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Analyze Fishbone Diagram

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Presentation on theme: "Analyze Fishbone Diagram"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyze Fishbone Diagram Used the 5 Why’s to explore the cause and effect relationships underlying each problem to determine the root cause. This is the Lean analysis slide. Tools that may have been used, and would require their own slides, are: •Spaghetti Diagrams •VA/NVA Analysis •Takt Time •5S

2 Improvements Identified- Brainstorm
This is where identified improvement opportunities would be listed. Took the root causes and brainstormed all changes that could improve the process. Every idea was given a number.

3 Improvement: PICK Chart
Implement Challenge Impact If necessary, summarize the findings of your project through the analyze phase. Possible Kill Effort Each idea from the brainstorm process was prioritized to identify which ideas to continue to pursue.

4 Future State Process Improve
This slide should show what the new process is designed to look like. Within this notes section should be a list of techniques used to design the improvements, for example: •Kanban / Pull •Mistake Proofing •Quick Changeover •Workplace Organization •Process Mapping •Process Documentation Improvements we selected from PICK, were the most crucial (Value-Added & Non Value Added but Necessary). From these we developed the Future State Process Map.

5 Risk Mitigation/Assessment SxOxD:
Improve Risk Mitigation/Assessment SxOxD: We quantified the risk factors assisting in prioritizing current and future changes. Risk Priority Number (RPN): Allows the team to quantify various failure modes to assist in prioritizing the team’s improvement efforts. RPN= The total number of SxOxD (Severity x Occurrence x Detection) . The higher the RPN, the higher priority the potential failure mode becomes & prevention becomes the focus of the team.

6 Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions)
Improve Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) We made a list of the key issues raised, proposed actions for modifying the Pilot (including who is responsible for making the change). Listed any modifications and changes needed. We implemented the changes from the pilot and moved to testing. Poka-Yoke The results of the pilot should be shown here, in the format of an SPC chart.

7 Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) Trans
Improve Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) Trans

8 Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) – 800 Yard
Improve Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) – 800 Yard

9 Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) CC/BB Rows
Improve Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) CC/BB Rows

10 Improve Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) Name & Number Needed of Directional Signs A spreadsheet was created to show STS the type of sign, number needed, and how they would be mounted in the yard. The initial number of needed signs we came up with was 75.

11 Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) Location of Directional Signs
Improve Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) Location of Directional Signs We used a large map and used circles to note exactly where we wanted signs on the terminal.

12 Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) Directional Signs
Improve Pilot Results (Test Selected Solutions) Directional Signs Worked with the Sign company to design the signs needed.

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