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Graphic Design History

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1 Graphic Design History
[a short]

2 What is it? Where does it come from?

3 Cave paintings at Lascaux France 15,000 – 10,000 B.C.
Painted using mineral pigments during the Paleolithic times.

4 Egyptian Hieroglyphics
3300 B.C. Symbolic pictures Fully deciphered 1820’s

5 Book of Kells 8th and 9th centuries Created by Celtic Monks
Hand lettering, silver and gold accents, elaborate illustrations

6 Guttenberg Bible 1450’s The first major work of literature to be printed on movable-type printing press Named for inventor Johannes Guttenberg

7 Garamond Font 1530 Claude Garamond
Opened the first type foundry, a workshop that sold fonts to printers

8 The American Flag 1777 Betsy Ross design became the basis for the modern American flag.

9 Coupon from 1900 Logo for Coca-Cola 1886 Rumored to be by John S. Pemberton, company founder

10 Poster by Alphones Mucha 1890
Art Nouveau Movement Letters often painted into art

11 Poster by Alexander Rodchenko 1919
Russian Constructivism movement Bold, new graphic language used for advancing social and political causes

12 Poster for the Bauhaus School of Design 1919
School in Weinmar, Germany known for embracing all of design disciplines, including crafts, architecture, painting, and typography A new era of simplicity

13 Book design for the Time Machine
W.A. Dwigging 1922 Coined the term, graphic design

14 Helvetica 1957 Max Meidiger Designed the Neue Haas Grotesk font
Renamed Helvetica One of the most used type faces

15 Colorfoms Logo – 1959 Paul Rand
The simplicity of the Bauhaus ideals brought to a mass audience of kids

16 Bob Dylan Poster – 1967 Milton Glazer
Glazer and Push Pins Studios created a number of poster and magazine designs. psychedelic

17 New York City Subway map 1972 Massimo Vignelli
Designed to be easily understood Simplification labeling system

18 The first apple computer 1984
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac User friendly design for consumers who were not computer-savvy


20 Adobe Photoshop version 1 1989
A way to manipulate photographic images that had never been used

21 Graphic Design Deconstruction and Grunge Typography
Ray Gun Magazine – David Carson Lou Reed Album Cover, Set the Twilight Reeling – Stefan Sagmeister

22 Barack Obama “O” logo 2007 Designed by Chicago-based firm Sender LLC
Negative space logo symbolizing the president’s political campaign


24 2007 – Helvetica (the movie) Gary Huswit
“a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives.”

25 What’s Next?

26 This presentation is for educational purposes only
This presentation is for educational purposes only. To view much of the source material, please purchase “Go, A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design” by Chip Kidd

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