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Presentation on theme: "APPALACHIAN STORAGE HUB CONFERENCE"— Presentation transcript:

STATE GOVERNMENTS PANEL June 7, 2018 ORION STRATEGIES Curtis Wilkerson, Principal

2 Attitudes Toward Energy in the Ohio Valley

3 OVERVIEW The survey was conducted from April 3 – April 6
Both cell phone and land lines were called Responses were collected from from all19 counties in the Ohio River Valley 600 responses were collected 200 from Ohio 200 from Pennsylvania 200 from West Virginia Demographic targets were adhered to to ensure responses reflected the makeup of the geographic location This survey has a Margin of Error of +/- 4 at a 95% Confidence Level


5 Political Party Republican Democrat
Independent/ Third Party

6 Households with Labor Union Members
Yes None Unsure


8 How trustworthy do you find industries operating in your area?
Very Trustworthy Somewhat Trustworthy Not Very Trustworthy Not Trustworthy at All Unsure

9 How trustworthy do you find the oil and natural gas industry operating in your area?
26% 66% Very Trustworthy Somewhat Trustworthy Not Very Trustworthy Not Trustworthy at All Unsure

10 How trustworthy do you find the oil and natural gas industry operating in your area?
by Age Group Very Trustworthy 18-22 Somewhat Trustworthy 23-37 38-53 54-72 Unsure 73+


12 Do you believe that energy companies place a priority on hiring local labor?
Yes No Unsure

13 Do you believe that energy companies place a priority on hiring local labor?
by Age Group 18-22 Yes 23-37 No 38-53 54-72 Unsure 73+

14 Do you or does someone close to you work for the oil and natural gas industry?
Yes No Unsure

15 What energy source do you believe gives America the best chance of achieving energy self-sufficiency? Coal Oil & Natural Gas Renewable Resources Nuclear A Combination None/Unsure

16 When it comes to extracting natural gas and oil in the United States through the use of hydraulic fracturing do you say you support or oppose it? 65% Strongly Support Somewhat Support Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Unsure

17 What best represents your opinion toward increased production of oil and natural gas in your county?
Strongly Support Somewhat Support Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Unsure


19 Trust in Institutions & Organizations
Renewable Energy Industry 69%/20% 73%/21% Building & Construction Labor Unions 66%/28% Coal Industry 49%/42% Environmental Groups 68%/20% Local Chamber of Commerce Highly Trust Somewhat Trust Oil & Natural Gas Industry 62%/34% Somewhat Distrust U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 46%/49% Highly Distrust Unsure


21 We need to continue developing our domestic oil and natural gas resources so we are less dependent on foreign oil and can sustain America’s energy independence. 8% Very Agreeable 89% Somewhat Agreeable Somewhat Not Agreeable Very Not Agreeable Unsure

22 Increased development of our domestic oil and natural gas energy sources has led not only to millions of new United States jobs and economic growth, but also provides significant revenue and tax dollars to state and local communities, which helps fund schools, roads, first responders and more. 17% Very Agreeable Somewhat Agreeable Somewhat Not Agreeable Very Not Agreeable 79% Unsure

23 The oil and natural gas industry is a key component of every American’s modern day life. The industry helps fuel your car, heat your home, and facilitates the manufacturing of a wide range of consumer products such as medical devices, roofing, protective helmets, cameras, computers, etc. 7% Very Agreeable Somewhat Agreeable Somewhat Not Agreeable 89% Very Not Agreeable Unsure

24 The oil and natural gas industry is continuing to increase its efficiency while reducing its environmental footprint by as much as 90%. 56% 27% Very Agreeable Somewhat Agreeable Somewhat Not Agreeable Very Not Agreeable Unsure

25 The oil and natural gas industry is committed not only, to the safety and health of its employees and contractors, but also to the people of the communities in which it operates. 24% Very Agreeable Somewhat Agreeable 69% Somewhat Not Agreeable Very Not Agreeable Unsure

26 The oil and natural gas industry is committed not only, to the safety and health of its employees and contractors, but also to the people of the communities in which it operates. by Age Group Very Agreeable 18-22 Somewhat Agreeable 23-37 Somewhat Not Agreeable 38-53 Very Not Agreeable 54-72 Unsure 73+

27 Key Take-Aways

28 Key Demographics History of Industry High Labor Union Household Rate
High level of Retirees

29 Key Findings Money/Economic Issue Matter
Disbelief that industry is using Local Labor Do not know people in industry – or do not know that people they know are in the industry

30 Key Targets Democrats Generation Z Labor Households

31 Curtis Wilkerson, Principal
THANK YOU ORION STRATEGIES Curtis Wilkerson, Principal


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