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All-University Conversation

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1 All-University Conversation
April 20, 2017 12:30 – 1:30 PM Charter Hall 201

2 President Connie J. Gores
Welcome, Updates, Recognitions President Connie J. Gores

3 Strategic Plans All University Strategic Planning Committee
Academic Plan Diversity Plan Enrollmnt Management Plan Facilities Plan Institutional Capacity & Effectiveness Plan

4 Strategic Priorities 2016 -2017
Initiate the Academic Plan – guide the academic mission and vision of the university Implement the Diversity Plan – conduct professional development opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills of the campus community Activate the Enrollment Management Plan – focus on student success to enhance retention Move forward the Facilities Plan – complete and vet the 95% Report Enact the Institutional Capacity and Effectiveness Plan – Develop, recognize, and reward campus community members

5 Academic Plan Priority
2.1.8 Continue the completion of the Academic Advising Plan and begin implementation. Responsibility - Provost - VP of Enrollment Management and Student Success - Deans -CIO - Office of Student Success -Registrar Action The Deans are working on the Program Plans and working closely with the registrar and the CIO to have the electronic process active by fall of 2017. The Provost and VP for Enrollment Management and Student Success will convene a group to work on the Academic Advising Plan to align with the Program Plans. Outcome A work group was convened to complete the Academic Advising Plan. Projected completion date is May 2017.

6 Diversity Plan Priority
1.5.2 Schedule Anti-Bullying, Anti-Racism, and Cultural Competency workshops and other diversity initiatives. Responsibility Work with the ICE Strategic Planning Group -CDO Actions The CDO is working with SmSUFA to ask IFO to support the Anti-Bullying and Anti-Racism training. Need an update on possible Cultural Competency workshops. Outcomes Safe Space training was conducted during Professional Development Day SmSUFA provided a workshop on Anti-Racism Campus Diversity Officer secured a guest presenter to conduct climate survey and conduct professional development on cultural competency.

7 Enrollment Management Plan
Priority 1.2.2 Evaluate current enrollment management structures and identify opportunities for efficiencies and enhancement. Responsibility -Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success (VPEMSS) -EMSS Staff -Athletic Director Actions Outcomes A sub-group of the Strategic Enrollment Management Committee has completed a draft of the Student Success Plan. The draft will be vetted with Cabinet and eventually shared with all collective bargaining units and the Student Government Association.

8 Facilities Plan Priority 1.1.3 Completion of the Comprehensive Facilities Plan (CFP). Responsibility -VP for Finance and Administration -Director of Facilities and Physical Plant Actions Presentation of the 95% Report from LHB.- Waiting on review by system office and then final report review date will be set Outcomes Anticipated outcome – CFP will be completed Share final report with the campus community.

9 Institutional Capacity and Effectiveness Plan
Priority 1.1.1 Create On-Boarding/Mentorship opportunities. New Chair New faculty Adjunct faculty New staff Responsibility -Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) -Deans -Athletic Director Actions Deans shared faculty handbook with new faculty, provided an orientation that focused on the PDP process and other SMSU practices. Also provided a luncheon for new faculty. Connected each new faculty member with a mentor.*What is being done for new staff? Outcomes Completed. Developed and implemented fall semester 2016 by the Deans and the CHRO. This On-Boarding and Mentorship plan will continue and become standard procedure. .

10 Pair with one or two people that is in proximity to you.
Think – Pair – Share Think about one action that you engaged in this year to assist in implementing on of the strategies in the one of the plans. Pair with one or two people that is in proximity to you. Share the actions that you engaged in this year.

11 The HLC/Strategic Planning Committee
The HLC/Strategic Planning Committee coordinate efforts and initiatives pertaining to national accreditation and strategic planning. The HLC/Strategic Planning Committee will be engaged in an ongoing, adaptive, and inclusive process that will result in the all accreditation and strategic planning processes The processes will include engaging the University community in the HLC/ strategic panning process, soliciting input on the process, and assuring that the University community has an strategic understanding of accreditation and assessment as they relate to the operational and aspirational goals of the University.

12 University HLC/Strategic Planning Committee Regrouped to Work on HLC Criterion 2016-2017
Criterion One. Mission: The institution’s mission is clear and articulated publicly; it guides the institution’s operations. Melissa Scholten Rob Forget Connie Gores (Floating) Jan Loft Jay Lee

13 University HLC/Strategic Planning Committee Regrouped to Work on HLC Criterion 2016-2017
Criterion Three. Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support: The institution provides high quality education, wherever and however its offerings are delivered. Raphael Onyeaghala Sharon Kabes Chris Hmielewski Stewart Day Sami Shahin Debbie VanOverbeke Criterion Four. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement: The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and it evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement. Alan Matzner (Floating) Scott Crowell Diana Holmes Dwight C. Watson (Floating) Dan Kaiser Jeff Bell

14 University HLC/Strategic Planning Committee Regrouped to Work on HLC Criterion 2016-2017
Criterion Five. Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness The institution’s resources, structures, and processes are sufficient to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its educational offerings, and respond to future challenges and opportunities. The institution plans for the future. Deb Kerkaert Bill Mulso Mara Wiggins Jeff Kolnick Assessment/HLC Coordinator Jeff Bell Ex-Officio Members: President Connie J. Gores Provost Dwight C. Watson

15 HLC/Strategic Planning Values and Themes

16 Interactive Dialog Idea  Incubation Implementation Impact
Dwight 12:35 p.m.

17 Thank You for your Engagement!

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