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EUNID meeting-Rome,27-28 May 2005

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1 EUNID meeting-Rome,27-28 May 2005
Highly infectious diseases: prevention and control and the impact on public health in the EU George Gouvras European Commission Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection

2 Synopsis Key events in EC involvement on diseases from highly virulent agents, requiring special conditions of care and protection Health and Safety at Work, Research,Public Health,Humanitarian Aid measures Impact of the anthrax attacks in the US in 2001 and the work on health security SARS and the advent of the ECDC The future public health programme proposals

3 Key events and moves Ebola in Congo,1995 – EC humiliation
Plague in India,1995 – EC impotence BSE/CJD, 1996 – EC guilt Anthrax attacks in 2001 – EU awakening SARS, 2003 – generic plan request Highly pathogenic AI,2004 Marburg in Angola,2005 – More of the same, but a glimmer of hope AIDS and other CDs programme proposal Friction with the WHO- beginning of the IHR revision effort Community Network Health Security Programme – Funding from Public Health and Research Programmes ECDC, proposals for a new Public Health Programme and RTD FP7, BTWC

4 Health and safety at work
The most comprehensive set of biosafety legislation, aims at prevention Framework Directive 391/89/EC Biological agents Directive 1990 revised Personal Protective Equipment Directive 1989 Workplaces directive 1989 Harmonisation directives on equipment, medical devices – European Standards Application? Control? Enforcement?

5 EU strategy on communicable diseases and health security
November 1993:Maastricht Treaty and Article 129 First public health strategy: identified co-operation in communicable disease control as one of the Community’s priorities Funding of surveillance networks, training in field epidemiology (EPIET) and dissemination of information (EURO-SURVEILLANCE, EPINORTH etc) through the programme on AIDS and other communicable diseases March 1996:European Network for the epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseases – (EP-Council Decision 2119/98/EC adopted on ) Epidemiological Surveillance component of the Community Network (Network of surveillance agencies) Early Warning and Response System ( national public health authorities) Five Commission decisions on: diseases under active surveillance, case definitions, event reporting requirements, bioterror agents, and conditions for the operation of dedicated networks November 2001: Council Rcommendation on AMR Amsterdam/Nice Treaties: Regulation on Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

6 Health Security Programme- objectives
Threat awareness and command and control arrangements: Mechanism for information exchange, consultation, co-ordination Surveillance and detection: Capability for inventorying, detection and identification Response and recovery: Medicines’ stocks and health services database and arrangements for availability of medicines, specialists, other medical goods and infrastructure, clinical guidelines for bioagents Prevention and Protection: Interdiction of agent movement and critical infrastructure protection Legislation, rules and guidance co-ordination of the EU response in other policies

7 Infection control projects under the public health programme
EUNID E-Threat Associated EPIET EURONET P4 Proposed EUTIDE SX diagnostics

8 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
AIDS-STDs Vaccine preventable CJD and non-conv. Anti-microbial resistance Serious imported Viral hepatitis Air-borne (Legionella, TB,Meningitis) Food, water, environmental -related Schemes to evolve: Evaluation Budget issues Timetable EPIET Training Eurosurveillance European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

9 Assistance and training
Networks Ad hoc panels Studies Cion, EP, MSs The 3 Strands Assist by Operating EWRS Identification of health threats Training Expertise and outbreak assistance Scientific opinions Information Assistance and training Operate or commission networks Set up and maintain databases Disseminate information Communication to public

10 Other policies Research: Committees Expert Groups
6th Framework Programme: diagnostics detection new vaccines and therapeutics decontamination

11 Thematic priority 1: Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health
1.1 Advanced genomics and its application for health (€ 1100 M)* 1.1.a Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for functional genomics in all organisms 1.1.b Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health 1.2 Combating major diseases (€ 1155 M) 1.2.a Application oriented genomic approaches to medical knowledge and technologies 1.2.b Combating cancer (400 M)* 1.2.c Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty 755 M* 400 M

12 Integrated actions (IAs);
Specific targeted research projects (STREPs): gain new knowledge, improve or develop new products, processes or services, prove viability of new technologies; Networks of Excellence (NoEs): Integrating activities, coordination of partners, staff mobility and exchanges, relocation of staff, teams and equipment; Coordination actions (CAs): Conferences, studies, exchanges of personnel; Training (Marie Curie actions): Mobility of researchers; Technology platforms (TPs): Stakeholders to develop long-term vision for new technologies, create coherent research strategies and plans, stimulate increased and more effective investment in RTD, accelerate innovation and eliminate barriers; Scientific support to policies (SSP) or to actions (SSA)

13 Health, Security and Opportunities for the People of Europe
- Public health issues : epidemiology, disease prevention, rare and communicable diseases, allergies, secure blood and organ donations, non-animal testing methods Civil protection issues (including biosecurity and protection against risks arising from terrorist attacks and crisis) A special call on SARS published on 3rd July 2003:Research capacity and scientific support & advice, molecular epidemiology of SARS, clinical manifestations including disease transmission, infection control, risk assessment

14 Resistance to antibiotics and other drugs
1st Call Antiviral drug resistance (Influenza, HBV, HCV) (NoE) Lower respiratory tract infection (NoE) – not covered Basic mechanisms of resistance (STREP or CA) Exploitation of microbial genomics (SSA) Hospital-infection (SSA) - not covered 3rd Call 2nd Call Functional genomics of antibiotics producing organisms (IP) New molecular targets for anti-bacterial drugs (IP) Non-antimicrobial approaches to address resistance (STREP or CA) Lower respiratory tract infection (NoE) Mobile genetic elements and resistance genes (STREP) Ecological factors impacting on fitness/ virulence/ resistance (STREP) From ba sic research to clinical practice (SSA) Microbial genome annotation (SSA)

15 Other policies Humanitarian aid: operates through international organisations (eg WHO, Red Cross and Red Crescent, etc) Development – the malaria, AIDS and TB programme Civil Protection: assistance for first phase emergency actions Prevention-control measures: Food and water safety Animal and plant safety, eg highly Infectious Avian Influenza Measures concerning movement and residence

16 International Co-operation
UN and UN agencies, ECHO, OECD-DAC Global Health Security Initiative (Nov. 2001) Incident scale, risk management and communication Smallpox training,vaccine conference,exercise Global Mercury to evaluate communications and plans and check inter-operability P4 laboratory co-operation Chemical threats patient isolation techniques Influenza Co-operation with the WHO on exchange of letters, support to GOARN operations (EPIET)

17 Current priorities Health system preparedness
Development and evaluation of general preparedness and response plans and capability Health system preparedness Hospitals (disaster plan and procedure, safety and hazard control and QA) Capacity fixes : emergency and casualty, isolation, barrier nursing, intensive care) preventive and protective measures’ plan for staff staff numbers, training and assignment in teams Health centres and mobile units & medical teams Ambulance support and victim distribution Rest of patient/victim transport and treatment capacity

18 New developments Marburg outbreak in Angola
The new public health programme proposals: Two mobile laboratories Ten isolation modules for transport Associated PPE Custody by ECDC Training to be organised by the ECDC Outbreak assistance teams Deployment on request Solidarity Fund : reimbursement of medical intervention costs

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