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Humanities 252 Fall 2008 Quiz 1 For images: id date, age, 3 details to confirm For Dates, People: events, context,

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Presentation on theme: "Humanities 252 Fall 2008 Quiz 1 For images: id date, age, 3 details to confirm For Dates, People: events, context,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanities 252 Fall 2008 Quiz 1 For images: id date, age, 3 details to confirm For Dates, People: events, context, importance 20 Questions, All or Nothing for Credit

2 Who was leader of Greeks?

3 Warrior Leader of the Trojans?

4 Dates for Peloponnesian War and why important.
BCE, because the victory by Sparta ended the classical era, slowly but surely.

5 Dates for Persian War and why important.
BCE: the small, upstart Greeks fought with great audacity and confidence against the greatest empire the world have ever known, and prevailed, establishing what has become the most historically significant civilization for the western world.

6 Fall of Troy and its designated “Age.”
1185 BCE, during the Grecian Dark Ages

7 Three characteristics of “archaic” greek free standing statuary.
Stiff, abstract, ornamental, no contrapposto

8 Classical Age and three characteristics of its free standing statuary.
Representative or realistic, contrapposto, increasingly individualized, balanced

9 Hellenistic Age and 3 characteristics of its free standing statuary.
Very busy, detailed, free movement, representative, contrapposto

10 When was the Heroic Age and why important?
11th through 8th, BCE—fall of Troy, first stirrings of Greek world.

11 Thales thought what to be the primary essence of the universe, in what century, and why important?
Water, showed Greeks beginning to question their universe and its theology, just as they were questioning everything else too.

12 Anaxamenes thought what to be the primary essence of the universe, in what century, and why important? Air, with the specific added “soul breath” for animating things. This soul breath opens up Greek philosophy to metaphysical speculation again, spirituality.

13 Heraclitus thought what to be the primary essence of the universe, in what century, and why important? Fire, panta rei, all things flow, nothing remains; a person can never step into the same stream twice. Ultimately, anti-establishment.

14 Xenophenes asked paradoxical questions
Xenophenes asked paradoxical questions. Identify one of them, say in what century, and why important? Why is it that Libyan gods have dark skin, and Thracian ones blond hair and green eyes? Question implies that we make our own gods, rather than the gods making us.

15 Alexander the Great died in this year, ending the Classical Age or Golden Age of Athens?
323 BCE, thus starting also the era wherein religions provided the “balm” to the ailing human condition.

16 Socrates executed in this year, and why important?
399 BCE, shows changes in mores of Athens, for Socrates changed nothing about what he did—but his Socratic method of questioning everything became dangerous to a society that increasingly felt threatened.





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