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Three Powerful Pens By William J. Miller

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1 Three Powerful Pens By William J. Miller
The most influential British-American Writers of the 18th Century Three Powerful Pens By William J. Miller

2 The most influential British-American Writers of the 18th Century
Thesis Born British subjects, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine did more to help create America than any other British-American writers of the 18th century. The most influential British-American Writers of the 18th Century

3 Franklin’s Early Life Born January 17, 1706, in Boston into a very large, family of humble origins, Franklin could not attend school so he educated himself.

4 Franklin’s Early Life From a young age, he read ravenously and worked as a printer in his brother’s newspaper office. He became highly literate.

5 Franklin’s Early Life Franklin began publishing and selling his own writing while in his mid-teens.

6 Franklin’s Success When older, he wrote, printed and published Poor Richard’s Almanack. He published it for 25 years and sold as many as 10,000 copies in a year (a circu-lation equivalent to nearly three million today). It was one of the more successful publications in American history and helped to make Franklin wealthy.

7 Franklin’s Success In his seventies, Franklin wrote his autobio-graphy, which helped make him even more famous as “The First American.”

8 Franklin’s Influence Franklin was important as a scientist, philosopher and diplomat, but as a writer he helped create the idea of “the American dream.” His life and writings helped people believe that in America, anything was possible.

9 Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States, but the achievements he was proudest of were as a writer.

10 Thomas Jefferson achievements
Jefferson asked that his gravestone mention just three things. No mention is made of his role as president.

11 Jefferson’s Early Life
Jefferson was born in Albemarle County, Virginia. His father was not wealthy, but the young Jefferson had a good education and later inherited considerable property.

12 Jefferson’s Early Life
Jefferson was graduated from the College of William and Mary, studied law, and entered Virginia politics.

13 Jefferson’s Influence
Jefferson was only 33 years old in the summer of 1776 when the Continental congress appointed him to a committee to write a docu-ment stating why America should be independent from Great Britain.

14 Jefferson’s Influence
That document became The Declaration of Independence, one of the more important documents in modern history.

15 Jefferson’s Influence
As the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson holds an important place in the history of the United States and the modern world.

16 Thomas Paine Paine is not as well known as Franklin or Jefferson, but he might have been more important than either.

17 Paine’s Early Life Paine was born in the small village of Thetford, England, and he was poor almost his whole life.

18 Paine’s Writings Paine worked at different types of jobs, including stay-maker, tax collector and teacher. He held very strong opinions about justice and freedom, and he became very active in writing against the laws and policies of the British government.

19 Paine’s Writings He was 37-years old and almost penniless when, with the help of Benjamin Frank-lin, he emigrated to Philadelphia in Paine worked as an editor.

20 Paine’s Writings He strongly believed that the American Colonies should make themselves independent of Britain. In early 1776, he published a booklet called Common Sense. It became a best seller and perhaps the most important book in American history.

21 Paine’s Writings Paine enlisted in the army to fight against Britain, but he kept writing. During the war, Paine wrote another booklet called The American Crisis, which he hoped would inspire American soldiers to keep fighting.

22 Paine’s Writings Paine thought of what he wished to say in The Crisis while he was marching, and when he was ready, he sat down and wrote the booklet on the head of a drum.

23 Paine’s Writings After the war, Paine continued writing books about freedom, including The Age of Reason and The Rights of Man.

24 Paine’s Influence Paine remained poor after the war because he did not accept payment for most of his books. The State of New York gave him property, and Paine lived in this small house in New Rochelle near New York City.

25 Paine’s Influence Paine made many enemies because of his strong opinions, so he is not as well known as many of America’s Founding Fathers.

26 Paine’s Influence Many monuments have been built the Paine’s memory and influence in America, France and even in England.

27 Despite his thorny personality, Paine made many admirers.
Paine’s Influence Despite his thorny personality, Paine made many admirers.

28 Paine’s Influence John Adams, who did not like Paine personally, admitted that Paine was extremely important to American Independence. Adams wrote, “Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain."

29 Paine’s Influence Paine was famous during his lifetime, but unloved. Only six people attended his funeral.

30 Paine’s Influence Paine was buried in New York, but robbers, perhaps paid by his many enemies, removed the body from the grave. No one knows what became of Thomas Paine’s corpse.

31 Paine is remembered as a revolutionary and original thinker.
Paine’s Influence Paine is remembered as a revolutionary and original thinker.

32 He has also been called “the Forgotten Founding Father.”
Paine’s Influence He has also been called “the Forgotten Founding Father.”

33 Paine’s Influence

34 The most influential British-American Writers of the 18th Century
Conclusion Born British subjects, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine did more to help create America than any other British-American writers of the time. The most influential British-American Writers of the 18th Century

35 Sources Boston by Foot. 6 September Web. Brands, H.W. The First American. New York: Anchor Books, Print. Fast, Howard. Citizen Tom Paine. New York: Grove Press, Print. Independence National Historical Park. 9 September Malone, Dumas. The Sage of Monticello. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., Print. 1 September Web. 13 September Web.

36 Quiz Time 1. Where was Franklin born? 2. Where did Jefferson attend college? 3. Where is Paine buried?

37 The most influential British-American Writers of the 18th Century
Quiz Time 1. Where was Franklin born? 2. Where did Jefferson attend college? 3. Where is Paine buried? The most influential British-American Writers of the 18th Century

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