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ORCID y la comunidad global

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1 ORCID y la comunidad global
Mexico ORCID Workshop, El colegio de Mexico| 19 October 2017 Laurel Haak Executive Director

2 The orcid community 723 members from 41 countries, consortia in the UK, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US 3.9m researchers, 1.5m records with at least one connection: 20m works, 328K grants, 147K reviews, 1.8m education and 1.4m employment items Over 550 integrations across all sectors of the research community

3 Research information is MESSY
Research information is often stored in spreadsheets Research information is stored in ‘silos’ – systems are not online or networked Researchers and administrators waste a lot of time typing the same information into systems again, and again, and again… How much time does it take to collect and verify information?

4 How can we make things better?
Get digital and get online. Use open, shared systems wherever possible Try to automate everything you can And finally… Use identifiers for people, places and things!

5 There are many useful IDs

6 How can we benefit from identifiers
If identifiers already exist, USE THEM Help the community to understand the gaps you need to see filled – we are here to listen and learn Take advantage of the connections we’ve already built. They can bring you benefits right now. So how do identifiers work together already?


8 The value of a national approach
Taking a coordinated national approach to research information is crucial. The benefits include: Localized policy context Distributed access to the benefits of research Better understanding of research impact Efficiency and convenience gains for researchers and administrators More time doing research!

9 Italy: Common platform
Cineca created a national ORCID consortium in Italy in 2016 70 Universities and 4 research centres joined initially, with more to follow ANVUR (the national research evaluation agency) and the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) then launched the Italian Researcher Identifier for Evaluation (IRIDE) project By the end of 2016 more than 80% of Italian researchers (including PhD students and post-docs) had registered for ORCID iD and connected their publications back to 2006

10 italy Researchers could connect their iDs to national systems. The overwhelming majority chose to make those connections.

11 the uk: coordinated approach
Following several years of consensus building, Jisc and the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) funded 8 projects to test ORCID implementation. Their report sets out the benefits of large-scale adoption: 84 Universities and 7 Research Councils have joined a national consortium, managed by Jisc

12 Germany: coordinated policy and researcher engagement
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in for 3 years Coordinated implementation of ORCID across institutions Focused on organizational and technical issues, including a legal review Integration of ORCID in Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

13 Germany

14 The value of a national approach
Things to think about: Define what you want to get from your approach. What is most urgent in your context? Think at the level of your whole network and how more connections can be made across systems. Look internationally and take the best ideas from other countries and make them work for you.

15 INTEGRATION PROCESS Technically, integrating ORCID involves adding <person ID> and <source> fields to data models, mapping to the ORCID API, and implementing OAuth and RESTful calls. Socially, it is critical that researchers are engaged in the process.

16 integration benefits A robust ORCID integration brings many advantages: Improved data quality and reliability Less time spent inputting information for researchers Less time spent verifying and checking information for administrators More transparency and better sharing of data

17 interoperability Enter once reuse often

When researchers share their ORCID iD with their university … universities in turn can push employment and education information to the ORCID registry, making it easier for the researcher to share that information with a funder, publisher, or their next employer

19 Connected FUNDING When researchers share their ORCID iD with their funder… funders in turn can push successful grant awards to the ORCID registry, making it easier for the researcher to share this information when submitting a manuscript.

When researchers share their ORCID iD as they are submitting a paper (or dataset or book) …. publishers can push article and book information to the ORCID registry, making it easier for researchers to keep their profile and their university and their funder updated on their recent work.

21 Acting together, the research community has the power to improve the value and openness of its research information. Unique researcher identifiers have the potential to bring streamline information sharing and bring transparency to the creation and re-use of that information.

Statistics User orientation and resources Member support center APIs and technical documentation Contact us

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