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“The First year of HEND operations on the NASA Odyssey Mars Orbiter”

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1 “The First year of HEND operations on the NASA Odyssey Mars Orbiter”
11/12/2018 Temporal characteristics of the gamma-ray bursts detected by HEND  Workshop “The First year of HEND operations on the NASA Odyssey Mars Orbiter” Moscow, Russia May 20-22, 2002 Russian Aviation and Space Agency Institute for Space Research

2 Russian Aviation and Space Agency Institute for Space Research
11/12/2018 … The above picture shows time profile of gamma-ray burst detected by BATSE. The picture below shows accumulated counts. There are two temporal characteristics of gamma-ray bursts T50 and T90. Russian Aviation and Space Agency Institute for Space Research

3 Russian Aviation and Space Agency
Institute for Space Research

4 Russian Aviation and Space Agency Institute for Space Research
11/12/2018 95% T50 75% 25% 5% The picture explains what T90 is. The quantities T50 and T90 measure the duration of the time interval starting when 5% or 25% has been detected and ending when 95% or 75% of the fluence has been observed, respectively. T90 Russian Aviation and Space Agency Institute for Space Research

5 Russian Aviation and Space Agency Institute for Space Research
11/12/2018 How temporal distribution looks like one can see on the picture above. It is made for the bursts detected by BATSE. Two humps feature it: one is among minor time values and one is among major time values. We calculated T50 and T90 for the bursts HEND has detected. Russian Aviation and Space Agency Institute for Space Research

6 Russian Aviation and Space Agency
Institute for Space Research

7 Russian Aviation and Space Agency
Institute for Space Research

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