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Portals and CMS – Why You Need Them Both

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Presentation on theme: "Portals and CMS – Why You Need Them Both"— Presentation transcript:

1 Portals and CMS – Why You Need Them Both

2 Route map Environmental scan What is a CMS? What is a Portal?
How does the CMS relate to the Portal? Demo (maybe some magic, if there’s time) Some reflections

3 True confessions … We don’t (yet) have a centrally supported CMS
We don’t have an institutional portal We plan to have made decisions on both by August 2002 What follows is a mix of vaporware, prototypes and incomplete understanding

4 Environmental scan I From the viewpoint of a research-led University say five years ago: The Web is not life threatening The Web is another hassle – what is it replacing? We’re over-subscribed with well qualified candidates “It’ll be very expensive to put a server in Mexico”

5 The pre-millennial Web
A hobby for someone Apache on a file system Highly manual methods of content creation and maintenance In effect a read-only medium A spot of Perl A Webmaster Let the “professionals” get back to serious computing “Three clicks away from crap”

6 Environmental scan II From the viewpoint of a research-led University today: DDA 1995 & SENDA 2001 September 2002 Perhaps the Web is career threatening? Let’s re-do the Web to make it accessible Let’s re-paint the Forth Road Bridge again and again and again Let’s work harder rather than smarter

7 The pre-millennial Web can’t scale
The pre-millennial Web is broken We need a Web Content Management System: A web site is like a dog – it’s for life We need to move beyond the “Freds in the Shed” We need a dynamic, automated, write-enabled, de-skilled Web ….. ….. supported by a multi-skilled Web Team (who never touch the content)

8 The content life cycle

9 The defining features of a CMS
A CMS has substantial overlaps with DMS, VLEs, Groupware, Weblogs, Portals …. Browning & Lowndes (2001) Versioning (checkout/in, rollback) Workflow Integration (“joinupability”) Not a finished product; a concept, a set of processes, a framework CMS Portal x

10 The most desirable features of a CMS
(IWMW, 2000) Template-based self-service authoring for non-technical content providers (‘frictionless publishing’) Roles-based security Workflow management - submit, review, approve, archive Integration with existing data/databases and user authentication systems Metadata management Flexible output - write once, publish many times

11 The Prospectus in 5 BC (Before Cms)
Fax Fag packet Annotated copy of last year’s Word Departments Word Admissions Web pages Fourth party Page Maker Marketing Printer Third party Webmaster

12 The Prospectus in 5 AC (After Cms)
Printer Browser Web pages Standard Browser CMS Robot Text-to- speech Browser Browser CD-ROM Browser Departments Admissions Marketing Web Team

13 CMS in 2002 If you haven’t got one or aren’t thinking about getting one then you either: Have a web site of less than 100 pages or Have a web site with less than three authors or Are probably dead meat

14 Content Management System (CMS)
Portal = MLE = VLE + CMS Content Management System (CMS) eStrategy = an institutional understanding of these relationships?

15 What is a portal? A portal:
Aggregates information and applications one stop shop Is personalised or ‘groupilised’ one size does not fit all Aspires to be your desktop on the Web Webtop

16 Examples of portals Law Intranet Blackboard Amazon Tesco LSE for You
TABS Law Intranet Blackboard Amazon Tesco LSE for You CHANNELS or PORTLETS

17 The benchmark? LSE For You
Modules (=“channels”) already implemented Room Booking Student Photo Boards Tuition Fees Address Maintenance Emergency Contacts Private Accommodation Exam Results Reprographics Usage Reprographics Jobs Mailing Lists Teaching Timetable Payslips Examination Details Class Mailer Locate a Study Room Transcripts DPA Consent LSE Experts Application Progress Collect Network Account Alumni Employment

18 The benchmark? LSE For You
Room Booking Teaching Timetable

19 The benchmark? LSE For You
Address Maintenance Tuition Fees

20 What is a portal architecture? Why bother?
Before (i.e. now) ….. PIMS IRIS BOFINS BORIS Coda Dolphin User confusion? Lots of stovepipes of variable length … Desk- topped Pseudo- webified Webified Invisible

21 What is a portal architecture? Aggregation
After ….. Happy User PIMS IRIS BOFINS BORIS Coda Dolphin Portal framework Portal ? Extending, bending and merging the stovepipes … Desk- topped Pseudo- webified Webified PORTALISED

22 What is a portal architecture? Personalisation = “stickiness”
Prospective employee After ….. Prospective student Casual visitor Portal framework Show Room Portal Back Office Student Staff HoD Multiple views depending on user and/or device

23 Ahem …. don’t some CMS do …
Aggregation (a.k.a. syndication)? Personalisation? And other bits of a portal framework? Yes …. Conversant, Frontier (News/magazine type) Vignette, Broadvision (E-business/e-commerce type) Zope + CMF (Framework type) Which is why you need to be clear about the join between the CMS and the portal

24 Dog’s dinner alert I …. what follows are just sketches
by someone with a poor sense of screen design aimed at demonstrating some concepts a future portal will not look like this!

25 The “back office” – student1
v e r s t y o f B l S a c h M L b T P u N w d E m g F p C x k STUDENT ph0044 E D I T E D I T P A Y

26 The “back office” - staff
U n i v e r s i t y o f B r i s t o l S e a r c h M y B r i s t o l L i b r a r y T o o l s P u b l i s h N e w s a n d E v e n t s C o u r s e s STAFF T i m e t a b l e M y h o m e a d d r e s s E D I T Porpoise BOFINS M y n e x t o f k i n E D I T B o o k m a r k s M y p a r k i n g F i l e s t o r e P A Y

27 The “back office” – student2
v e r s i t y o f B r i s t o l S e a r c h M y B r i s t o l L i b r a r y T o o l s P u b l i s h

28 The “back office” – a customisable Webtop
View of CMS and other content repositories to which you have write access U n i v e r s i t y o f B r i s t o l TTW editing into CMS S e a r c h M y B r i s t o l L i b r a r y T o o l s P u b l i s h wyziwyg W e g o t 1 5 f i v e - s t a r s ! The portal is fundamentally content-free – the CMS holds the content Tools to automagically upload, convert and publish Office files zlave P u b l i s h O f f i c e f i l e :

29 What makes a good portal framework?
Interoperable (open standards) Agnostic Secure Flexible (incl. “skins”) Stable, scaleable, supportable Future proof

30 Candidate portal frameworks?
Blackboard Level 2 û Blackboard Level 3 - Now BB Learning System £32k/annum + <= £60k consultancy for set-up? Zope û Long list of payware options û Short list Oracle Portal ? uPortal ?

31 Demo Is there time? If not, and you’d like see it, then back 17:30

32 Oracle Portal demo Glasgow Caledonian

33 uPortal demo Delaware

34 Dog’s dinner alert II …. what follows is a proto-prototype
constructed by staff with other day jobs and some students no concessions made w.r.t. usability or presentation running on a desktop PC aimed at demonstrating some concepts: Aggregation Integration Personalisation Customisation a future portal will not look or work like this!

35 uPortal demo Bristol out of the box Bristol prototype

36 What is a portal architecture?
“Browsers” Application server Content Portal channel PIMS, etc Database File system Message store News store RSS feeds Anything XML CMS (Zope) Views depending on user and/or device WAP PDF Disabled Applicant The portal is fundamentally content-free – the CMS holds the content Servlet container Portal framework XML/XSLT Authentication service

37 LoadsaX’s to get our heads round
XML XSLT XHTML Browser Printer WAP XSLT XML uPortal Application or Data XHTML We all need a Sebastian Rahtz!

38 Some reflections CMSPortal Siloware vs. Glueware Senior managers
Who’s the CTO? IWMW 2003 Putting lipstick on bulldogs

39 CMSPortal

40 How we’d like things to be ….
SIS Portal framework CMS Digital Library Agnostic, open standards compliant – plugs and sockets DNER

41 just sockets – “do it our way”
… but how it often is Siloware SIS Digital Library Portal framework CMS just sockets – “do it our way” DNER

42 Doncha love Senior Managers?
Why can’t we just use Google? We don’t need a portal – we just need a well-designed Web site Our SIS is ‘Best of Breed’ so it must be good Why can’t we just use Outlook and Exchange?

43 Who’s the CTO? Your Director of IT Services?
UCISA? Siloware is often golfcourseware “It gets sold to senior executives by smooth-talking sales executives who claim their products solve every conceivable business problem, is a doddle to install, standards compliant, holographic user interfaces, everything.” SCONUL? ALT? JISC? eEnvoy? Who’s the CIO? We need to be investing in glueware and the people who can use it

44 The Scaleable Web (IWMW 2003)
Making it easy for the end-user means more complexity behind the scenes The increasing dynamic Web will start to fail as sites get busier Who in your institution is looking at: Load balancing Clustering Cacheing Amazon & Tesco have Overlaps with the GRID?

45 The technology is the easier bit
"The worst thing you can do is to Web-enable a bad process," said Friedlein. "As a client once put it: 'There's no point in putting lipstick on a bulldog,'" he added. Getting content management strategy right, ZD Net UK, Dec 12th, 2001, Geoff Choo From Information Strategy to eStrategy? Future performance target: Four clicks away from 7x24 crap


47 An Information Systems Strategy?
From Desktop to Webtop An Information Systems Strategy? Casual visitor Prospective student Prospective employee HERO Operational processing Maintrix CARB PIMS Dolphin Coda User Aleph Envision Sports stellar Many readers, some writers Information deployment fsb Web Application server IRIS VIOLET DataHub Corporate information eclipse Show Room The Portal Back Office Student DataHaven Staff HoD HESA Multiple views, depending on role

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