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The Gaby ∞ owners manual

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Presentation on theme: "The Gaby ∞ owners manual"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gaby ∞ owners manual
By: Gaby setiabudi

2 Appearance It always has a HAPPY SMILE on it's face
You could recognize The Gaby ∞ by looking at it's face, attitude, etc. It always has a HAPPY SMILE on it's face It is somewhat tall for its age It can read, write, etc. It is very athletic in many different sports It is very sociable to people Likes to try different things

3 Appearance Pt. 2 Product's intended use Be athletic Be lazy or tired
Swim Volleyball Softball Basketball Etc. Be lazy or tired Become annoying Be talkative Be hungry Play an instrument To read or write To help people Be a good friend

4 Diagram This is a picture of the Gaby ∞ at its finest. When the Gaby ∞ is at it's lazy mode this is a diagram of what it looks like Head for thinking what to do since it's in lazy mode Hand to control the remote for the TV Feet to kick people if anyone interrupts Eyes to look and identify objects (when needed)

Basic Instructions Provide items such as… Music for entertainment Food when its hungry Sleep when its tired Do not make it work If you don’t follow directions: No music = dull/ boring No food = hungry bear No sleep = sleep deprived Work = Grumpy WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! IF ANY WAY THE PRODUCT IS HURT, IT WILL HIT OR KICK UNCONTROLLABLY

6 Help!! If the product is not waking up it could mean it is in hibernation mode If you didn‘t follow instructions your product could become Grumpy Cranky Angry Lack of patience If the product is confused you would need to guide it, depending on the situation If your product is not moving it means it is in weary mode If your product show signs of being upset or angry, you have not followed the instructions

7 Miscellaneous Has experience with swimming for 6 years
Likes to travel to different places in the world The product is fluent in English and Indonesian, is learning Spanish and Chinese, and wants to learn Korean Has been to countries over seas such as Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Taiwan.

8 The end

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