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Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science
Learning Outcomes... In this unit you will learn about...
Breeds of Sheep and their characteristics. Dental Formula. Target weights. Gestation Period and Oestrous cycle (duration & length). Ram & Ewe Selection. Mixed Grazing. Creep Feeding. Breeding Management Programme- Flushing & Sponging Management of the pregnant ewe. Management of lamb from birth to slaughter. Sheep Dipping and shearing. Sheep Housing. Wool.
Sheep Facts Lamb weighs Gestation period 149 days (5 Months)
3 –5 kg at birth 30-40kg at slaughter Gestation period 149 days (5 Months) Oestrous cycle 17 days Duration of oestrous 36 hours Ruminant Phylum Chordata Even Toe Ungulates
DENTAL FORMULA- Sheep Incisors, Canines, Premolars, Molars. X 2
Sheep production in Ireland
2 main types of sheep production systems in Ireland Lowland sheep production (which we will study in detail) Mountain/Hill production
Comparing Mountain/Hill and Lowland sheep production
Extensive farming Intensive farming Low production targets High production targets Rough grazing Rotational grazing Ewes generally have only one lamb More ewes give birth to twins and triplets Sheep breeds used are suited to exposed conditions Larger, muscular sheep used to produce meat
Stages in the life of sheep
Name Age Sex Stage Lamb Up to 6 months Male/Female Newborn Hogget 7 – 8 months Sheep in their 2nd calendar year Ewe From 1 year on Female Has at least one lamb Ram From 8 months Male Mature male Wether From 1 week old Castrated male Store From 3 months old Needing a certain time to finish
Breeds of sheep
Blackface Mountain Mountain Breed Low size and bodyweight
Small & Hardy Very good mothers Horned Wool & breeding ewes Mostly single lambs but can become prolific if crossed appropriately. Mountains over 350m Kerry, Galway, Donegal, etc
Wicklow Cheviot Mountain breed but more suited to fertile hills
White face and legs and good quality wool Not as hardy as blackface nut are able to withstand mountain conditions Good mothers that mainly have single lambs Mountains Wicklow, Carlow, Kildare, Wexford
Galway Lowland breed Native breed of Galway and Roscommon
Very good wool production Very large size & body weight Late maturing and late finishing
Suffolk Lowland breed Distinctive black head and black legs
Conformation breed (good body shape) Good wool production High prolific breed
Texel Lowland breed White faced breed Good conformation
Early maturing and finishing Produces lean meat Good prolificy
The Belclare Improver Lowland breed Maternal breed of medium size
Early maturing Polled and white in colour Produces high no of twin lambs
Learning check... Name 3 categories of breeds. Name 4 breeds.
Give their characteristics.
Selecting Breeds Good Carcass Good Conformation Good prolificy.
Wool/ewes/meat Feed: fertility is increased with high quality feed
Ewe & Ram Selection RAM EWE Good Conformation Good Conformation
Good General Health Performance Tested by dept. Very Good Feet EWE Good Conformation Good General Health Daughter of Prolific Mother Free from hereditary defects Good Feet
RAM Selection Pure breed
If ram has been used the previous year and ewe labs retained –Ram has to go!!!!! Insure not Sterile, Ram reaches puberty at 6 months
Pedigree Texel Ram realised 220,000 Guineas Sept 2009
Ram for Quality Ram is half the flock. Growth rate Conformation Killing out % Leaness All are determined by the RAM breed (purebred/pedigree) Pedigree Texel Ram realised 220,000 Guineas Sept 2009
Ewe for Quantity Ewe should be prolific Good mothering qualities.
Flushing of ewe increases number of lambs (see later). Reproductive efficiency. Belclare Improver
Time to replace ewe if: Old. Not prolific. Udder troubles (mastitis)
Faulty teeth. Under size. Lambing difficulties. Low milk yield. Barren. Bad feet.
Learning Check.... List 5 factors to be considered when selecting breeds. Name the factors when selecting ewes and rams. Consider the comment that “rams are for quality and ewes are for quantity”. When is it time to consider replacing the ewe?
Gestation (don’t write)
Seasonally Polyoestrous Oestrous Sept-Feb Length 17 days Duration 36 hours Gestation Period 149 days (5 Months)
Oestrous cycle Sheep are seasonally polyoestrous.
This means they come into oestrous repeatedly but only over a certain period or season of the year. This period is from early September to February The length of oestrous is 17 days The average duration of oestrous is 36 hours Gestation period is 149 days or 5 months
Oestrous cycle The declining light levels in September act on pituitary gland. This stimulates Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) This in turn stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen This begins the oestrous cycle.
Preparing Stock For Mating
Ewes should be in good condition – Condition Score = High Conception rate results Technique = Flushing
Flushing This involves placing ewes on a low plane of nutrition after weaning followed immediately by a high plane of nutrition 3 – 4 weeks before mating Advantages More eggs released at ovulation (twins) More regular heat periods Higher conception rates Better attachment to uterus
Before Mating Two weeks before mating the sheep should receive their winter dip (not before 15th September) Otherwise the sheep can receive the dip a few weeks after mating. The whole flock should be dosed for intestinal parasites (worms). The wool around the tail should be trimmed to facilitate service and avoid injury to the ram.
Mating Ewe:ram 1:40 During mating Ewe:ram 1:10
Rams must be kept away as they will fight Dates kept = lambing date Marker dye or a raddle is used every 17 days Ear tagged if paint is on ewe 6-8 wks- all should be in lamb Suspect ram-cull
Breeding out of season This is a technique used to induce ewes to lamb early enough for the lambs to be ready for the Easter market Prices are highest at this time Lambs born from September/October matings will not be ready for the easter market. Ewes must be brought into oestrous out of season, in July or August.
Breeding out of season This involves placement of the progesterone-impregnated sponges into birth canal of ewe for 12 – 16 days. When the sponge is removed a single intramuscular injection of pregnant mares serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) is administered to the sheep. Two days later, all ewes come into heat
Sponging Ewes are introduced to the ram in early Sept. for 8 weeks
Heat & served at different times- lambing protracted Oestrous can be synchronised. Sponges are impregnated with progesterone into the ewes vagina & left their for 12 –16 days. The progesterone blocks the oestrous cycle If sponges are removed simultaneously all ewes come in oestrus 2 days later & are all mated together All lambs born same time (not protracted)
Raddling Harness Detects mating behaviour in rams.
Helps predict lambing date. Aids in detecting infertile ewes which is therefore useful for culling. Also identifies infertile ram. (if all ewes show 3 different colours). Colour changes every 17 days.
Learning Check.... Explain the following terms:
Synchronisation. Flushing Sponging Breeding out of season. Outline the steps involved in preparing the flock for mating. What is a raddling harness?
Mixed Grazing of Cattle & Sheep
Growth rates increase by 10-15% Tillering- a denser sward & increased DM production Flush of grass around dung is ate by sheep. This is unpalatable to cattle. Even recycling of nutrients
Learning Check... State the length and duration of the oestrous cycle.
What is length of gestation? Name the phylum that sheep belong to. State the dental formula foe a sheep. What is mixed farming? Give the advantages of mixed grazing.
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