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A New Kind of Literature and Literacy – A look at poetry

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1 A New Kind of Literature and Literacy – A look at poetry
Harlem Renaissance A New Kind of Literature and Literacy – A look at poetry

2 Harlem post WWI, 1920s Jazz Age
WWI ended in Servicemen came home looking for work, for a better life. Cities were the answer. During the war, immigration had ceased, and no one could run the factories in the North. The poor and mostly landless black population in the South was the answer = Great Migration In total, it is estimated 1.5 million laborers (mostly black) migrated North. For the first time in our history, a significant portion of the black population begins to own property and receive paid employment.

3 Harlem, in New York City, became the center of American black culture
Harlem, in New York City, became the center of American black culture. Property was cheap, so ownership was easily acquired. “In 1930, in less than two square miles live more than 200,000 Blacks.” –Phlip A. Payton As a comparison: Rockford, IL currently has 157, 272 people living over approx. 57 sq. miles

4 With this vibrant and newly thriving population in such close quarters, a new kind of literature, art, and music emerged. This movement was hopeful and full of energy, but it did not ignore its past hardships. From the blues in the South, they invented Jazz in the north. White celebrities liked to visit these Jazz clubs to “look hip.” The Black Community was trying to find itself, define itself.

5 History of African-American Literature
Oral traditions Legal Documents Slave Narratives -Literature of Necessity (Harlem Renaissance) something to prove a stand and statement to make an original creation (new, unique, personal)

6 The Messages: I am human I have a self I have a mind I will be heard Racial equality is the focus

7 I,Too, Sing America Langston Hughes
I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," Then. Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed -- I, too, am America

8 Audience -Unlike the Romantics, the Harlem Renaissance was an entirely American movement with American ideals, dreams, and themes. Jazz Age literature became an international phenomenon, but it started here. -Shifts; has more than one purpose For African Americans: an appeal to join the fight For whites: an appeal for acknowledgement/ equality/ appreciation

9 Techniques/Trends Highly emotional, sets a tone
Full of imagery, sometimes exotic (movements) Refers to heritage (descent from Africa) Blues-like (rhythmic) – like Slam Poetry Symbolic (usually referring to bondage) Unique points-of-view, often 1st person Conflict: go back to our roots, or embrace a modern future (the “New Negro”)?

10 Some Key Contributors James Weldon Johnson Langston Hughes Countee Cullen Paul Lawrence Dunbar Claude McKay Jean Toomer Arna Bontemp Zora Neale Hurston

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