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Puget Sound Seabird Survey and Early On-Scene Oil Reconnaissance

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Presentation on theme: "Puget Sound Seabird Survey and Early On-Scene Oil Reconnaissance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Puget Sound Seabird Survey and Early On-Scene Oil Reconnaissance
Shawn Cantrell Executive Director Seattle Audubon Jerry Joyce Consulting Biologist Moon Joyce Resources

2 A citizen-science, land-based survey
Based on a rigorous protocol (Distance Sampling Point Transects) Collects data for analysis of seabird density, distribution, and abundance with trends over time Analysis can also provide information on habitat use and effects of habitat change

3 Current PSSS Survey Started in 2007 Survey monthly Oct.-April
50-70 sites in central & south Puget Sound All sites surveyed nearly simultaneously Coordinated by Seattle Audubon

4 Bird Survey Data Recording

5 Seabird Data Access

6 Annual Site Total by Species by Month

7 Area of 2013 Expansion

8 2013 Expansion Approximately 15 new sites on Strait and Whidbey Island
Starts May 2013 and conducted year round Includes oil-spill detection and classification Observers trained in seabird identification, survey procedures, and online data entry Additional training includes oil identification, classification, and reporting

9 Oil-Spill Verification
Agency receives reports Contact local observer Observes reported area Reports to Agency contact

10 PSSS Response to Oil Spill
PSSS coordinator notified All observers in region notified Active sites determined Observers dispatched Conduct bird and oil surveys Oil observations sent to PSSS coordinator Seabird data entered online PSSS coordinator compiles data Data available on web Compiled data passed to Agency

11 Oil Observations Adapts ASTM F Standards (Standard Practice for Reporting Visual Observations of Oil on Water) for land-based observations on a customized form Allows supplemental descriptions based on NOAA Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation and Shoreline Assessment Job Aid Location data can be Lat & Long and/or physical descriptions

12 Funding for 2013 expansion and oil observations:
EPA through Local Implementing Organizations: WA DFW WA DNR WA ECY Funding for current surveys: Seattle Audubon Boeing

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