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July 2018 HC Webinar Welcome Announcements Reporting

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1 July 2018 HC Webinar Welcome Announcements Reporting
Survey on Resources Survey on Community Health Workers Outcomes Evaluation No Monthly Report in August (enjoy your summer!) Reporting

2 Health Outcomes Evaluation
Need to evaluate the impact of our health strategy Core indicators have been identified to allow us to best evaluate the impact of our programming on athlete health: Body mass index (BMI) Blood pressure Self-reported health Physical activity Exploratory indicators that likely are impacted by our programming but need to be piloted further: Social/emotional wellness Nutrition or Healthcare utilization/access As you all know, as part of our health strategy, we aim to monitor and measure improvement in health among athletes While we have collected a lot of cross-sectional data from our health programs over the past decade and have been able to report the prevalence of risk factors and health conditions within our athlete population, we haven’t really been able to show the impact of our programming on athlete health. We worked with some consultants who gathered Program input to identify which indicators of health would allow us to best observe the impact of our programming on athlete health. They compiled a comprehensive list, from which 4 indicators were selected due to the feasibility of collection, their likelihood of benefitting SO Programs, and the ability to be aggregated by SOI We think that by focusing on these indicators, SO will be able to show impact on improved health outcomes and lives saved. This approach will really allow for an understanding of how SO programs and activities are influencing quality of life of people with ID In order to do this kind of evaluation, we will be opening up a few grant funding opportunities to help Programs collect this data and work with us to measure impact as best we can

3 Why? Why are we asking Healthy Communities Programs to collect more data? Programs have been asking for resources and guidance on how to collect longitudinal data To help improve programming Fitness data has been very promising in demonstrating impact on well-recognized indicators of health This is how we are going to measure the impact of our health strategy on athlete health Programs have been asking us to tell them what to collect and how, and we finally have answers and some resources to help We want to know our impact both to improve programming and to be able to show impact to funders – both of which have benefits directly to Programs. Also, in addition to showing impact overall, participating Programs will be able to show impact of their specific programming. Data collected from Fitness has shown that significant changes are already taking place over a short time Through the Programs that receive grants, we will be building resources and methods that other Programs can benefit from down the road?

4 How? Small grants (~US$3,000) to collect core indicators data in US and Internationally A total of approximately 20 small grants will be given Will work with SOI consultant to submit data Large grants (~US$20,000) to collect exploratory data in US Between 2 and 4 large grants anticipated Will collect core data + one domain of exploratory May collect data on demographics as well Will work with SOI consultant to plan evaluation and submit data Not required for Programs, but we’d like to encourage them to participate as much as possible. These Programs will be evaluation partners to help us figure out what’s working and what’s not.

5 How to collect core indicators?
Health metrics (height, weight, blood pressure) Fitness tracking tool Using budget for supplies, equipment, staff to do data entry If Programs do HP, can use same supplies for this Physical activity and self-reported health Lifestyle survey and Fit5 tracker Paper, athlete-friendly version, online through Qualtrics Movband step count data – immediately to SOI through syncing Budget for data entry assistance – coaches, volunteers, students, etc. For the smaller grants, Programs can opt in to systematically collect data points longitudinally on athletes using the tools a lot of Programs have already been using for awhile now For the health metrics, Programs can use the fitness tracking tool, they can use the budget for supplies, equipment, staff to do data entry. If Programs do HP, they already have everything they need to do this part. For physical activity and self-reported health measures, Programs can sue the Lifestyle survey and the fit 5 tracker, both of which were designed to be used by athletes so they can keep track of their own data Many Programs are already using Movbands to track step data, which is great because it immediately goes to SOI as long as the bands are synced Then, for the larger grants, which we’re thinking we’ll have about 4-5, we’ll be asking a bit more of Programs and really be asking them to be our partners in data collection, we’ll be asking them to test out a few different things, there will be a few in-person events for these grantees to talk about best practices and share experiences

6 Next steps – small evaluation grants
Step 1 – send an to Lindsay DuBois indicating you are interesting in applying for the small grant Step 2 – applications will be shared by Friday, July 13th and will be due by Tuesday, July 31st Step 3 – if selected, you will receive award notification and funding by August 31st Step 4 – Grant period from September 1st, – March 31st, 2019

7 Next steps – Large evaluation grant
Step 1 - US programs interested in large evaluation grants should contact Heather Harmer Step 2 - applications will be shared by Friday, July 13th and will be due by Monday, August 13th Step 3 - if selected, you will receive award notification and funding by August 31st Step 4 – Grant period from September 1st, – March 31st, 2019

8 Global Health Strategy

9 Mid Year Reporting Reporting is an opportunity to highlight all your successes and challenges you faced. It is a combination of narrative and metrics (numbers) As a 3 YR grantee, you are required to report 2x per year (October and April). Your mid Year report is due on 15 October. You will be reporting on all work done between 1 April September The report is online through Qualtrics, survey software system. As a 1YR grantee, you will complete a brief mid-year narrative report (no metrics). Submitted through Qualtrics on 15 October. You will submit a year end narrative and metrics report on 15 April. ALL previous reports you submitted will be in a dropbox (link will be shared shortly). This will help you access information previously submitted to help you complete the mid year and year end report for 2018.

10 Tracking Tool Tracking tool serves as a guide to help you collect all the information needed to complete the online form. You can simply copy and paste into Qualtrics once you have completed Programs should work with RHM to review tracking tool to make sure you report all your successes, accurately enter metrics, and answer questions Anything that’s highlighted requires a response in order to move forward in the mid year report

11 Budget Reports Due 15 April 2019 Redirect Requests
Financial Report Template (Excel) Copies of all receipts (PDF) Timesheets and General Ledger Reports for all paid staff for currency conversion Translate to English and note which line of budget it is for Redirect Requests Moving more than 10% of total grant budget Resources website (direct download) Please spend your funds. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to carry-forward funding. Your budget report is due at the end of each grant year (15 April 2019). There are 2 parts – 1. An Excel document that tracks your spending and VIK and 2. Copies of all your receipts. It is important to keep careful records throughout the year, so that sending in this report is easy. You will need to send in timesheets and general ledger reports showing how salary funding was spent If you are spending in a currency that is not US Dollars, you need to do a conversion using OANDA for the currency rate that day. If your receipts are not in English, you need to translate them to English (noting who the receipt is from, what the date was, and which items were purchased) Please place a note at the top of each receipt that says which budget line it is for (supplies, lodging, etc.) If you would like to move more than 10% of your grant budget, you will need to send your RHM a redirect request. A template for this request can be found on the Resources website Please spend your funding. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to carry-forward funding into the next year.

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