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Archaic Architecture 600-480 BCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Archaic Architecture 600-480 BCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archaic Architecture BCE

2 Extent of Period 600: 480: Begins with efforts to produce monuments
Athens, Corinth 480: Ends with the Persian wars and changes In Architecture In Sculpture In Vase Painting

3 Archaic Art Monumental Architecture Architectural Sculpture
Freestanding Sculpture in Marble Sculpture in Bronze Ceramics

4 Architecture The orders: Doric: Ionic: used on the Greek mainland
used in the East and on the islands

5 Doric columns Columns: without bases
Flutes: joined by a sharp ridge or arris

6 Doric Capital Capital: Abacus: flat slab Echinus: cushion

7 Doric Column from the Athenian Agora

8 Doric Order Entablature: above the capital Architrave Frieze Cornice
Taenia: narrow projecting band Regulae: small rectangular shelves Guttae: pegs fixed to the undersides Frieze Triglyphs: 3 bars Metopes: often decorated Cornice Sides of building: horizontal cap Ends of building: angled framing of gables Pediments: end gables, often decorated

9 Typical Doric Temple Plan

10 Temple of Apollo, Corinth, ca. 560


12 Temple of Hera I at Paestum or Poseidonia, ca. 550. “Basilica”
Copyright: James D'Emilio

13 Temple Types

14 Temple of Artemis on Corcyra, or Corfu, ca. 580

15 Temple of Artemis, Corcyra

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