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According to a few of Miss Jager’s friends.

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1 According to a few of Miss Jager’s friends.
Why Shakespeare? According to a few of Miss Jager’s friends.

2 From Benjamin “My love of Shakespeare is due to the fact that it isn't just the high-brow, sophisticated art of a long-dead Englishman. At its core it is funny, intelligent, crass and often vulgar. Once you start to learn how to read Shakespeare, you realize that it's the Comedy Central of Elizabethan England.”

3 From Rebecca: “Just let them know that if they don't like this one not to give up on Shakespeare completely, because Julius Cesar and Hamlet are fantastic!” From Shelley: “Hardest part about reading Shakespeare is understanding the language and how it was written” From Mrs. McCrory: “I love the richness of the language and the intensity of the emotions!”

4 From Brittani “We read Shakespeare because he is still very relevant to today. Especially Macbeth. Students may ask "Why do we need to read this. This doesn't pertain to us!" But it does. We may not run into witches that predict our future after we've won a battle, but how many of us read horoscopes? How many of us check our zodiac signs for how our day will be? Or what about the online tests, like, "Tell me what celebrity I'm going to marry!" Yup. You know you do it. My first reaction when someone mentions Shakespeare is to yell out, "Billy Shakes!" True story. The hardest part about reading Shakespeare is also the most fun part about reading Shakespeare. The language he uses may seem like it's foreign, but it's just an older version of what we already speak. It's interesting to me to see how language has evolved. Just have fun with the story line! They're some crazy peeps! ”

5 Question: What are you most looking forward to about reading some Shakespeare? Or, what are you most afraid of?

6 Coined Phrases We use Shakespeare’s words every day!
Did you use some today without even realizing it?

7 A sorry sight All that glitters is not gold It was Greek to me Out of the jaws of death Make your hair stand on end For goodness’ sake

8 Your Turn! Shakespeare Catch Phrase!
You will choose a slip that contains a Shakespearean phrase. You must get your team to guess the phrase – without motions or using the words in the phrase (definite articles and pronouns are allowed).

9 Shakespeare Phrases - UK Website with the origins of the phrases
Shakespeare Phrases - UK Website with the origins of the phrases

10 All that glitters is gold
Knock Knock! Who’s there? Dead as a doornail The game is afoot Fancy-free Too much of a good thing Fool’s paradise We have seen better days For goodness’ sake Up in arms Good riddance Full circle In a pickle Break the ice Vanish into thin air Kill with kindness A sorry sight Send him packing It was Greek to me Lie low Like the Dickens Love is blind Night Owl In the twinkling of an eye Make your hair stand on end Heart’s content Out of the jaws of death Fair play Truth will out Dash to pieces

11 And finally, from Erin “For me, Macbeth would not be the performance that it is without Lady Macbeth. In Shakespeare, we meet many different women: some are strong, some are in love, some are complete air-heads. Yet, they always seem to rely on a man to get them through the day - not Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is by far the most fascinating and terrifying woman I've ever met in Shakespeare. As you watch the story unfold, you see that she is completely capable of taking the situation into her own hands. She is more power-hungry than her husband and she will stop at nothing to ensure that she maintains that power--even her own sanity and safety. When she gives her final monologue--"Out, damned spot"--my skin crawls. Of all of the women and girls that Shakespeare has loved and created, he will never have power over Lady Macbeth; she controlled his pen in this play.”

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