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U.S. Power Squadron | Dallas, Texas | 22 Feb 2008

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1 U.S. Power Squadron | Dallas, Texas | 22 Feb 2008
Rescue 21 USPS Brief U.S. Power Squadron | Dallas, Texas | 22 Feb 2008 This brief contains Acquisition Sensitive material and should not be disclosed or released except as stipulated in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Sub-part UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

2 Rescue 21 System Capabilities
11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

3 Rescue 21 System Capabilities (cont’d)
Benefits Improves safety at sea Improves mission effectiveness Enables coordination and unity of effort Supports USCG statutory obligations Search and Rescue; radio communications; first responder assistance; port security and coastal defense; Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act Supports U.S. compliance with international treaty Digital Selective Calling (DSC) capability in Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Area A1, in accordance with International Maritime Organization Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention R21 supports alignment with 5 of the 7 DHS Strategic Plan goals and specific objectives Goal: Awareness Objective Quickly disseminate Homeland Security intelligence information Goal: Prevention Objective Strengthen the security of the Nation’s transportation systems Goal: Protection Objective Protect the public from acts of terrorism and other illegal activities Goal: Response Objective Reduce the loss of life and property by strengthening nationwide response readiness Objective Provide search and rescue services to people and property in distress Goal: Recovery Objective Strengthen nationwide recovery plans and capabilities Objective Provide scaleable and robust all-hazard recovery assistance R21 supports USCG compliance with statutory obligations 14 USC 2 - Develop, establish, maintain, and operate facilities for SAR 14 USC 93 - Maintain radio transmitting and receiving stations 14 USC Assist federal and state agencies 14 USC Port security and costal defense 14 USC Procure and maintain communications facilities, for disseminating weather to NOAA and the public 33 USC Bridge to Bridge Radiotelephone Act 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

4 Major Components Remote Fixed Facilities (Towers)
Data Network Interface Sector Command Center Equipment Station Equipment Operations System Center Equipment Vessel Radios Disaster Recovery Systems (DRS) Sector 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

5 Communications Capability
Coverage Requirement Receive a 1 watt transmission from a 2 meter antenna at 20nm One Dedicated Channel 16 Guard One Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Ch. 70 Two VHF Radios MHz One UHF Radio MHz 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

6 Direction Finding (DF) Capability
DF Requirement +/- 2 degrees Observed Accuracy Varies based on the local environment (terrain, buildings, etc.) Capability Two channels: Ch. 16 & 2nd frequency, including & 243 MHz Maximum Range Based on tower height & vessel antenna height Radio Frequency (RF) Line of Sight (LOS) Atmospheric effects allow the system to receive signals beyond LOS 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

7 Sector Communications Center
In OpCen Note: 3Rd WS in OpCen 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

8 Remote Fixed Facility (RFF)
11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

9 RFF - Exterior 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

10 Operator Workstation 11/12/2018 9:26 PM

11 Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
What is DSC Automatic calling system between two or more calling stations Rescue 21 uses VHF Ch70 ( MHz) An audible alert is sounded for incoming calls to your MMSI Text message is displayed on screen MMSI –Maritime Mobile Service Identity Each calling station has a unique MMSI Types of DSC calls Distress Urgent Safety Routine 11/12/2018 9:26 PM

12 DSC Distress Call 11/12/2018 9:26 PM

13 11/12/2018 9:26 PM

14 DSC Challenges Caller Information Scenarios (Best to Worst Case)
Has the radio been registered? Has the radio and GPS been connected? Scenarios (Best to Worst Case) MMSI (Yes) + GPS Location (Yes) MMSI (No) + GPS Location (Yes) MMSI (Yes) + GPS Location (No) MMSI (No) + GPS Location (No) Query MMSI Received – MISLE 11/12/2018 9:26 PM

15 Rescue 21 Fielded Capability – to date
Initial Operating Capability (IOC) Locations – 2 - Dec 20, 2005 SFO Atlantic City, NJ SFO Eastern Shore, VA/MD/DE Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) – 4 Sectors in: Mobile, AL - May 2006 St. Petersburg, FL - Jun 2006 Port Angeles, WA - Dec 2006 Seattle, WA - Dec 2006 Full Rate Production (FRP) Sectors – first location New Orleans Phase I (hurricane damaged portion of Sector New Orleans) Accepted - Feb 2007 Define green dots and rings. Discuss reliability later. Discuss one feature. Overlap >>> redundant coverage >>> increased reliability. Rescue 21 has been operating in the 2 IOC sectors on the east coast since December 2005. The project is currently working with the sponsor and General Dynamics to develop a “gap filler” solution for Maurice River and Indian River, two areas where Rescue 21 coverage is not adequate. The “gap filler” will provide 2 VHF-FM channels, one of which will guard CH16, at a significant cost savings. In 2006, R21 completed deployment to all 4 Low Rate Initial Production sectors. The legacy equipment was removed in the spring 2007, and these 4 sectors are relying completely on the new system. Removal of the Legacy equipment attracted Congressional interest last spring. 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

16 Rescue 21 Fielded Capability – to date (Cont’d)
FRP Sectors Sector Delaware Bay Accepted Sep 13, (two months early per IBR) Incorporated Rescue 21 IOC region of SFO Atlantic City, NJ Sector Long Island Sound Accepted Oct 2, 2007 (on schedule per IBR) Sector New York Accepted Nov 26, (one month early per IBR) 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

17 Rescue 21 Fielded Capability – to date (Cont’d)
FRP Sectors Sector Jacksonville Accepted Jan 23, 2008 (on schedule per IBR) Rescue 21 now stands watch along 10,649 miles of U.S. coastline 25,727 miles by the end of CY 2008 I am going to discuss reliability later, but I would like to mention one feature related to reliability while on this slide. Redundant coverage increases reliability and performance. Circles overlap. Designed tower placement to provide redundant coverage. The Coast Guard still has coverage even when a tower is lost. 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

18 Rescue 21 Fielded Capability – to date (Cont’d)
11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

19 USCG Rescue 21 Acceptance Schedule
West Coast Seattle, WA…………..2006 Port Angeles, WA… Astoria, OR…………..Apr’08 North Bend, OR……..Jun’08* Portland, OR…………Jul’08 Humboldt Bay, CA…… San Francisco, CA…… LA/Long Beach, CA… San Diego, CA……… Great Lakes Buffalo, NY…………… Detroit, MI…………… Lake Michigan……… Sault Ste. Marie, MI… Northeast Northern New England… Boston, MA……………… SE New England………… New York, NY…………….Nov’07 Long Is Sound, NY/CT….Oct’07 Mid-Atlantic Atlantic City, NJ………….2005 Eastern Shore, VA……….2005 Delaware Bay Sep’07 Baltimore, MD May’08* Hampton Roads, VA Feb’08 Western Rivers (Recapitalize current coverage/capability) Alaska Juneau, AK………TBD Anchorage, AK…..TBD Ohio River Valley………TBD Upper Mississippi……..TBD Lower Mississippi………TBD OCONUS Islands Honolulu, HI……… Guam…………… San Juan, PR….… Gulf Coast Mobile, AL………………………2006 St Petersburg, FL…………… New Orleans, LA (Coastal)… .Feb’07 New Orleans, LA………………Nov’08 Houston/Galveston, TX………Oct’08 Corpus Christi, TX…………….Aug’08* Southeast North Carolina……… Charleston, SC……… Jacksonville, FL……...Jan’08 Miami, FL………………Mar’08 * Key West, FL…...……..Sep’08  Sector accepted by USCG  Scheduled for acceptance through * Tower coverage issues outstanding; acceptance date subject to change 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

20 Rescue 21 Operational Success Stories
Ocean City, Nov 2005 20ft boat capsized; reported incorrect location at an inlet; R21 DF located three people within 10 minutes St. Petersburg, Dec 2006 R21 DF located three distressed mariners 13 miles from the reported position Atlantic City, May 2007 R21 pinpointed search position within 10 minutes on uncorrelated Mayday call Atlantic City, July 2007 used DF to quickly locate and rescue two adults and one child lost in fog without GPS Atlantic City, August 2007 used DF to locate and rescue four overdue boaters (without float plan) 30 miles offshore; watch stander located the vessel using a keyed-radio with no audible voice signal St. Petersburg, August 2007 used DF to locate and rescue boater in distress uncertain about position in the dark Reported position ~ 13 mi R21 Position and vessel’s actual location 11/12/2018 9:26 PM UNCLAS | Quarterly Status Update | CG-938 | CAPT Mike Christian | HAC | 24 January 2008

21 Mission Acquire and deliver more-capable, interoperable assets and systems that support Coast Guard operational forces in executing missions effectively and efficiently 11/12/2018 9:26 PM

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