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Exponential and Logistic Functions

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Presentation on theme: "Exponential and Logistic Functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exponential and Logistic Functions
Objective: Students will be able to solve and graph exponential functions and apply to real world situations

2 Exponential Functions
Continuous for all real numbers How do you know if a function is exponential or not?

3 Example Are the following exponential functions

4 Basic Properties What does the exponent tell us Repeated multiplication What if exponent is zero Answer will always be 1 What if exponent is negative Turns into a fraction What if it is a fraction Root is denom and power is exponent

5 Exponential Function From Table
Look for constant multiplication between answers from consecutive x values Function evaluated at zero will tell you the x value The constant multiplication value will be the base

6 Example G(x)=4=a Constant multiplication is 3 so 3 is the base
h(0)=8=a Constant multiplication is ¼ so ¼ is the base

7 Growth and Decay

8 Exploration Work on the exploration on page 279 in the book, it works on graphs of exponential patterns, key is what do you notice 1a The a value of 1, or point (0,1) 1b D all reals, Range 0 and all positive reals, Continuous, No Symmetry, No extremes, Bounded below by y=0, also an asymptote, Lim as x infinite is infinite, lim as x  -infinite is 0 2a Same as above the a value 2b same as above but decreasing, and limits the other way

9 Transforming exponential Functions
What happens when a changes a>1 vertically stretches - skinny a<1 vertically shrinks - fat What happens when you add or subtract a number to the exponent - Translates graph left and right What happens when you add or subtract a number to the function - moves the graph up or down What if a is negative - Reflex graph across x-axis What if exponent is negative - Reflect graph across y-axis

10 Natural Base e Basic natural growth function Looked at in unit 1.3

11 Exponential Functions and the Base e

12 Exploration 2 Work through exploration 2 on page Graph 2 k=0.7 3 k=0.693

13 Transformation of Natural Log
What happens when you multiply the x by a constant - horizontal stretch or shrink What happens when you put a negative in front of x - reflect across y What happens with a number in front of e - vertically stretch or shrink What happens with a negative in front of e - reflect across x

14 Logistic Function

15 Graphing Logistic Find y-intercept and horizontal aysmptote Y-int function evaluated at zero Asymptote – numerator is one and zero because denom is larger than numerator

16 Examples

17 Example

18 Example

19 Homework Pg , 11, 13,14,15,25-30 a only, ,51 Honors 67

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