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Northwest Valley Community College

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1 Northwest Valley Community College
Communication Plan Keith Miller AET/560 October 13, 2014 Dr. Charity Jennings

2 Need for Change Reason to Launch
Currently majority of students not degree seeking Many students enrolled for workplace advancement (certificates, associates programs, individual classes) Increasing percentage of students are seeking A.A. and A.S. degrees – demand shift Community growing as well Need to grow our programs to meet increasing demand for degree programs Expenses almost double revenues, currently $89 million in debt Decline in student preparedness Reference: Harris, D. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. About us. Retrieved from Moksvold, L. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Memo from office of President: Alternative delivery of class notes. Retrieved from Oney, L. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Provost. Retrieved from Spurgers, R. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus.  Academic proficiency of incoming freshman. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2014). Virtual organization: Northwest Valley Community College. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AET560 website.

3 Reason to Launch Strategic Responsiveness (Change Implementation)
Improve student preparedness Reduce expenses (balanced budget) Provide training for staff Strategic Renewal Developed curriculum to meet demand for degree/certificate programs Prepare for growing community Strategic Responsiveness (Change Implementation): which is actions taken by organizational leaders in order to support strategic renewal. Recommend strategic responsiveness to engage the organization of changes in external dynamics that drives its continued growth and success Transformation that directly targets the patterns of employee actions and interactions to create long-term, sustainable alternations in behavior and promote motivation Strategic Renewal: a change in an organization’s strategy involving some combination of new products/services, new markets, and new a new business model. Tools and techniques to engage, evaluate, and measure change process Transformational behavioral change through all participates and stakeholders based on implementation of change process at each stage Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change Theory into practice [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. Boston, MA: Pearson. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AET/560 website

4 Use Technology Self-pace refresher program
In-service training for faculty and staff Interactive training session on new Learning Management System Workforce training using the Transfer Training method Incorporate First Year Student seminar into New Student Orientation Learning internships designed for students and available through business in the local community. Training program : Implement interactive training session on use of new Learning Management System for faculty and staff during the mock testing phase and final version prior to role of system for feedback. Training staff on using the formative and summative evaluation process outlined by Giberson (2006), as part of the program development to track data, establish control measure to determine effectiveness, and feedback of the Learning Management System and its use among the faculty and students. Create self-paced refresher program in Math and English for not only potential new students that did not meet the minimum competency level for enroll into the college, but also transfer or current student that made need refresher training in these academic areas, but at their own pace of study. Provide continuing education training in workforce communication, such as interview and negotiation skills, conflict resolution, and interpersonal communication in alignment with Gist’s Transfer Training method. Using Gist’s Transfer Training method looks at using training and transfer methods using complex, dyadic negotiation task (1990), of identical simulation-response training, various conditions of practice, general principles of rules of their environment. In-service training to faculty and staff on customer service, employee/student engagement, and facilitating training and methods. Assess First Year Student seminar for inclusion into New Student Orientation versus duration of a semester of student. By incorporating the FYS subject as part of the New Student Orientation it will be focused at the beginning with lectures, handouts, rules and responsibilities handbook as take away for the student to utilize throughout the year, and it will have its most impact to feasibility. Paid and non paid learning internships designed for students and available through business in the local community. Some business may offer tuition reimbursement for employment commitment. Administrative and faculty members to reach out to community to help form and implement internship programs for students. This provides learning opportunities for students and community involvement between educational organization and community members References Giberson, T. R., Tracey, M. W., & Harris, M. T. (2006). Confirmative Evaluation of Training Outcomes: Using Self-Report Measures to Track Change at the Individual and Organizational Level. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 19(4), doi: /j tb00384.x Gist, M. E., Bavetta, A. G., & Stevens, C. (1990). TRANSFER TRAINING METHOD: ITS INFLUENCE ON SKILL GENERALIZATION, SKILL REPETITION, AND PERFORMANCE LEVEL. Personnel Psychology, 43(3), Oney, L. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Provost. Retrieved from Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change: Theory into practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.

5 Training Program Strategic Renewal (Change Implementation)
Add new programs in hospitality, medical and business and certificate programs to meet local requirements Increase online course availability Update e-Commerce Security Review Student Rights and Responsibilities Balance Budget Revise First Year Student seminar Training Program - Strategic Renewal (Change Implementation) Hiring new instructors for hospitality, medical and business professionals and increase certificate programs Offer more courses to fit local requirements Improve student security of information Create digital signature for Student Handbook Balance budget – Lean assessment may be required Assess First Year Student seminar for inclusion into New Student Orientation versus duration of a semester of student. By incorporating the FYS subject as part of the New Student Orientation it will be focused at the beginning with lectures, handouts, rules and responsibilities handbook as a take away for the student to utilize throughout the year, and it will have its most impact to feasibility. Reference: Harris, D. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. About us. Retrieved from Lofguist, L. (n.d.) Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Administration. Retrieved from Oney, L. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Provost. Retrieved from Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus.  Budget. Retrieved from. Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

6 Testing for Organizational Effectiveness
Shared diagnosis will be used to evaluate key elements within the colleges capacity to support the new strategies Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses within the current organization structure and processes Determine key ways of mobilizing energy needed to abandon the status quo Pinpoint target area for data collection Diagnostic framework and dialogue Consultant and Questionnaire Face-to-face meetings and Feedback Data point – After Action Review Shared diagnosis as Spector (2013) indicates is, “opening stage of organization change, the process that outlines the principles of change” (p.61). The diagnosis through the collective of data, dialogue and discovery will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses within the organization current structure and processes. It will determine key elements for mobilizing strategies to abandon the status quo, and pinpoint target area for data collection. Reference: Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change: Theory into practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection

7 Testing cont. Change must start at the top level of educational board down to the faculty and students Engagement and implementation of diagnosis process first steps to change Transform college’s stagnate state to an environment of embracing change in the classroom and optimum performance from the faculty and students Ongoing observation by the President and Dean within each classroom not realistic environment Engagement in decision making will empower faculty and students in the development of the college Shared Diagnosis At Northwest Valley Community College, change has to start from top level of the Educational Board and work its way down to the Professor and students. Everyone included in the change must be apart of the process. By The College investing and engaging in a Diagnostic Process, it will not lead to a cohesive and coordinated change. Sharing in diagnosis and its implementation helps move the process forward in an effective manner. The end result of the college is to release the current habits from a stagnate state and allow for an atmosphere of embracing a much needed change in how class is conducted to achieve optimum performance from the Professors and students. The President and Dean of each concentration can not spend countless hours observing the professor and the way the students learn. The cause of not being ready available is reason and purpose for using a shared diagnosis. Engagement in decision making will make students and faculty feel they have a say in the development of the organization. Reference Implementing Organizational Change: Theory and Practice, 3e Chapter 3: Implementing Organizational Change: Theory and Practice, 3e ISBN: Author: Bert Spector Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. (2013)

8 Testing (cont.) Consultant - Hire an outside consultant to evaluate NVCC’s board of directors to include student services. Consultant - is an individual possessing a broad range of diagnostic and developmental skills who facilitates a change intervention (Spector 2013). A consultant will assist with a change at top level of educational board down to the faculty. An outside source may be able to look at the organization more fairly. Also will provide training to those assigned to human resources at NVCC. Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change Theory into practice [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. Boston, MA: Pearson. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AET/560 website

9 Provide Feedback Questionnaire – Provide a series of questions to gather information about the climate of NVCC from top to bottom. Depending on the questions and responses may determine employee clarity of NVCC’s strategy, quality, and supervision. Administered to all levels of faculty Questionnaire – The most popular form of collecting data which is written questionnaires. By providing a benchmark measurement against either other organizations or against best‐practice units within the organization, questionnaires can help build dissatisfaction with the status quo and awareness of the need for change. When used for internal measurement, the results can serve as an early warning system for problems developing within a unit (Spector 2013 p. 64). Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change Theory into practice [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. Boston, MA: Pearson. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AET/560 website

10 Provide Feedback Formative and summative evaluation process
Control measure Track data Feedback and Surveys Performance appraisals Transfer Training method Appraisals - Using the Formative and summative evaluation process outlined by Giberson (2006), as part of the program development to track data, establish control measure to determine effectiveness, and feedback of the Learning Management System and its use among the faculty and students. Gist’s Transfer Training method refers to Performance Appraisal as a key measuring tool to gauge success of training, but also student feedback and customer surveys. References Giberson, T. R., Tracey, M. W., & Harris, M. T. (2006). Confirmative Evaluation of Training Outcomes: Using Self-Report Measures to Track Change at the Individual and Organizational Level. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 19(4), doi: /j tb00384.x. Gist, M. E., Bavetta, A. G., & Stevens, C. (1990). TRANSFER TRAINING METHOD: ITS INFLUENCE ON SKILL GENERALIZATION, SKILL REPETITION, AND PERFORMANCE LEVEL. Personnel Psychology, 43(3),

11 Continuous Improvement Monitors
Feedback Effectiveness of Change Results Faculty Comments Student Comments Community Comments Data Monitoring Feedback The purpose for receiving feedback is to have a collection of data or factual comments regarding change outcomes that are to benefit the participants and the community who are the stakeholders, who are expecting to benefit from the change process. Feedback by way of faculty comments, student comments, and community comments, will give NVCC’s mission for change, a clearer picture concerning the effectiveness of the actions taken and performance results. Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change: Theory into practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection

12 Addressing Negative Responses
Face-to-Face Meetings Mutual Engagement Commitment to Change Process Effective Change Process Change Process affects Organizational Performance Shared Diagnosis Face-to-Face Meetings In order to create an academic environment of commitment and success among NVCC faculty and students, face-to-face meetings and/or interactions between students and faculty to mutually engage in effective dialogue, will provide a platform in which students can express their academic concerns to faculty members, and faculty members can share course goals and encourage future degree options. Mutual engagement between faculty board members, faculty staff, and students regarding changes, allow all who participate in the change to stay engaged and active in the change process, and to observe how and when the change process affects students’ performance in pursuing a degree. Reference: Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change: Theory into practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection

13 Affects of Organizational Change
Continuous Improvement Monitors Diagnostic framework Blue print and guide based on information gathered from gap analysis Outlines better learning environment, methods of educating students, and ways to engage the students and facilitators Dialogue Effectual process and means of communication Structure of change for President, Dean, and faculty to collaborate and impart policies and procedures to enhance student learning experience Builds trust, inclusion and mutual understanding Data Monitoring Diagnostic framework This is a blue print and guide that has been agreed upon based on other information such and a Gap Analysis. Various personal have given feedback and insight to the desired outcome. This frame work outlines better learning environments, methods of educating the students, and ways that will engage the students and facilitators. Dialogue No task will be created, probed, implemented and evaluated without the effectual process and means of communication. Structure of change is based on the ability for The President, Deans and faculty to collaborate and impart new polices / procedures to the students to enhance there learning experience. Dialogue builds trust, inclusion and mutual understanding. mutuality because the purpose of dialogue is to move beyond the understanding. Reference Implementing Organizational Change: Theory and Practice, 3e Chapter 3: Implementing Organizational Change: Theory and Practice, 3e ISBN: Author: Bert Spector Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. (2013)

14 References Giberson, T. R., Tracey, M. W., & Harris, M. T. (2006). Confirmative Evaluation of Training Outcomes: Using Self-Report Measures to Track Change at the Individual and Organizational Level. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 19(4), doi: /j tb00384.x. Gist, M. E., Bavetta, A. G., & Stevens, C. (1990). TRANSFER TRAINING METHOD: ITS INFLUENCE ON SKILL GENERALIZATION, SKILL REPETITION, AND PERFORMANCE LEVEL. Personnel Psychology, 43(3), Harris, D. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. About us. Retrieved from Lofguist, L. (n.d.) Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Administration. Retrieved from Oney, L. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Provost. Retrieved from Moksvold, L. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Memo from office of President: Alternative delivery of class notes. Retrieved from Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change: Theory into practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection. Spurgers, R. (n.d.). Northwest Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Academic proficiency of incoming freshman. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2014). Virtual organization: Northwest Valley Community College. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AET560 website.

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