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Course Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process

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Presentation on theme: "Course Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process"— Presentation transcript:


2 Course Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

3 Introduction

4 Introduction

5 Introduction

6 Introduction

7 Introduction

8 Introduction

9 Introduction

10 Introduction

11 Introduction

12 Introduction

13 Introduction

14 Introduction

15 Introduction

16 Introduction

17 Organization in Employment Environment
Employee selection in any organization is open to influence from the outside. The links between the organization and environmental components are two-way, indicating a reciprocal relationship. A number of environmental factors can affect an organization’s effort to hire and retain a workforce Organized Labor Available Labor Supply Competition Law and Political Climate Organization Culture and Subculture National and Global Economy Science and Technology Customers Behavioral and Social Science

18 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter




22 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter



25 Selection Process Preliminary Interview Selection Tests
Employment Interview Reference & Background Evaluation Employment Contract Job Offer Medical Examination Selection Decision

26 Evaluation

27 Evaluation

28 Ways of Advertising Advertising is an ‘Umbrella’ that covers much more than the classified section in your local newspaper. Advertising costs your company money, but it gives you control over the message, the medium, and the timing:

29 Advertising is an ‘Umbrella’ that covers much more than the classified section in your local newspaper. Advertising costs your company money, but it gives you control over the message, the medium, and the timing:

30 Advertising is an ‘Umbrella’ that covers much more than the classified section in your local newspaper. Advertising costs your company money, but it gives you control over the message, the medium, and the timing:

31 Advertising is an ‘Umbrella’ that covers much more than the classified section in your local newspaper. Advertising costs your company money, but it gives you control over the message, the medium, and the timing:

32 Roll your mouse over the icon, to learn more.
Resumes vs. Applications The given image shows a comparison of the pros and cons of resumes versus application. Applications Resumes Open ended; promotes creativity Applicants can emphasize important things Less expensive and easier to solicit Straight forward Structured Limits embellishment Easier to evaluate Pros Close ended – limited creativity More expensive to develop and distribute Allows applicants to omit information Fosters embellishment Harder to evaluate Cons Roll your mouse over the icon, to learn more.

33 Roll your mouse over the icon, to learn more.

34 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

35 Difference between Recruitment and Selection
The given table points out some of the key differences between ‘Recruitment’ and ‘Selection’. BASIS RECRUITMENT SELECTION Meaning It is an activity of establishing contact between employers and applicants. It is a process of picking up more competent and suitable employees. Objective It encourages large number of candidates for a job. It attempts at rejecting unsuitable candidates. Process It is a simple process. It is a complicated process. Hurdles The candidates do not have to cross over many hurdles. Candidates have to cross many hurdles. Approach It is a positive approach. It is a negative approach. Sequence It precedes selection. It follows recruitment. Economy It is an economical method. It is an expensive method. Time Consuming Less time is required. More time is required.

36 MCQ

37 MCQ

38 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

39 Steps of the Employee Selection Process
The following are the steps of the Employee Selection Process: Let’s look at each in detail.

40 Preliminary Interviews
Preliminary Interviews are used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic background, family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during the preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews.

41 Preliminary Interviews
Preliminary Interviews are used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic background, family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during the preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews.

42 Preliminary Interviews are used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic background, family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during the preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews.

43 Preliminary Interviews are used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic background, family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during the preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews.

44 Preliminary Interviews are used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic background, family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during the preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews.

45 Preliminary Interviews are used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic background, family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during the preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than the final interviews.

46 Written Tests Written Tests include the various written tests conducted during selection procedure. These tests are used to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased. The kind of written tests conducted to test an applicant’s capabilities will greatly vary depending upon the job position to which an applicant has applied and the organization.

47 Written Tests

48 Written Tests

49 Written Tests

50 Written Tests

51 Written Tests

52 Written Tests

53 MCQ

54 MCQ

55 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter


57 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

58 Types of Interview for Selection
One to one Interview Only two participants – Interviewer and Candidate

59 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

60 Pre-interview Preparation Managing Interview Process
Develop Good Interview Skills 1 Pre-interview Preparation 2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Conducting an interview is a core responsibility of every recruiter. It is important to bear in mind that a successful interview depends on characteristics of both the interviewer and the candidate. There are two parts to conducting a successful interview: Let’s look at each in detail.

61 Pre-interview Preparation
1 Pre-interview Preparation Pre-interview Preparation There are a few preparations that you need to make as a recruiter to make sure that the interview goes smoothly and successfully. The following are a few key points that you should bear in mind for pre-interview preparations: Have clarity about the kind of skills sets, capabilities, attitude, behavioral characteristics required for the job. Keep a list of the core questions that need to be asked to every candidate. Keep a hard or soft copy of the candidate’s resume ready before the interview to be accessed easily during the interview process.

62 Pre-interview Preparation
1 Pre-interview Preparation Pre-interview Preparation There are a few preparations that you need to make as a recruiter to make sure that the interview goes smoothly and successfully. The following are a few key points that you should bear in mind for pre-interview preparations: Go through candidate’s resume carefully and make a note of questions, clarifications and doubts that need to be asked to the candidate. Select a peaceful ambience and room for conducting the interview. Make sure that the selected room is available to you during the time of the scheduled interview. Make sure to block and reserve the room in advance, if necessary.

63 Pre-interview Preparation
1 Pre-interview Preparation Pre-interview Preparation There are a few preparations that you need to make as a recruiter to make sure that the interview goes smoothly and successfully. The following are a few key points that you should bear in mind for pre-interview preparations: Confirm with the candidate whether he will be attending the interview as scheduled or not so that changes can be made to the schedule, if necessary. Give a reminder to the candidate, one day prior to the interview and reconfirm his attendance for the scheduled interview. Before each interview, quiet your mind and mentally prepare for an hour of concentration, observation, and alertness.

64 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Conducting & Managing Interview Process This is one of the most important parts of the interview process. The success of an interview would ideally depend upon both the interviewer as well as the candidate. The following are a few key points that you should bear in mind for conducting and managing the interview process:

65 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Be Actively Present in the Interview Never have laid back attitude while conducting an interview. You should always be alert and open as well. Such an open and active attitude will help you to observe and notice what is being said, its implied meaning as well read in between the lines. Hence, your openness will help you to judge the candidate without bias, purely on your interpretation of objective observation.

66 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Do not go onto Autopilot Mode When listening to the candidate’s answers, it may happen that you may form a judgment about the candidate’s behavior, attitude, skill level, capabilities, strengths or weaknesses. As soon as you form a judgment, you tend to go onto an autopilot mode. When this happens, you stop listening to what the candidate is saying; you stop concentrating diligently and do not make an effort to engage meaningfully with the candidate. Hence, you start assuming certain patterns in the candidate’s responses and close yourself to the possibilities that may be offered by the remaining of the candidate’s responses.

67 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Question at Length The best way to get to know more and more about the candidate is by asking questions. Look for more questions that you can ask by using the responses of the candidate. Probe further on any point discussed in the response given by the candidate. Remember that some of the candidates may not be very expressive themselves. So, your questioning skills will help to uncover hidden qualities, talents, skills, interests, strengths etc. of the candidate that may not be mentioned or highlighted by his resume or his voluntary description of himself.

68 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Build Rapport It is very important to build rapport with the candidate during the interview. You can use the initial few moments to make the candidate comfortable and at ease and hence build a rapport with him. Building a rapport with the candidate would help him become comfortable, less nervous and make him open and frank in his responses.

69 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Build Rapport It is very important to build rapport with the candidate during the interview. You can use the initial few moments to make the candidate comfortable and at ease and hence build a rapport with him. Building a rapport with the candidate would help him become comfortable, less nervous and make him open and frank in his responses.

70 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Smile and Maintain Eye Contact An important thing to remember while conducting an interview is to smile from time to time and maintain eye contact with the candidate. Smiling would encourage the candidate to open up more and have a frank conversation with you. When you smile to the candidate, it shows him that you are friendly and approachable. He would be able to discuss at length about his capabilities as well as any apprehensions he may have with respect to the job that he has applied for. When you maintain eye contact, it shows that you are attentively listening to the candidate. It also shows that you are interested in what the candidate is saying.

71 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Control Your Body Language You be conscious of the body language during the interview. You should also sense the candidate’s communication style, vocabulary, and cultural and personality differences, then reflect these back and match the candidate’s energy level. Always make sure to sit erect, with an open, alert posture, fully facing the candidate and leaning in slightly. You should always show welcoming facial expressions, nodding, and smiling. Maintain a solid eye contact with the candidate throughout the interview. Always make sure that you talk with an even tone that is consistent in volume and at a moderate pace. Do not whisper.

72 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Observe Candidate’s Body Language One of the most crucial aspects to keep in mind while conducting an interview is to the ‘read the candidate’s non-verbal cues’. Such non-verbal or body language cues will help you to distinguish between what the candidate is portraying and the actual truth of facts.

73 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting & Observe Candidate’s Body Language One of the most crucial aspects to keep in mind while conducting an interview is to the ‘read the candidate’s non-verbal cues’. Such non-verbal or body language cues will help you to distinguish between what the candidate is portraying and the actual truth of facts.

74 Managing Interview Process
2 Managing Interview Process Conducting &

75 Why Traditional Interviews Do Not Work?
Lack of clear interview purpose Lack of clearly defined positions’ competencies Lack of interview structure Lack of preparation Poor follow-up questioning techniques Legal liability Allowing bias to influence the interview

76 Lack of clear interview purpose

77 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

78 What is Motivational Fit?

79 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

80 Body Language Cues to Look Out For

81 Body Language Cues to Look Out For
Frowning Raised Eyebrows Looking Away Smiling Compressing the Lips Touching the Hand to Face Leaning Back in Chair Let’s look at each in detail.








89 Click on the video link to play it!
Look at the video given below to understand the process of employee selection. Click on the video link to play it! URL for Video:

90 URL for Video:

91 URL for Video:

92 Real Life Example

93 Real Life Example

94 Real Life Example

95 Real Life Example

96 Real Life Example

97 Real Life Example

98 Real Life Example

99 Real Life Example

100 Real Life Example

101 Real Life Example

102 Real Life Example Minimum experience of 3 years in Technical Writing
Experience and proficient in working with Adobe Framemaker

103 Real Life Example Minimum experience of 3 years in Technical Writing
Experience and proficient in working with Adobe Framemaker

104 Real Life Example

105 Real Life Example

106 Stock Portfolios for Selection Systems
Let’s consider an example that should help strengthen the similarities. Let’s say that you have identified 5 competency areas that make up the successful profile of a production team member. It would be nice if there were one test that could cover all these areas, but that is not realistic. Instead we should look at putting together a portfolio of tests or interviews that will effectively cover these competencies. 20% - Team work 30% - Problem solving 15% - Attention to detail Responsibility 15% - 20% - Flexibility

107 Objectives Explain What is Employee Selection Process
Explain the Importance of Selection Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection Explain the Steps of the Employee Selection Process Explain the Role of Selection Tests in Selection Process Describe the Types of Interview for Selection Explain How to Conduct & Manage the Interview Process Explain What is Motivational Fit Explain the Body Language Cues to Look Out For List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter List the Qualities of a Good Recruiter

108 Qualities of a Good Recruiter
The following are the qualities of a good recruiter:

109 Qualities of a Good Recruiter
The following are the qualities of a good recruiter:

110 Qualities of a Good Recruiter
The following are the qualities of a good recruiter:

111 Qualities of a Good Recruiter
The following are the qualities of a good recruiter:

112 The following are the qualities of a good recruiter:



115 Summary

116 Summary

117 Glossary Click each alphabet to learn more. A D I P R

118 Glossary Click each alphabet to learn more. A D I P R

119 Glossary Click each alphabet to learn more. A D I P R

120 Glossary Click each alphabet to learn more. A D I P R

121 Glossary Click each alphabet to learn more. A D I P R

122 Glossary Click each alphabet to learn more. A D I P R

123 Click each alphabet to learn more.

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