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Theme 6 Preview.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 6 Preview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 6 Preview

2 Intended Outcomes Plan for Theme 6 using a graphic organizer
Learn specific strategies to improve Oral Language/ Vocabulary Development Dramatic Play Plan for Weeks 1, 2, 3 & 4 Whole Group Small Group Work Stations Read slide. *Keep clicking to bring each bullet it.

3 Norms Go over group norms. Listen and respect each other
Limit sidebar conversations Limit technology Take care of your needs (locate restrooms in the facility) Share ideas Have a great learning experience Ask participants if additional agreements are needed. Locate restrooms in the facility. There will be no formal breaks (only a 2 hour training); take care of personal needs.

4 Theme 6

5 Graphic Organizers Used for intentional and explicit instruction
Teacher modeling is crucial Teacher demonstrates their own thought process by thinking aloud as they walk through the process Draw or tape pictures next to written responses Can be charts, diagrams, webs, or other visual representations Presenter Says: We know that we have discussed using graphic organizers in the classroom, but let’s review what they are, different ones and how they can be used. Read slide. * Click to emphasize each bullet. Discuss article in packet, Using Graphic Organizers in Preschool, by Melissa Jetton McDermott. Presenter Says: This article gives you a quick summary of a few different graphic organizers that can easily be used in a PK classroom. They are a perfect way to model writing, increase oral language, introduce vocabulary, and model thinking aloud. Take a few minutes to look at the graphic organizers included in the article. They give you an explanation of what it is, how to use them, when to use them and what children can learn. Ask participants to give you an example of how they can use each of them.

6 Subtheme : Construction Terms
Let’s Build Week 1 Week:__1___ Subtheme : Construction Terms Focus: Vocabulary Alliteration Activities: Focus: Geometry, Spatial Sense Activities: Books: -B is for Bulldozer -A Day in the Life of a Construction Worker -The Greedy Triangle Construction Materials (hard hat, under construction tape, tools, etc. ) Presenter Says: Now lets take a look at a graphic organizer we have created for this theme. In our past Theme Previews we have focused on Language Arts and Math. This time, we are also going to plan for Science and Social Studies. We know that there is not a Science or Social Studies focus everyday in the Frog Street kit, but we did include a Science or Social Studies lesson each day in our planning guides. We will take a look at these today and use them to plan. You will have to use both the teacher guide and the planning guides to find the focus for Science and Social Studies. Please note that we may not all have the same thing for the focus for these two content areas, but we will discuss them. You notice that we also have a section for additional resources. Since we have a different subtheme each week these may change accordingly. When we get to each week we will also read the subtheme so we have an idea of what it actually means. We are going to use Teacher Guide #6 and the planning guides that are on your tables to look for the subtheme, and focus for each content area. What is our subtheme? Construction Terms What does this subtheme entail? Have someone read the synopsis for the subtheme. When we are planning for activities and lessons it’s important to make sure that you are reading what the subtheme is about. Although Theme 6 does seem that it will be all about Construction, as we read the subthemes you will see that there are many other areas you will cover. Take a few minutes and find the focus each of the four content areas. Use your teacher guide and the planning guides on the table to fill them in your Week 1 graphic organizer. Now that we have the focus for each content area in Week 1, let’s do the same for the remaining weeks. We will go through the remaining weeks as a group after so that you can fill in the information for each week. Split the weeks among the tables. Give participants about 6-7 minutes to find the focus for their weeks. Show participants the books to share on pg.17 to see additional titles that they can use besides the read alouds in the FSP kit. Focus: Physical Science, Observations Activities: Focus: Geography , Flags, Environment Activities:

7 Subtheme : Tools and Machines
Let’s Build Week 2 Week:__2___ Subtheme : Tools and Machines Focus: Oral Language, Alliteration, Compound Words Activities: Focus: Measurement, Counting Non-Standard Units Activities: Books: -B is for Bulldozer -A Day in the Life of a Construction Worker -Tools by Ann Morris Construction Tools (hammer, wrench, screwdriver ,etc. ) Presenter Asks: What is the subtheme for Week 2? Can someone read the synopsis for it? Have a participant read the synopsis. What is the focus for each content area? What additional resources can you use for this subtheme? Focus: Safety Rules, Science Tools Activities: Focus: Geography , Tools Activities:

8 Let’s Build Week 3 Week:__3___ Subtheme : I Can Build
Focus: Sentence Structure, Vocabulary, Oral Language Activities: Focus: Classifying, Data Analysis Activities: Books: -B is for Bulldozer -A Day in the Life of a Construction Worker -Tools by Ann Morris Construction Tools (hammer, wrench, screwdriver ,etc. ) Presenter Asks: What is the subtheme for Week 3? Can someone read the synopsis for it? Have a participant read the synopsis. What is the focus for each content area? What additional resources can you use for this subtheme? Focus: Physical Science, Physical Development, Problem Solving Activities: Focus: Structures, Activities:

9 Let’s Build Week 4 Week:__4___ Subtheme : I Can Create
Focus: Oral Language, Phonological Awareness Activities: Focus: Identifying, Labeling Sets Activities: Books: -B is for Bulldozer -A Day in the Life of a Construction Worker -Tools by Ann Morris Construction Tools (hammer, wrench, screwdriver ,etc. ) Presenter Asks: What is the subtheme for Week 4? Can someone read the synopsis for it? Have a participant read the synopsis. What is the focus for each content area? What additional resources can you use for this subtheme? Focus: Roles Activities: Focus: Physical Development, Physical Science, Earth’s Materials Activities:

10 Oral Language Language is the process of speaking and listening to communicate meaning. Children learn language as they interact with responsive adults and peers and experience language use in meaningful texts. Presenter Says: You notice that Oral Language is repeated throughout Theme 6. We are going to spend a little time discussing oral language and vocabulary in PK. Read slide

11 Hart and Risley (1995) found:
Oral Language Hart and Risley (1995) found: There is a 600 word gap between high SES children and low SES children. Children need multiple opportunities to use language throughout the day to bridge the gap. Read slide Presenter Asks: So what does this tell us that we need to do in our classrooms? Give participants 1-2 minutes to discuss and then share with the group. Presenter Says: We need to do our part to close the gap and introduce new words…daily.

12 We can do this by… Using language building strategies (labeling, describing, explaining, comparing and linking) Questioning that builds higher-level thinking skills Scaffolding to help a child to successfully complete a task Having conversations that introduce new vocabulary Click to bring in new bullet and read.

13 Television Stars Video
Presenter Says: No let’s take a look at a video of an oral language activity being used in a closing circle. Be thinking of another way you could use this activity throughout your school day. We will share after the video. Video: Click on picture to bring up webpage, then click on camera clip art. After video have tables share how they could use this activity. Presenter Says: How could use this activity in your day? Call on a few participants. Now that we have a better understanding of the importance of oral language, let’s take a look at one of the easiest ways to encourage and develop oral language and develop vocabulary.

14 The number one place for language development!
Dramatic Play   The number one place for language development! The number one place for language development! Read slide. Presenter Says: When planning for a change in the dramatic play work station, it is important to call it that…Dramatic Play…not a kitchen center. Why do you think that is? By changing your dramatic play station to support the classroom theme, you give children opportunities to use and internalize the language of the theme. This also allows children to communicate effectively with adults and peers, builds children’s background knowledge, extends and enriches vocabulary, supports comprehension of texts, either heard or read and engages children in becoming proficient in speaking and listening. It is also important to remember literacy (books and writing materials) in dramatic play so that students can make connections. Adding books related to the theme as well as writing materials encourages vocabulary development. Let’s take a look at some different theme’s for dramatic play.

15 Dramatic Play Presenter Says: It is important to explain and model how things work or why we do things. After giving students an opportunity to practice what you model in a work station themed after this one, students could build on their own and use problem solving skills to hold items up, make houses, etc. This is not just a dramatic play station, but so much more. Involve other projects or lessons you are working on. What are some ways that you can decide on the theme of your dramatic play station?

16 Dramatic Play Presenter Says: Here you see a barn theme. Notice the vocabulary added to the station and the furniture that has been covered with butcher paper.

17 Dramatic Play Presenter Says: This dramatic play station was transformed into a camping ground, along with roaring fire. What type of oral language do you think is happening in this station? In your packet you have a list of dramatic play ideas that can be used throughout the year. Something to consider is planning with our grade level team for this station. Pick some different ideas you know you will want do and each of you will prepare everything for that theme. Then you can rotate the dramatic play themes throughout the year. Remember to work smarter, not harder.

18 Oral Language Activities
Mystery Bags Story Jars Picture Walk Roll and Tell Television Stars

19 Mystery Bag Presenter Says: Let’s take a look at one of the activities listed. What type of preparation do you think the teacher has made so that the students could be successful with this game?

20 Pinterest Boards
Presenter Says: Here are some of the new and existing boards that have been created to support this theme and time period.

21 Table Activity Presenter Says: Now that we have found the focus for each week together, we are going to split up the weeks. We want to give you enough time to plan for each content area for the week. We also want you to have enough time to record lessons for weeks that you did not plan for. To plan for your assigned week, please use the following… Since two tables will be in charge of one week, we recommend that you split up the content areas. So if 12 of you are doing week 1, 2-3 of you can spend your time looking for activities for one content or the additional resources.

22 Weeks 1, 2, 3, & 4 Teacher Guide Planning Guides
Instructional Strategies Online resources Presenter Says: Now you will have minutes to plan activities and any additional resources for your assigned week. When the time is up, you will record your activities so that everyone will have a chance to see and record activities for all 4 weeks. Be sure to include whole group, small group and work station ideas and any additional resources for your subtheme. Once you have found your activities, please record them on your assigned chart paper. Be sure to include page numbers if it was taken from the FSP teacher guide. You have blank grpahic organizers on your tables, if you run out of room, feel free to take another.

23 Questions?

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