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Inter-Service Postal Training Activity
INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. Effective Date Not Assigned 805C-CJAF5242 / Version 5 Perform Postal Functions All Courses SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Course Number Version Course Title Lesson Including This 5.0 Course Created on Wed Oct 12 15:37:31 EDT ASIF5 7C-SI/ASI4J/500- Taught(*) or Task(s) 2011 None Task Number Task Title Supported 805C-LF Prepare Claims and Inquiry Forms Task(s) Task Number Task Title Reinforced 805C-LF Prepare Money Order Report 805C-LF Maintain Stamp Stock 805C-LF Accept Domestic Mail 805C-LF Cash Domestic Postal Money Orders 805C-LF Sell Domestic Postal Money Orders 805C-LF Process Incoming Registered Mail 805C-LF Prepare Mail Transportation Documentation 805C-LF Process Mail 805C-LF Conduct Audit of Stamp Stock 805C-LF Control Domestic Money Order Forms 805C-LF Dispatch Outgoing Registered Mail 805C-LF Deliver Registered Mail 805C-LF Maintain Postal Supplies 805C-LF Conduct Postal Directory Functions 805C-LF Close a Registry Section 805C-LF Operate an Integrated Retail Terminal 805C-LF Operate a Postal Service Center 805C-LF Report Suspected Postal Incidents 805C-LF Accept International Mail 805C-LF Accept Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services 805C-LF Provide Postal Security Knowledge Knowledge Id Title Taught Required Skill Skill Id Title Taught Required 1 Hours Academic Administrative/ Yes 12 hrs 40 mins Practical Exercise (Hands-On) Academic Resident Hours / Methods The administrative/academic hours required to teach this lesson are as follows: Yes 2 hrs 25 mins Test Yes 0 hrs 25 mins Test Review Yes 0 hrs 10 mins Conference/Discussion Test Lesson Total Hours: 16 hrs 0 mins ________________________________________________________________________ Number Hours Lesson Number Lesson(s) Lesson Number Lesson Title Prerequisite 805C-CJAF5205 Accept Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services 805C-CJAF5201 Accept Domestic Mail 805C-CJAF5212 Maintain a Stamp Stock 805C-CJAF5216 Process Registered Mail 805C-CJAF5213 Conduct Money Order Business 805C-CJAF5208 Accept International Mail 805C-CJAF5221 Prepare Mail Transportation Documentation 805C-CJAF5220 Prepare Claims and Inquiry Forms 805C-CJAF5218 Process Mail 805C-CJAF5240 Maintain Postal Supplies 805C-CJAF5232 Operate a Postal Service Center 805C-CJAF5230 Conduct Postal Directory Functions Classification Material Training Foreign U - Unclassified. Security Level: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: FD1. The materials contained in this training event/course have been reviewed by the Restrictions Disclosure restrictions. training event/course is releasable to students from all requesting foreign countries without developers in coordination with the Fort Jackson / Soldier Support Institute FD authority. This Additional Number Title Date References DOD M DoD Postal Manual 15 Aug 2002 DMM Domestic Mail Manual Information USPS POS103 Postage Rates, Fees and Manual POM Postal Operations Instructor Assignment None Student Study Requirements None Personnel Support Student Name Requirements Man Ratio Qty 2 for Instruction Required Equipment Ratio ID - Name Student Ratio Spt Qty Exp 0:0 0:0 No 0 PAD,RUBBER STAMP INKING - SPECIAL HANDLING Small Stamp - SPECIAL DELIVERY Small Stamp - INSURED - elliptical Large Stamp REQUESTED - RETURN RECEIPT Small Stamp Large Stamp showing addres where delivered - Return receipt requested - Return Receipt Requested Large Stamp - PAL Large Stamp - RESTRICTED DELIVERY Small Stamp Small Stamp - FIRST CLASS IRT C-PVI - Unisys (PVI) Postage Validation Imprinter Series 2000, Model 2050, Model 2050, Keyboard IRT Unisys Series 2000, 0:0 0:0 Yes 0 2000, Model 2050, Integrated IRT2050-CPU - Unisys Series Retail Terminal (IRT) Display 2000, Model 2050, Customer's IRT2050M07 - Unisys Series 2000, Model 2050, Clerk's IRT2050M12 - Unisys Series Printer 2000, Model 2050, Receipt IRT2050PTR - Unisys Series IRT Unisys Series Reader (Wand) 2000, Model 2050, Barcode Materials (Note: Asterisk before ID indicates a TADSS.) Required Instructor Materials: Student Materials: Lesson Plan / Slides; Mock Post Office Scenarios; Test 3 and Range Training Area, Classroom, ID - Name Quantity Student Mins Setup Cleanup General Instruction Classroom, 30 Person Requirements DODIC - Name Exp Ammunition 1 2:30 5 5 Instruct Qty Spt \ Instructional Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion SECTION II. INTRODUCTION Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor (1:30/2) Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction Time of Instruction: 5 mins Motivator: It is your mission is to achieve efficient and responsive processing, transportation, and their accompanying family members. As a Military Postal Clerk, you are responsible for uniform offices provide postal services to members of the Armed Forces and DoD civilians, including distribution of personal and official mail within the Department of Defense. Armed Forces post distribution of military mail. worldwide postal practices and procedures to ensure accurate processing, transportation, and Perform Postal Functions January 2017
TLO – Perform Postal Functions
LESSON OUTCOME: Students will perform postal functions IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. 21ST CENTURY SOLDIER COMPETENCIES: Professional Competence Comprehensive Fitness Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Tactical and Technical competence TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written / performance based examination. Terminal Learning Objective Action: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written /performance based examination. 21st Century Soldier Competencies are outlined in Appendix C of TRADOC Pamphlet (The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015) are general areas of competence or attributes required by Students and leaders to prevail in complex, uncertain environments. Together, they provide a foundation for operational adaptability. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with ATP 5-19, Risk Management. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet (DD Form 2977) in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. Assessment: Low risk. Electrical shock. Risk Assessment Level Low - Back injury. Controls: Ensure students use proper lifting techniques. or broken wires before energizing and use. Leader Actions: Leaders will conduct a Risk assessment and ensure students use proper lifting techniques when moving heavy parcels and inspect electrical equipment and outlets for frayed Inspect electrical equipment and outlets. IAW FM , Environmental Considerations {MCRP 4-11B}, and ensure students are briefed on hazards and control measures. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTALRELATED RISK ASSESSMENT Environmental Considerations: Instructor should conduct a Risk Assessment to include Environmental Considerations scenario based examination with a minimum passing score of 75%. Evaluation Students must receive a "GO" on the Mock Post Office hands-on exercise and pass a written / Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps to serve military personnel overseas or aboard ships. MPOs Lead-in Military post offices (MPOs) are branches of a U.S. civil post office, operated by the Army, Instructional lessons and operate a Mock Military Post Office. and a military situation requires the service. During this lesson, you will review all previous provide postal service for military personnel where the U.S. civil postal service does not operate 6 Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Method of Instruction: Practice Exercises 1. Learning Step 1 / Activity 1. Mock Post Office Media: Simulation Time of Instruction: 8 hrs Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Action: Perform Mock Post Office Scenarios At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. 2. Flexible Credit Account to be Audited 1. Integrated Retail Terminal (IRT) 3. PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition 6. PS Form 3368, Stamp Credit Examination Record 5. PS Form 3294, Cash and Stock Count Summary 4. PS Form 1096, Receipt 7. PS Form 3369, Consigned Credit Receipt 10. Student Handout 9. All Purpose Dating Stamp (APDS) and Stamp Pad 8. PS Form 3977, Duplicate Key Inventory STANDARDS: Students will review the following tasks IAW DOD M, to achieve a minimum of 80% accuracy on the End of Course Exam. - Receipt for a Flexible Credit Stock. - Operate an IRT. - Conduct an Audit of a Flexible Credit Stock. - Exchange Damaged Stock. - Replenish a Stamp Stock. Evaluation: Instructors will conduct observations for every section of the Mock Post Office and inform students of ‘No Go’ or ‘Go’. NOTE: show slide- Mock Post Office Overview/Exercise
Mock Post Office Overview / Exercise
Note to Instructor: In slide show presentation mode, click on the picture open the link and play the video. SECTION III. PRESENTATION TLO - LSA 1. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 1. Overview of Mock PO Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:15/2)* Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Hands-On) Time of Instruction: 1 hr 40 mins Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction Media Type: Actual Equipment Security Classification of: U - Unclassified. Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Note: Instruct students to: Conduct an overview of Mock Post Office operations / scenarios. Exercise documents are located on SharePoint: Check on Learning: NOTE: Check on Learning Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. A: Registered mail Q: What is the most secure means of mailing item(s)? Q: What are the stipulations for Self-sealing envelopes? A: They are not accepted as registered mail, unless the are sealed with paper tape. Q: The fee to register an article is based upon what? A: The declared full value of the article. Review Summary: Conduct a Summary Review TLO - LSA 2. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 2. Administer Mock PO Scenarios and MESLS; Reset Mock PO Instruction Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:15/2)* Time of Instruction: 6 hrs 0 min Note to Instructor: Administer Mock Post Office Scenarios and MESLS. Reset the Mock Post Office for future classes. Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: Insurance coverage and indemnity claims are NOT accepted in case of loss or damage for what type of mail service? A: Certified Mail Q: When using certified mail service, a FEE is collected in addition to what? A: In 7 addition to the appropriate First-Class or Priority mail postage any additional fee(s) for other services. A: Press the CERT/RECORD DEL key, press the PO METER/PVI key Q: What step(s) do you take to enter certified mail into the IRT?
Completing PS Form 17 Vanessa Hunter 1 2 3 Paul H. Wilson 4
APO AE $.01 $.05 $.10 $.25 $1.00 $5.00 $10.00 $20.00 Sheet of stamps Sheet of stamps Sheet of stamps Sheet of stamps Stamp Booklet ( stamps) Coil of Stamps ( stamps) No. 6 ¾ plain stamped envelopes N o. 10 plain stamped envelopes 1 Completing PS Form 17 UNIT 2 12 JULY 2015 2 3 Paul H. Wilson 4 Blue areas indicate action after clerk physically counts stock. 5 TLO - LSA 3. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 3. Conduct F5 Lessons Review Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Hands-On) Instruction Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:15/2)* Time of Instruction: 5 hrs 0 min Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction Media Type: PowerPoint Presentation Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified. Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Instructional Guidance NOTE: Before presenting this summary lesson plan , instructors must thoroughly prepare by reviewing the 12 lessons and identifying reference material. Also, provide the students with situational awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Administer practical exercise as applicable throughout each lesson review. Review Maintain Stamp Stock. Vanessa Hunter Vanessa Hunter 7 6 Stamp Stock
Completing PS Form 3369 x TBD
NOTE: For NAVY personnel the ship’s name and FPO number must be identified (i. e., USS Boulder (LST 1190) FPO AE 09212). Name Location of Credit (Check One) Stamp Credit Cash Credit Credit Amount Max. Authorized Cash Portion Issued by (Signature) Date I will faithfully account to the U.S. Postal Service for the assigned credit amount shown above or modified by transactions recorded on my Daily Financial Reports. I have read the following statements and have been advised of the priorities of protection to be given funds and accountable paper in Part , Fiscal Handbook, F-1 and Parts 213 and 220, Fiscal Handbook, F-50. Employees and contractors will be held responsible for losses of stamps and funds from stamp credits resulting from failure to provide the best available protection during and after post office hours in accordance with Part 430, Fiscal Handbook. Withdrawal of official funds for personal use, whether temporary or permanent, may subject employees or contractors to removal from office, cancellation of contract, and criminal prosecution for violation of Title 18 Section 64.1 or 1711, U.S. Code. Signature PS Form 3369, May CONSIGNED CREDIT RECEIPT 1 2 Shows initial amount clerk accountable for VANESSA HUNTER UNIT 2 APO AE x 4 $1, 3 5 TBD Amount determined by MACOM Paul H. Wilson 6 12 JUL 2015 NOTE: Review the completing of PS Form 3369 with students. PS Form 3369 shows the amount that is extended to the clerk. The instructions for completing PS Form 3369 are as follows. (1) Enter the name of the clerk to whom the account will be extended to. (2) Enter the parent location of the account. (3) Check the type of credit that will be extended to the clerk. (4) Enter the amount of the credit. (5) Enter the maximum amount of cash the clerk will be allowed to have on hand. (6) The COPE will sign and date. (7) Stamp with the APDS. (8) The clerk will sign and date after physically counting extended stock. Note to Instructor: Review with students that if the clerk is geographically separated, the stamp requisitions are transported through registered mail. Note to Instructor: Review with students the forms used to initially issue the finance clerk accounts PS Forms 17, 3369, 3294, 3368. Action after physical count 7 Vanessa M. Hunter 12 JULY 2015 8 Stamp Stock
Check on Learning What two forms are needed to extend an initial issue flexible credit account to a clerk? PS Form 17 and DD Form 3369 When would a clerk sign for his/her flexible credit account? After physically counting all stamps, stationary, and funds What is the disposition of PS Form 3369? The COPE receives the original; clerk retains the duplicate NOTE: Conduct a Check on Learning PS Form 17 and DD Form 3369 After physically counting all stamps, stationary, and funds The COPE receives the original; clerk retains the duplicate Stamp Stock
Types of Audits Monthly Audits. Quarterly Audits. Special Audits.
(1) Monthly Audit: This type of audit is conducted each month normally by the COPE, custodian of a “filler stock” account, MPO supervisor, or Monies Audit Board member. (2) Quarterly Audit: This type of audit is conducted during the third month of each calendar quarter (i.e. Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec). It may count as both a quarterly and monthly audit. (3) Special Audit: This type of audit is conducted when needed for any special reason. For example: missing, AWOL, hospitalized, theft, natural disaster situations, during an investigation when postal funds are missing, etc. It may count as a quarterly or monthly audit. Stamp Stock
Flexible Credit Account Tolerance Limits
Tolerance limit is 1% of the closing balance of the account. Amount will vary. The tolerance limit for flexible credit accounts is 1% of the “change fund” available in that account. For example: $1.00 for a $ flex credit account. This amount will vary due to the flexible nature of this type of account. Stamp Stock
Check On Learning What are the three types of audits?
Monthly, Quarterly and Special What is the tolerance limit for a flexible credit account of $700.00? $7.00 Under what circumstances is a special audit conducted? Missing, AWOL, hospitalized, during an investigation for missing funds Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What are the three types of audits? A: Monthly, Quarterly and Special Q: What is the tolerance limit for a fixed credit account of $700.00? A: $7.00 Q: Under what circumstances is a special audit conducted? A: Missing, AWOL, hospitalized, during an investigation for missing funds Stamp Stock
Conducting an Audit 8.80 20 44Cent Stamps
Note: Introduce audit information with students. Students will learn how to account for each portion that makes up their stamp stock through an audit. Stamp Stock
Page 1 of PS Form 3294 Record in white area ONLY See pg. 2
Complete Worksheet for Unit Cash Reserve Count or Cash and Stamp Stock Count FIRST Record in white area ONLY PS Form 3294 consists of four pages. Page 1 shows the cumulative amount after all stamps, stationery, and money have been counted. It also shows the amount of overage or shortage, if any, after the audit has been completed. A breakdown of page one is as follows: (1) The top portion of page 1 is for administrative information. (2) Blocks 1 thru 25 are self-explanatory. There are two columns in this section. Results are recorded in the white area, NOT the shaded gray area. (3) The “Cash and Cash Items on Hand” (blocks 26 thru 33) should be completed first. The total of block 33 is then transferred to block 1 on the PS Form 3294. $94.72 See pg. 2 Stamp Stock
Stamp Count Count each item separately, then multiply that total by its denomination. For Example: You counted ($.44 stamps) 35 X $.44 = $15.40 Stamp Stock
Envelopes and Post Cards Count
Envelopes – add $.10 fee per stamped envelope For Example: You count 18 ($.54 envelopes) 18 X $.54 = $9.72 Stamped Post Cards – add $.02 fee per stamped post card For Example: You count 20 ($.28 post cards) 20 X $.28 = $5.60 (1) You will account for stamped envelopes as it would be sold to the customer. When counting stamped envelopes, the customer will pay the current first-class rate for postage plus an additional fee for the envelope. For classroom purposes, the first-class rate is $.44 and the envelope fee is $.10. Therefore, the total amount per stamped envelope would be $.50. For example: You counted 18 stamped envelopes in your stock. 18 x $.54 = $9.72 (2) You will account for stamped post cards as it would be sold to the customer. When counting stamped post cards, the customer will pay the first-class post card rate for postage plus an additional fee for the post card. For classroom purposes, the first-class post card rate is $.26 and the post card fee is $.02. Therefore, the total amount per stamped post card would be $.28. For example: You counted 20 stamped post cards in your stock. 20 x $.28 = $5.60 NOTE: SHOW SLIDE – PAGE 4 OF PS FORM 3294 Stamp Stock
9 Page 2 of PS Form 3294 10 64 64X1.00=64.00 Page 2 of PS Form 3294 is where the auditor counts and records the quantity of the number of stamps for each domination in the clerk’s stamp stock. This page is divided into blocks that allows for an easy recording of the number of stamps on hand. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE– STAMP COUNT Stamp Stock 11
PS Form 3368 Stamp Credit Examination Record
All account holders will have a PS Form 3368 maintained as long as they’re responsible for the account. PS Form 3368 is used to: record the results of the audit. serve as a reference in determining if overages or shortages are consistently showing up on audits. Stamp Stock
PS Form 3368 1 2 3 5 8 6 7 9 10 4 NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR:
Check On Learning PS Form 3294, Cash and Stamp Stock Count and Summary
What form is used by the auditor when auditing a flexible credit account? PS Form 3294, Cash and Stamp Stock Count and Summary Which portion of PS Form 3294 is completed first during an audit? Worksheet for Unit Cash Reserve Count or Cash & Stamp count Can a clerk be relieved of their postal duties for consistent overages that are within tolerance limits? Yes What form is used as a reference guide for overages and shortages found in audits? PS Form 3368, Stamp Credit Examination Record Note : Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What form is used by the auditor when auditing a flexible credit account? A: PS Form 3294, Cash and Stamp Stock Count and Summary Q: Which portion of PS Form 3294 should be completed first during an audit? A: Blocks 29 thru 33 – Cash and Cash Items on Hand Q: Can a clerk be relieved of his/her postal duties for consistent overages that are within tolerance limits? A: Yes Q: What form is used as a reference guide for overages and shortages found in audits? A: PS Form 3368, Stamp Credit Examination Record Stamp Stock
Duplicate Keys and Combinations
Must be placed in a PS Form 3977, Duplicate Key Inventory Envelope. Review Duplicate Keys and Combinations. Stamp Stock
PS Form 3977 Duplicate Key Inventory
Completed PS Form 3544 Completed by Clerk
Receipt PFO AP I acknowledge receipt of PS Form 3977, Post Office Key APDS Paul H. Wilson, COPE JUL 2015 Prepared in duplicate – Clerk retains the original Stamp Stock -- Attach duplicate to outside of PS Form 3977
Check On Learning What is a PS Form 3369 and what is it used for?
Consigned Credit Receipt; used to receipt for a fixed/flexible credit account If a clerk needs money for personal use, can he/she use funds from his/her stamp stock account? No What must the clerk be mindful of when securing a copy of a combination in PS Form 3977? Enough wrapping is used to cover the contents to prevent detection through the envelope Consigned Credit Receipt; used to receipt for a fixed/flexible credit account No Enough wrapping is used to cover the contents to prevent detection through the envelope Stamp Stock
Integrated Platform Scale 9K0U
NOTE: Instructor will refer students to Student handout pages Integrated Platform Scale 9K0U a. The Integrated Platform Scale 9K0U (Scale) is the most technically advanced system available for deployment. The Scales’ unique design assists the clerk in providing fast, accurate and efficient service to the customer. What you will learn can be accomplished in a matter of seconds by just pressing one or two keys on the Scale’s keyboard. Some of the Scale’s capabilities include automatic calculation of domestic and international postage rates, and rate comparison. The Scale is also capable of recording each transaction as it is completed. b. This system has been designed so that it can be operated with ease. This lesson will familiarize you with the operation of the Scale and its different parts. Let’s start by getting acquainted with the weighting platform and display unit. The 9K0U SCALE is an integrated system designed with a separate weight platform and display unit. (See Figure 1-1) NOTE: Show Slide #6 – PARTS OF A SCALE CONT’D. REFER STUDENTS TO STUDENT HANDOUT FIGURE 1-2.
Parts of the Scale 9K0U (Cont’d.)
PARTS OF A SCALE CONT’D (3) This keyboard consists of 50 keys. These keys are color coded for easy recognition and are organized on the keyboard in seven rows. (See Figure 1-3). - Postal Rate keys ……………..…….Blue Line - Meter Function keys………………Green Line - Scale Function keys………………Gray Line - Supervisor Functions keys………..Purple Line - Numeric Keys ………………………Right hand side of Keyboard - Menu keys…………………………..Left hand side of Keyboard NOTE: Instructor will refer students to the Student handout pages 5 – 8. NOTE: Instructor will demonstrate. Student handout pages 5 – 8; “ How to Connect the Scale” and “Changing the Rate Card”. NOTE: The rate cards is change when USPS makes changes and updates. We must be using rates and have current changes. NOTE: Show Slide #8 – Check on Learning.
Check on Learning Q: What are the two components of the Integrated Platform Scale 9K0U? A: Platform and display unit. Q: Why do we change the Rate Cards? A: When USPS makes changes and updates – We must be using current rates and have current changes. Check on Learning Q: What are the two main components of the Integrated Platform Scale 9K0U? A: Platform and display unit. Q: Why do we change the Rate Cards? A: When USPS makes changes and updates – We must be using current rates and have current changes. NOTE: Show Slide #9 – The Postage Meter
The Postage Meter NOTE: Instructor will refer students to Student handout pages The Postage Meter a. As a postal clerk, you will be required to know how to use the postage meter. The postage meter is a mobile postage printing device used primarily for selling large denominations of postage instead of stamps at a remote site. b. The postage meter is used alone with the scale. This module will familiarize you with the operation of the postage meter and its different functions. Let’s start by getting acquainted with the machine features. 1. Control Panel—allows you to enter and setup information on your machine. 2. Top Cover—opens up to allow replacement of the ink cartridge. 3. Stacker Tray—allows the neat stacking of finished mail pieces. 4. Operator Guide Slot —allows you store the Operator Guide for easy access. 5. LED—lights green when your system is on; lights orange when your system is in "sleep" mode. 6. Transport Release Lever (two position) Home - transport rollers engaged for processing mail (normal) Released - transport rollers disengaged so you can clear a stalled mail piece. NOTE: The machine won't process mail when left in the released position. 7. Feed Deck—supports your envelope, post card or tape sheet as it passes under the printer mechanism. NOTE: Show Slide #10 – The Postage Meter Control Panel
The Postage Meter Control Panel
NOTE to Instructor: refer students to the Student handout pages The Postage Meter Control Panel 1. Screen Selection Keys—allows you to select a line (one key for each line) on the operator display. Whenever the left arrow (◄) occupies the first position in one of the display lines, you may press the corresponding Screen Selection key to select that line. 2. Operator Display—shows the current status of your system and prompts you through all setup operations in a four line LCD. 3. Page Up/Page Down (Scroll Keys)—allows you to scroll up and down through menu choices in the operator display. If a Page/Up/Down key is lighted, it indicates additional choices are available in a menu (up or down, depending on key) and that Page Up/Down key can be pressed to access these further choices. 4. Lock/Power Key—Dual function. Prevents unauthorized use of your system if lock feature is setup and machine is in "sleep mode"; entering your four-digit password unlocks (awakens) the machine. Also allows you to power up or power down machine. 5. Yes/Enter and No Keys—allows you to confirm an operation or answer “Yes” or "No" to a prompt. The “Yes” key also function as the Enter key for data entry. 6. Alpha/Numeric Keypad—allows you to type in numbers and letters for account names, postage values, and other information. 7. Feature Keys—allows you quick access to the most common features on the system. Pressing a Feature key takes you immediately to the top-level screen of the feature for that key. NOTE to Instructor: refer students to the Student handout pages 13 – 30. NOTE: Instructor will demonstrate. Student handout pages 13 – 30; “ Installing the Postage Meter” and “Changing the Ink Cartridge for the Postage Meter”. NOTE: Every 270 days you will need to plug the meter into the net work to update/upload. NOTE: Show Slides – Lock Code Password
PS Form 3602-PO PS Form 3602-PO is issued in a book of 100, triplicate sets, numbered consecutively and is an accountable item. This form is kept in triplicate: The first two copies with any supporting documents attached are kept on file. The third copy is kept in the book. PS Form 3602 – PO, Postage Collected through Post Office Meter a. The PS Form 3602-PO, Postage Collected through Post Office Meter are used daily to record the daily meter register readings. b. PS Form 3602-PO is issued in a book of 100, triplicate sets, numbered consecutively and is an accountable item. NOTE: PS Form 3602-PO are requisitioned through normal postal supply channels. c. This form is kept in triplicate: The first two copies with any supporting documents attached are kept on file with the COPE. The third copy is kept in the book. NOTE: Supporting documents are Electronic Cash (EC), example: Eagle and Navy Card, etc. NOTE: Students must check with their local station for the policy on using the Eagle and Navy Cash Card. NOTE: Credit and debit card transactions are not accepted on the Meter Machine. d. If a form set is spoiled in any manner, mark all three copies with “Void” and keep the original on file with the COPE. The duplicate copy remains in the book and the triplicate is destroyed. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 14 – PS Form 3602-PO – Beginning of Day
PS Form 3602-PO Beginning of Day
Clerk PS Form 3602 – PO, Postage Collected through Post Office Meter –Beginning of Day – Daily Meter Reporting Cont’d NOTE: Instructor will refer students to Student handout page 31 & 32. e. The Clerk’s responsibility at the beginning of the day is to record the following information on the PS Form 3602-PO: Block 1. UNIT OR STATION - Enter the station where the meter is assigned. For example: APO AE Block 2. MANUFACTURE’S NAME – Enter the manufacturer’s name. For Example: Pitney Bowes or PB. Block 3. METER NUMBER – Enter the meter serial number located just next to the Transport Release Lever Button. Block 4. DATE - Enter the current date (Day, month, year) Block 5. DESCENDING REGISTER BEGINNING – Obtain this number from the meter “Balance Descending” register reading. Go to “Funds” button. Press the “Funds” button twice. This provides the available postage Amount (Descending register beginning on PS Form 3602-PO) NOTE: To avoid mistakes on PS Form 3602-PO, write the numbers from right to left exclude preceding zeroes. For example, if the register window shows “ ”, first write “8”, then “9”, “0”, “2”, and “1”. DO NOT skip any box or write decimal periods. Block 6. ASCENDING REGISTER BEGINNING – Obtain this number from the meter “Total Ascending” register reading. Block 7. COPE and Clerk’s initial – COPE and the Clerk enters their initials next to the Descending register beginning and Ascending register reading on all three copies. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 15 – Zero Tape
Example of a Meter Stamp
Zero Tape Steps to run a “Zero” tape: 1. Press “ZERO/SPACE” Button 2. Press “Yes/Enter” Button Insert the postage tape into the postage meter Example of a Meter Stamp PS Form 3602 – PO, Postage Collected through Post Office Meter –Beginning of Day Cont’d a. The Postal Clerk will run a “zero” tape at the Beginning of Day to ensure the meter is functioning correctly and to verify the date is correct. Steps to run a “ZERO” tape: 1. Press “ZERO/SPACE” Button 2. Press “Yes/Enter” Button Insert the postage tape into the postage meter NOTE: Example of a Meter Stamp is show above; review the difference parts and stress what the clerks are checking for when they run a zero tape. NOTE: Attach the Zero Tape to the third copy of the PS Form 3602-PO. NOTE: The Third Zero after the period on the Zero Tape (postal applied )is use by the Postal office to give a discount to the customer who is mailing in bulk. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE #16 – How to Operate the Scale (Calculating Postage on the Scale)
Calculating Postage on the Scale
The display should read 0lb 0.0oz Enter the weight manually Select how you want to mail your item The calculated postage displays How to Operate the Scale - Calculating Postage on the Scale 1. With nothing on the scale, the display should read 0 lb 0.0 oz. If the scale is not at 0 lb 0.0 oz, press the Zero Scale key. Enter the weight manually: (a) Press “Scale Function” or “L” key (b) Select “Manual Weight Entry” (c) Enter weight in this formant: Example for 10 lbs 5 oz – (d) Press Enter Key NOTE: The Postal Clerk would place the item to mail on the scale. Select how you want to mail your item by pressing a Select Class key. (a) For example, select First Class” or “Q” key. The scale will asked “Letter, Large Envelope or Package” (b) Select “Letter” (c) If asked: Select “Dim Entry” (d) Press the button for “Select Zip” (e) Enter the 5 digit zip-code and press enter (f) Enter length, Width and Height (g) Add extra services (if applicable) The calculated postage displays. NOTE: Select Class key is First Class, Priority, Parcel Post, Express, or International (Class of mail is discussed later in the lesson). NOTE: All items above are discussed later in the lesson. NOTE: Instructor will refer students to Student handout page NOTE: Show Slide #17 – The Meter Postage
The Meter Postage Postage Meter Stamp – is used on a letter that the mail clerk can feed through the meter. Postage Tape – is used for large pieces and parcels that can’t be run through the machine. Operating the Meter: a. At no time, the postage meter should be used for weighing any items received. All item received will be weighed on the scale, and the price of postage that the scale produces will be manually entered into the meter. NOTE: Instructor will refer students to the Student handout page 36 b. Once the postage is entered manually in the meter, the mail clerk has two options to apply the postage: Postage Meter Stamp or Postage Tape. 1. Postage Meter Stamp – is used on a letter that the mail clerk can feed through the meter. 2. Postage Tape – is used for large pieces and parcels that can’t be run through the machine. NOTE: The clerk must apply the meter tape to parcels or letters in the presence of the customer at the time of the transaction. NOTE: For class purpose, students will not print a postage stamp or package tape. Students will write on the right side of package: P - amount of postage , T – amount of postage and cancelling bars. NOTE: Show Slide #18 – Postage Refund
PS Form 3602-PO END OF DAY PS Form 3602 – PO, Postage Collected through Post Office Meter – End of Day – Daily Meter Reporting NOTE: Instructor will refer students to Student handout pages a. The Clerk’s responsibility at the End of the Day is to record the ending, ascending and descending register readings. Block 1. DESCENDING REGISTER END - Obtain this number from the meter “Balance Descending” register reading. To avoid mistakes on PS Form 3602-PO, write the numbers from right to left exclude preceding zeroes. Block 2. ASCENDING REGISTER END - Obtain this number from the meter “Total Ascending” register reading and enter it in the same manner as explained above. Block 3. RECEIVED FOR PAOSTAGE – This is the total of daily business conducted. Go to “funds” button Press the “funds” button twice This provides the available postage amount (Descending register ending on PS Form 3602-PO). Subtract the ending from the beginning descending register. The end result is the amount of postage meter used (Received for postage on PS Form 3602-PO). NOTE: The two ending amounts MUST be equal and these figures reflect the amount of funds you have to submit to the COPE. Block 4. Postal Clerk – The postal clerk prints his or her name and rank, and signs . Block 5. COPE – The COPE prints his or her name and rank, and signs. NOTE: SHOW SLIDE 21 – Check on Learning
Student Completed Box Example
Completing PS Form 3813 This portion is attached to the article.
This portion is given to the customer. 1 18.25 2 2.75 5 6 21.00 7 James Simmons Bennettsville, SC 25 Lawson Street 8 150.00 4 10 9 3 11 Note: Review completing process of the PS Form 3813 and 3813-P for the following slides. After determining that the parcel is mailable, complete PS Form 3813, Insurance Mail Receipt, Domestic Only $200 and under. PS Form 3813 is an original-only receipt and is retained by the mailer. No other copies or record is kept at the office of mailing or by the office of delivery. The process for completing PS Form 3813 follows: (1) Item 1, For Official Use. Leave Blank. (2) Item 2, enter the amount of postage charged for the article. Enter ONLY the POSTAGE. When PAL service or a surcharge is applied, add the postage plus the PAL fee or surcharge together and place the total in the postage block. (3) Item 3, ask the customer whether the package presented for insurance contains fragile, perishable, liquid, or hazardous matter. If so, then mark the appropriate. For classroom purposes, this block will be left blank. (4) Item 4, enter the amount of insurance coverage. This amount should be the actual value of the content(s). (5) Item 5, enter the insured fee. Refer to the NOTICE 123 for fee amount. (6) Item 6, leave blank. (7) Item 7, although available, this service is not popular at Military Post Offices. Leave Blank. (8) Item 8, leave blank. (9) Item 9, enter the total amount of the postage and fees. (10) Item 10, postmark with the APDS. The APDS provides the date and post office that accepted the article for mailing. (11) Item 11, is to be completed by the customer.
Categories of Insured Mail
Insured Mail $200 and under For articles valued $200 or less (Insurance without a signature) Insured Mail Over $200 For articles valued $ up to $5,000.00 (Insurance with a signature) Review Categories of Insured Mail Note: Review the categories of insured mail. CATEGORIES OF INSURED MAIL. All insured pieces will have a bar coded label and receive a delivery scan. Insured mail falls into two categories based upon the declared dollar value of the article. (1) Articles valued at $ or less are processed as "$ AND UNDER INSURED". A signature will not be required at delivery for these articles. (2) Articles valued from $ up to a maximum of $ are processed as "OVER $200 INSURED". These articles will receive a signature and scan at delivery. NOTE: Other service such as Return Receipts can be combined with Insured mail to suit the customer’s request. c. $ AND UNDER INSURED (FEES). The under $ insured fee is from $1.75 to $ This fee applies to articles with declared cash value of $0.01 to $ Now turn to the Extra Services and Fees section in the NOTICE 123 and review the insured mail chart.
Completing PS Form 3813-P This portion is attached to the article.
This portion is given to the customer. 2 5 6 7 8 250.00 3 1 25 Lawson Street Bennettsville, SC James Simmons 4 18.25 4.70 2.30 29.75 4.50 11 10 9 INSURED OVER $200 (FEES). The fee for the over $200 insurance rate is based on the liability coverage. Liability starts at $ and goes up to $5, The appropriate fee for a over $200 insured article is collected from the customer in addition to the applicable postage and any other fees. Refer to your NOTICE 123 for the insurance fee. (1) After determining that the article is mailable, complete the PS Form 3813-P, Insured Mail Receipt, Domestic Only, Over $200 under. The addressee when delivered must sign for these articles and the post office that delivers the article maintains a record of delivery. NOTE: Do not use PS Form 3813-P for Express mail. Express mail is automatically covered up to $ (2) The PS Form 3813-P is also an original-only form retained by the mailer. Copies or records are not kept at the post office of mailing. Other special services such as Parcel Air Lift (PAL), Restricted Delivery, and Return Receipts can be combined with this service. Complete PS Form 3813-P as follows: (a) Item 1, Leave Blank. For Official Use. (b) Item 2, enter the amount of postage charged for the article. When PAL service or a surcharge is applied, add the postage plus the PAL fee or surcharge together and place the total in the postage block. (c) Item 3, ask the customer whether the package presented for insurance contains fragile, perishable, or flammable matter. For classroom purposes, this block will be left blank. (d) Item 4, enter the amount of insurance coverage. This amount should be the actual value of the content(s). (e) Item 5, enter the insured fee. Refer to page 35 of the NOTICE 123 for fee amounts. (f) Item 6, enter fee for the additional service, restricted delivery (will be covered later in lesson). (g) Item 7, although available, this service is not popular at Military Post Offices. Leave Blank. (h) Item 8, enter fee for the additional service, return receipt (will be covered later in lesson). (i) Item 9, enter the total amount of the postage and fees. (j) Item 10, postmark with the APDS. The APDS provides the date and post office that accepted the article for mailing. (k) Item 11, is to be completed by the customer.
Placement of Insured Label
MSG Terry North 117 Finance CO CMR 430, Box 15 APO AE P I T PRIORITY MAIL Note: Review the placement of the insured label Remove the $200 and under insured label from the receipt portion of the form. Peel the protective tape off the back of the label and place the label on the address side of the article above the destination address and to the right of the return address, leaving room to affix postage. Marie Boyd 1315 Davis Avenue Tallahassee, FL
Types of Acceptable Payment
Cash Travelers Checks a) money order must be at least 50% of the value of the travelers check b) must be made payable to “Postmaster” U.S. Postal Money Orders Debit Card Eagle Cash/Navy Cash Note: Review the types of acceptable payments. When collecting the fee for a postal money order sale, customers may pay for money order purchases via the following ways: (1) Cash (US currency only) (2) Travelers Checks (a) money order must be at least 50% of the value of the travelers check and payable in US dollars (b) travelers check must be made payable to “Postmaster” NOTE: Second-party travelers checks will not be accepted. (3) U.S. Postal Money Orders (4) Debit Card (5) Eagle Cash / Navy Cash: a debit-featured card that is currently being piloted by the Army and Navy that eliminates the need for cash and cuts down on security costs. Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines can use their card at ATMs, to purchase items at the PX or at on-board stores, post office, to transfer funds, and much more. h. The money order imprinter is quick, efficient and designed to save time and effort at the finance window. It should be kept secure at all times (out of reach of customers) due to its ability to print negotiable instruments. It is provided to military post offices/units by the USPS and is considered accountable equipment under custody of the COPE. CJAF5213
PS Form 1000, Domestic Claim or Registered Mail Inquiry
Used to file a claim for indemnity (compensation for damage or loss). Used to make inquires only on uninsured registered domestic mail. Review PS Form 1000 40
Who May File an Indemnity Claim?
Type of Mail Reason for Claim Who may file Insured, Registered, or Express Mail Complete Loss Sender Only Some Contents Missing Sender or Addressee Damage Review Indemnity Claim. 41
How to File A Claim Show Evidence of Insurance:
- Original Mailing Receipt - Mailing Wrapper Show Evidence of Value: - Sales Receipt - Invoice or Statement of Value - A Picture from a Catalog - Customer’s Own Statement - Paid Repair Bills Review How to File Claim.
Check on Learning Who determines whether a customer should receive a refund? US Postal Service Where can a claim be filed? Any military or civilian Post Office US Postal Service Any military or civilian Post Office
Monitoring Supplies Supply clerks monitor supplies using PS Form 1586, Supply Record. A separate PS Form 1586 is maintained for each item used. Enter minimum and maximum levels in pencil to allow for adjustments. Review Monitoring Supplies
PS Form 1586 Showing Required Information
NOTE: Review PS Form 1586 NOTE: Enter maximum and minimum levels in pencil to allow for adjustment when requirements change. (Occasionally, the USPS will introduce a new item; this may cause deletion of another item. As supply clerk for your MPO, you must annotate changes in your supply catalog and on the PS Form You will read these changes in the Postal Bulletin your office receives on a biweekly basis.)
Inventory Control Establishes minimum and maximum stock quantity.
MPOs should maintain at least a 3-month but not more than a 5-month level of supply. Ships should maintain at least a 5-month supply. NOTE: Review the Inventory Control functions with students. Inventory control establishes the minimum and maximum stock quantity. By maintaining an accurate stock level, you will have sufficient USPS postal supply items available at all times and not run out. Conduct inventory on a semiannual basis, as a minimum (during the months of January and July). This shows the need of supplies and the accuracy of the supply record. Record the inventory count on PS Form 1586. (1). Operating MPOs should maintain at least a 3-month but not more than a 5-month level of supplies. Consider the amount of time it takes to receive supplies from the Material Distribution Center. (2) If you are stationed on a Navy ship deployed for months, be sure you have enough postal supplies to last at least 5 months.
Inventory Entry Figure 2-3 NOTE: PS Form 1586 Showing Inventory Entry
The example shows that the clerk counted 650 PS Form 3806s during inventory. This inventoried amount is the current balance on hand. Record this amount in the appropriate area. Note to Instructor: Briefly review with students that if the shipping order is not received or if they state the reason for non-shipment of an item the supply clerk should report the discrepancy to the Material Distribution Center. Figure 2-3
Check on Learning When should supply clerks order supplies?
When supply level falls below 3 month stock level If there are discrepancies on a shipping order who would the supply clerk report it too? COPE or Postmaster What is the amount of supplies that land based MPO should maintain on hand? 3 months but not more than 5 months When supply level falls below 3 month stock level COPE or Postmaster 3 months but not more than 5 months
DD Form 2262 Receptacle Record
Review Postal Directory Functions PSC Slides
Name Labels For Mail Receptacles
54 DOE, J. For Service Member 54 DOE,/SMITH, A. For Service Member & Dependent w/ Different Last Name Review Name Labels for Mail Receptacles. R54 DOE, J. For Retired Service Member PSC Slides
DA Form 3955: In-Processing
Y NOTE: Review DA Form 3955: In-Processing Slide. PSC Slides
OPNAV 5110/5: In-Processing
Y NOTE: Review OPNAV In-processing form. PSC Slides
AF Form 624: In-Processing
NOTE: Review AF Form 624: In-Processing. PSC Slides
M C A O R R I P N S E NAVMC 10572: In-Processing
NOTE: Review NAVMC In-processing form. PSC Slides
Directory Cards Arrange in alphabetical order by last name regardless of rank or status. For same last names, file by first name then middle initial. As a minimum, directory cards contain: individual's name (last, first, middle initial) grade organization and mailing address PSC receptacle number Review Directory Cards. -Directory cards are arranged in alphabetical order by last name in one file regardless of rank or status (separate directory file cards by using alphabetical separators). If last names are the same, then subsequently file by first name and middle initials if necessary. -Postal directory cards are maintained on all service members. Directory cards contain, at a minimum, the individual's name (last, first, middle initial), grade, organization, mailing address, and PSC receptacle number. When a family member has a different last name, annotate the sponsor’s card with the dependent’s first name, middle initial and last name. Also, prepare a separate directory card using the dependent's last name and file it in the directory file with the rest of the cards.
Definition Directory mail is mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of an incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. Review Definition Slide. You might be asking yourself, what is directory mail? Directory mail is mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of an incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. All postal activities providing mail delivery service to authorized customers must maintain a directory file for personnel authorized to receive mail through their facility. Directory files include every person serviced to include those personnel on temporary duty (TDY/TAD); those scheduled to arrive; and those who have recently departed.
Purge (Destruction) Date
Directory cards for PCS personnel are coded for destruction in the first work week of the 13th month after departure. For student or patient of six months or less, code for destruction four months after departure. Screen directory file and destroy card(s) during the first work week of each month. Computer listings may be used in place of card files. Review Purge (Destruction) Date. -Code directory file cards for permanent party personnel who have departed/PCSd for destruction in 13 months. For example, if a member departs anytime during July 2010, then the directory file would be coded for destruction in August This date is called the 'purge date.' -If a projected gain has been canceled or the member was a student or patient for 6 months or less (temporary assignment), then code the directory card for destruction in 6 months. For example, if the individual departed in May, code the card for destruction in September. Screen (purge) the directory file during the first workweek of each month. Remove and destroy all cards coded for destruction during that month. -Computer listings or other means of electronic storage may be used in place of card files, if the requirements previously mentioned are met. All changes to manual or automated systems will be made as they occur (normally on a daily basis.)
Treatment of UAA Periodicals
Periodicals are publications which transmits information to an established list of subscribers or requesters. Periodicals are forwarded for only 60 days. After 60 days, newspapers and magazines are: distributed to military hospitals, recreation services, dormitories, chaplains turned over to the nearest DoD property disposal office as salvage paper treated as waste returned at the publisher's request. Review Treatment of Undeliverable as Addressed Periodicals. a. Periodicals are publications (e.g. magazines and newspapers) whose primary purpose is transmitting information to an established list of subscribers or requesters. Directories process a large volume of periodicals. The reason is mainly that individuals do not inform their publishers that they are moving or have already moved. b. A method to reduce the volume of periodicals you process is to inform all PCSing individuals to notify their publishers of their new address as soon as possible. This is very important because periodicals are forwarded for only 60 days. After 60 days, newspapers and magazines are distributed to military hospitals, recreation services, dormitories, chaplains, turned over to the nearest DoD property disposal office as salvage paper, or treated as waste unless copies are to be returned at the publisher's request.
Check On Learning What is directory mail?
Mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. What information is included on the Directory Service card for a member who has departed? Date departed, purge date (date to destroy the card), and the forwarding address. When would you code the directory card for destruction in 6 months? If a projected gain has been cancelled or the member was a student or patient for six months or less. Provide Check on Learning. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is Directory Mail? A: Mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. Q: What information is included on the directory service card for a member who has departed? A: Date departed, purge date (date to destroy the card), and the forwarding address. Q: When would you code the directory card for destruction in 6 months? A: If a projected gain has been cancelled or the member was a student or patient for six months or less.
DD Form 2263 – Mailing Address/ Combination Notice
DD Form 2263 for Issuing Advance Mail Receptacles
MSGT JOHN P. SMITH 76 MUNSS PSC 100, BOX 24 APO AE DD Form 2263 for Issuing Advance Mail Receptacles ENTER THE COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS HERE. LEAVE THIS SECTION BLANK. Review DD Form 2263 for Issuing Advance Mail Receptacles. PSC Slides
DD Form 2258 for Personnel Temporarily Absent
DOE, JOHN A. 54 X JOHN A. DOE 428 ABS/IMM PSC 88, BOX 5000 APO AE John A. Doe DD Form 2258 for Personnel Temporarily Absent PSC Slides
DD Form 2258 for Advance Mail Receptacle
Receiving Articles on Inside Bill
MUST have a witness present when opening registered pouches. Verify contents listed against contents received then receipt for the articles. Annotate if discrepancies are found. Review Process Registered Mail Before you open any registered pouch, you MUST have a witness present. In rare instances, if a witness is not available, write NWA in the space the witness would normally sign. Inside each pouch you will find another bill [PS Form 3854] (inside bill) between the 1st and 2nd article listing the contents of the pouch. You and the witness will verify the inside bill and pouch content, then sign the bottom portion of the inside bill. Use the following procedure to verify and receipt for the articles inside a pouch:
2. Verify article numbers and describe any irregularities found.
REGISTERS 1 2. Verify article numbers and describe any irregularities found. WIT: Jerry Ryder Rochelle Sanders 3. Enter number of articles actually received Review Slides Receiving Articles on Inside Bill (Cont.). (1) Verify the pouch seal number against the seal number listed on the inside bill. (2) Check the registry numbers on the bill against the registry number on the articles. At the same time, verify that each piece of mail is addressed to your post office. If discrepancies are found, annotate as described above. Process missent mail for dispatch with the rest of the outgoing mail. (3) Enter the number of articles received on this bill. (4) Write the notation "WITNESS:" or "WIT:" and have the witness sign on this line. (5) Sign your name on this line. (6) Enter the current time here. (7) Postmark the bill and the coupon with the APDS. 4 7 WIT: Rebecca Solis Anthony L. Smith 0930 WIT: Jerry Ryder Troy Black 5 6 1030
10 RB US ‘SHOULD READ’ RB US RB US – ‘NOT RECEIVED’ RB US – ‘MISSENT’ 8 9 WIT: Jerry Ryder Rochelle Sanders After completing the coupon, detach it from the bill and return it to the dispatching activity. Receiving Articles on Inside Bill (Cont.) (8) Write the number of pieces received on the incoming inside bill. (9) Write “WIT:” and have the witness sign on this line. You sign below the witness’s signature. (10) Write the article number and irregularity for each irregularity found. NOTE: Back-stamp all registered mail received (letters and OSPs). WIT: Rebecca Solis Anthony L. Smith 0930 WIT: Jerry Ryder Troy Black 1030
Check on Learning What is a transfer bill?
A transfer bill is a PS Form 3854 used by window clerks to transfer registered mail accepted over the counter to the registry section. What is a mail guard? A mail guard is an individual who accompanies the mail and is responsible for the safe and secure transportation of mail. What distinguishes a pouch from an outside piece on a truck bill? A pouch is represented by a seal number that has an “S” preceding the number. An outside piece has an “O” preceding the article number. What are some common discrepancies found on incoming bills? Seal number used doesn’t match seal number on the bill; registry number transposed; registry number listed but article not present; registry article received but number not listed. What must be present before you open a registered pouch? A witness. Conduct Check On Learning. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is a transfer bill? A mail guard? A: (1) A transfer bill is a PS Form 3854 used by window clerks to transfer registered mail accepted over the counter to the registry section. A: (2) A mail guard is an individual who accompanies the mail and is responsible for the safe and secure transportation of mail. Q: What distinguishes a pouch from an outside piece on a truck bill? A: A pouch is represented by a seal number that has an “S” preceding the number. An outside piece has an “O” preceding the article number. Q: What are some common discrepancies found on incoming bills? A: Seal number used doesn’t match seal number on the bill; registry number transposed; registry number listed but article not present; registry article received but number not listed. Q: What must be present before you open a registered pouch? A: A witness.
TLO – Perform Postal Functions
LESSON OUTCOME: Students will perform postal functions IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES: Professional Competence Comprehensive Fitness Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Tactical and Technical competence TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written / performance based examination. Terminal Learning Objective Action: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written /performance based examination. 21st Century Soldier Competencies are outlined in Appendix C of TRADOC Pamphlet (The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015) are general areas of competence or attributes required by Students and leaders to prevail in complex, uncertain environments. Together, they provide a foundation for operational adaptability. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with ATP 5-19, Risk Management. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet (DD Form 2977) in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. Assessment: Low risk. Electrical shock. Risk Assessment Level Low - Back injury. Controls: Ensure students use proper lifting techniques. or broken wires before energizing and use. Leader Actions: Leaders will conduct a Risk assessment and ensure students use proper lifting techniques when moving heavy parcels and inspect electrical equipment and outlets for frayed Inspect electrical equipment and outlets. IAW FM , Environmental Considerations {MCRP 4-11B}, and ensure students are briefed on hazards and control measures. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTALRELATED RISK ASSESSMENT Environmental Considerations: Instructor should conduct a Risk Assessment to include Environmental Considerations scenario based examination with a minimum passing score of 75%. Evaluation Students must receive a "GO" on the Mock Post Office hands-on exercise and pass a written / Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps to serve military personnel overseas or aboard ships. MPOs Lead-in Military post offices (MPOs) are branches of a U.S. civil post office, operated by the Army, Instructional lessons and operate a Mock Military Post Office. and a military situation requires the service. During this lesson, you will review all previous provide postal service for military personnel where the U.S. civil postal service does not operate 6 Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Method of Instruction: Practice Exercises 1. Learning Step 1 / Activity 1. Mock Post Office Media: Simulation Time of Instruction: 8 hrs Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Action: Perform Mock Post Office Scenarios At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. 2. Flexible Credit Account to be Audited 1. Integrated Retail Terminal (IRT) 3. PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition 6. PS Form 3368, Stamp Credit Examination Record 5. PS Form 3294, Cash and Stock Count Summary 4. PS Form 1096, Receipt 7. PS Form 3369, Consigned Credit Receipt 10. Student Handout 9. All Purpose Dating Stamp (APDS) and Stamp Pad 8. PS Form 3977, Duplicate Key Inventory STANDARDS: Students will review the following tasks IAW DOD M, to achieve a minimum of 80% accuracy on the End of Course Exam. - Receipt for a Flexible Credit Stock. - Operate an IRT. - Conduct an Audit of a Flexible Credit Stock. - Exchange Damaged Stock. - Replenish a Stamp Stock. Evaluation: Instructors will conduct observations for every section of the Mock Post Office and inform students of ‘No Go’ or ‘Go’. NOTE: show slide- Questions?
Questions TLO - LSA 4. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 4. Test
Method of Instruction: Test Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:15/2)* Time of Instruction: 2 hrs 25 mins Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction / Individual/Timed Media Type: Situational Based Instruction Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified. Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object SECTION V. STUDENT EVALUATION Testing Requirements Students must receive a "GO" on the Mock Post Office hands-on exercise and pass a written / scenario based examination with a minimum passing score of 75%. Feedback Requirements Conduct a test review. TLO - LSA 5. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 5. Test Review Method of Instruction: Test Review Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:30/0) 8 Time of Instruction: 0 hrs 25 mins Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction Media Type: None
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