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Succession Planning & Apprenticeships Gill Cresswell

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1 Succession Planning & Apprenticeships Gill Cresswell
HCS Lead – Life & Physiological Sciences Fay Lane Contract Support & Information Manager

2 Why the presentation? Summary of report:
Overall we are training Healthcare Scientists but not enough across our Themes! Do you have plans for your future workforce?

3 http://businesscasestudies. co

4 Succession Planning Definition:
Succession planning refers to procedures and processes designed to develop internal talent for the purpose of filling leadership and management positions once incumbents leave. Succession planning is contrasted with replacement planning, the latter of which is a simpler process designed to identify potential candidates to replace managers. The former is a more complex area which, according to Charan, Drotter and Noel (2001), is concerned with building ‘feeder groups’ throughout the leadership pipeline. Initiatives vary between being position-led (focusing on what people and skills are needed for the position) and person-led (identifying the skills and talents of an individual and seeing where these fit into the organisation). Good succession planning often begins at the recruitment stage, where appropriate individuals can be marked for future leadership positions and their future development plans can be created with this in mind.

5 Some of you are thinking ………
Clinical Toxicology Clinical Immunology Medical Physics ………



8 Levy – The Basics The Apprenticeship Levy will be a levy on UK employers to fund new apprenticeships The levy will be 0.5% of the pay bill, paid through PAYE The levy allowance is not a cash payment and can only be used to purchase apprenticeship training Any UK employer, in any sector, with a pay bill of more than £3 million per year is liable to pay the levy = Health and Social predicted Levy = £360m. North East = approx. £15m. Employers in England who pay the levy and are committed to apprenticeship training will be able to get out more than they pay into the levy, through a top-up to their digital accounts = 10% Apprenticeship levy funding will operate from 1 May 2017, whether you pay the levy or not.

9 Opportunities Single funding band, regardless of the age of the learner, or geographic location Levy will be able to be used for students studying lower qualifications (so even graduates could undertake a lower level apprenticeship) provided the training will allow them to acquire substantive new skills. Employers that take on 16 to 18 year old on an apprenticeship framework or standard will an additional £1,000 to help meet the extra costs associated with this Apprenticeship standards are employer-designed and offer employers and apprentices a more robust and relevant training experience. If a levy-paying employer wants to invest more in apprenticeship training than they hold in their digital account has insufficient funding available in their digital account to meet the full costs of training, the employer should ‘co-invest’ 10% of the cost of the apprenticeship training and assessment and benefit from government funding to cover the remaining 90% of the cost

10 Opportunities Funds CAN be used for: Funds CANNOT be used for:
Training to achieve the apprenticeship, which could include qualifications, e- learning & vendor qualifications Wages for line managers or other colleagues supporting the apprentice (including time spent by managers supporting apprentices) Registration, assessment, materials and examination Wages of the apprentice Direct administration related to the delivery of the apprenticeships - For example, processing of the Individualised Learner Record (ILR), programme management, etc. Capital purchases, profit or employee bonuses Accommodation for residential trips if necessary for all apprentices to achieve Bespoke or additional training or assessment Costs for use of premises where these are used for the apprenticeship More than one apprenticeship at a time for an individual apprentice Wages and associated costs (such as pension and National Insurance contributions) for employees directly involved in the delivery of the apprenticeship. Re-taking qualifications or assessment where no additional learning takes place Apprentice recruitment and induction PPE and safety equipment Mentoring or the time of other staff arranging training support

11 Standards Apprenticeship Level Additional Info
Healthcare Science Assistant 2 Ready for Delivery – Tynemet (who will also use the Level 3 Healthcare Support Worker as a bridge to the level 4) Meeting in June to explore delivery with Tynemet. Senior Healthcare Support Worker 3 Ready for Delivery Healthcare Science Associate 4 Ready for Delivery – Sunderland Uni - September 2017 Healthcare Science Practitioner 6 Ready for Delivery – Sunderland Uni – September 2018 Data Scientist Degree Apprenticeship In Development Academic Professional 7 In Development - This standard would be suitable for roles in teaching, research or joint teaching and research. Achieving a PGCert. Team Leader/Supervisor 3 Ready for Delivery Operations/Departmental Manager 5 Chartered Manager Degree 6 Senior Leader Master's Degree In Development - Senior leaders in the private, public or third sector and all sizes of organisation, who lead, organise and direct organisations. Achieving a Masters level management degree. Advanced Clinical Practitioner In Development

12 Funding Bands 15 new funding bands will replace the current 6 funding caps: Funding Band Band Upper 1 £1,500 2 £2,000 3 £2,500 4 £3,000 5 £3,500 6 £4,000 7 £5,000 8 £6,000 9 £9,000 10 £12,000 11 £15,000 12 £18,000 13 £21,000 14 £24,000 15 £27,000 Apprentices who have been accepted on to an apprenticeship before April 2017 will be funded for the full duration of the apprenticeship under the conditions that were in place at the time their apprenticeship started. If you pay the levy you will not be able to use the funds in your levy account to pay for these apprenticeships. Senior Healthcare Support Worker (Level 3) Healthcare Science Assistant (Level 2) Healthcare Science Associate (Level 4) Healthcare Science Practitioner (Level 6)

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