mL graduated cylinder 40 mL of 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2) Straight-edged razor blade Scissors and forceps pH paper Stirring rod Liver, apple, and potato Test tube holders Ice bath Warm water bath Boiling water bath Reaction Coordinate Diagram for the Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide: Image Reproduced with Permission from Procedure(part C- pH’s effect on catalase) Sources Add 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide to 4 clean test tubes. Add 4 drops of vinegar (acetic acid) to Tube 1. Add 4 drops of sodium bicarbonate (base) to Tube 2. Add 3 drops of water (neutral) to Tube 3. Add liver to each test tube. Observe and record the reaction rate for the content of each of the test tubes (acid, base, and neutral pH).

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