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Name: Rachel Faglie Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Food: Spaghetti

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Rachel Faglie Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Food: Spaghetti"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: Rachel Faglie Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Favorite T.V. Show: Grey’s Anatomy Favorite Season: Spring Favorite Subject: Reading Favorite Book: The Notebook Favorite Place: The Beach Favorite Song: “Our Song” by Taylor Swift Favorite Activity: Laying on the beach Favorite Person: My mom and Chelsea Favorite Holiday: Christmas

2 My Personal Number Museum
Birthday: 6/6/86 Height in Inches: 64 Time you were born: 9:36 am Phone Number: Address Number: 15339 Favorite Number: 7 Shoe Size: 7

3 My Special Event I took Hailey to Disney for her first time last March. She was very excited to go and be there.

4 5 Things I Want My Class To Know About Me
I love the beach I’m a HUGE family person I’m deathly afraid of spiders I have 2 sisters and 1 brother I love teaching, knowledge is power!

5 My Semester Goals 1. To stay organized 2. To be on time to class
Please write three goals you have for this semester. Goals are things you want to happen this year. Goals are promises you make to yourself. You will be working towards these goals all year. 1. To stay organized 2. To be on time to class 3. Not to procrastinate on assignments

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