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Day 2 Health Agenda Energy In vs Energy out - powerpoint and notes

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1 Day 2 Health Agenda Energy In vs Energy out - powerpoint and notes
Complete my food diary Complete Food Label assignment Study for Flexibility for Life test when finished. Use the index cards or take nutrition cards and try to put together a good balanced meal

2 Energy Balance Energy in vs Energy out

3 Write what you know about energy balaor discuss with partner
FIRST Write what you know about energy balaor discuss with partner

4 What is energy balance? Energy is another word for "calories." Your energy balance is the balance of calories consumed through eating and drinking compared to calories burned through physical activity. What you eat and drink is ENERGY IN. What you burn through physical activity is ENERGY OUT.

5 Energy In There are 6 major MACRONUTRIENTS, and three of them supply us with energy: 4 calories 9 calories Carbohydrates Proteins Fats

6 Calories and Fat There are about 3500 Calories in EACH pound of fat. What happens if you have one extra 150 calorie snack per day, every day of the year? 150 x 365 = 54,750 calories That’s over 10 pounds of fat in a single year!

7 Energy Out Your body uses energy for exercise, but more importantly, you need energy to: Digest Food Breathe and Circulate Blood! Keep your brain functioning at it’s peak performance! Get to school, carry books, do chores, and do homework! More than half of the calories you take in are already needed to keep you alive every day!


9 Calorie Needs Based on Gender, Age, and Activity Level
Male Age Activity Level Sedentary Moderately Active Active 4-8 1,400 1, ,600 1, ,000 9-13 1,800 1, ,200 2, ,600 14-18 2,200 2, ,800 2, ,200 19-30 2,400 2, ,800 3,000 31-50 2, ,600 2, ,000 51+ 2,000 2, ,400 Female Age Activity Level Sedentary Moderately Active Active 4 - 8 1,200 1, ,600 1, ,800 9-13 1,600 1, ,000 1, ,000 14-18 1,800 2,000 2,400 19-30 2, ,200 31-50 2,200 51+

10 Reducing ENERGY IN Here are some ways to cut 150 calories:
Drink water instead of a 12-ounce regular soda Order a small serving of French fries instead of a medium, or order a salad with dressing on the side instead Eat an egg-white omelet (with three eggs), instead of whole eggs Use tuna canned in water (6-ounce can), instead of oil

11 Increasing ENERGY OUT Here are some ways to burn 150 calories (ENERGY OUT), in just 30 minutes (for a 150 pound person): Shoot hoops Walk two miles Do yard work (gardening, raking leaves, etc.)   Go for a bike ride Dance

12 Finding Balance Over Time
Your ENERGY IN and OUT don't have to balance every day. It's having a balance over time that will help you stay at a healthy weight for the long term. Children need to balance their energy, but they’re also growing and that should be considered as well. Energy balance in children happens when the amount of ENERGY IN and ENERGY OUT supports natural growth without promoting excess weight gain.

13 Review: Food = Calories In Exercise = Calories Out
Calorie needs vary based on gender, age, and activity level. Teens and young adults require the most calories Men typically require more calories compared to women of the same size. Active people require more calories compared to sedentary people.

14 Review: If you have too many calories in, you will gain weight.
If you have too many calories out, you will lose weight. Energy balance occurs over time – weekly, monthly, yearly, not daily. Proper energy balance is important in children so that they have natural growth, without excessive weight gain.

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