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Universal laws and architectures:

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Presentation on theme: "Universal laws and architectures:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal laws and architectures:
Theory and lessons from flows, brains, hearts, cells, grids, nets, bugs, bodies, planes, docs, fire, fashion, earthquakes, turbulence, music, buildings, cities, art, running, throwing, Synesthesia, spacecraft, statistical mechanics John Doyle 道陽 Jean-Lou Chameau Professor Control and Dynamical Systems, EE, & BioE Ca # 1 tech

2 Universal laws and architectures:
Theory and lessons from flows, brains, hearts, cells, grids, nets, bugs, bodies, planes, docs, fire, fashion, earthquakes, music, buildings, cities, art running, throwing, Synesthesia, spacecraft, statistical mechanics and zombies John Doyle 道陽 Jean-Lou Chameau Professor Control and Dynamical Systems, EE, & BioE Ca # 1 tech

3 Outline (two extremes)
Part 1: Intro to control Much simpler than Bassam or Mihailo or Tom Aim for maximum accessibility to general audience Trying out new material for video series, looking for feedback Refer to related work but skip details (see pubs) Part 2: Latest theory Distributed, delayed comms, localized, scalable Applicable to internet, smartgrid, neuro, cells, and turbulence?

4 Efficiency/instability/layers/feedback
New efficiencies but also instability (and/or amplification) Needs new distributed/layered/complex/active control Money/finance/lobbyists/etc Industrialization Society/agriculture/weapons/etc Bipedalism Maternal care Warm blood Flight Mitochondria Oxygen Translation (ribosomes) Glycolysis Major transitions

5 Let’s take some data

6 Fast Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility
Robustness Virtualization Diversity Fast

7 Fast Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility
Bacteria Biofilms Ants Development Regeneration Cancer Internet Vision Brains Turbulence Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility Robustness Virtualization Diversity Fast

8 Efficiency/instability/layers/feedback
New efficiencies but instability (and/or amplification) Needs distributed/layered/complex/active control Money/finance/lobbyists/etc Industrialization Society/agriculture Tools/weapons Bipedalism Maternal care Warm blood Flight Mitochondria Oxygen Translation (ribosomes) Glycolysis

9 Laws as Tradeoffs efficient
Function= Locomotion fragile robust efficient costly

10 Cartoon of early walking
Cartoon of modern top parasite Cartoon of early walking Can’t fall Slow, inefficient

11 Tradeoffs >2x fragile 4x robust efficient costly

12 bike Learning walk crawl fragile . robust efficient costly

13 Universal laws and architectures efficient
Our heroes Universal laws and architectures fragile Evolution Complexity Architecture Impossible (law) Ideal robust efficient wasteful

14 Actual fragile Ideal robust efficient wasteful expensive

15 Universal laws Impossible (law) robust efficient Actual fragile Ideal
wasteful expensive

16 Engineering and medicine
Actual fragile Impossible (law) Ideal robust efficient wasteful expensive

17 Impossible (law) robust efficient The risk Actual fragile Ideal
wasteful expensive

18 Toy example of universals
fragile Just add a bike? robust efficient costly

19 Toy example of universals:
Universal laws and architectures Robust efficiency Learning, evolution, design, environment Learn fragile robust efficient costly

20 Sustainable  robust + efficient
accessible accountable accurate adaptable administrable affordable auditable autonomy available credible process capable compatible composable configurable correctness customizable debugable degradable determinable demonstrable dependable deployable discoverable distributable durable effective evolvable extensible fail transparent fast fault-tolerant fidelity flexible inspectable installable Integrity interchangeable interoperable learnable maintainable manageable mobile modifiable modular nomadic operable orthogonality portable precision predictable producible provable recoverable relevant reliable repeatable reproducible resilient responsive reusable safety scalable seamless self-sustainable serviceable supportable securable simple stable standards survivable tailorable testable timely traceable ubiquitous understandable upgradable usable fragile Crash? efficient efficient robust sustainable efficient costly Energy robust

21 Sustainable  robust + efficient
accessible accountable accurate adaptable administrable affordable auditable autonomy available credible process capable compatible composable configurable correctness customizable debugable degradable determinable demonstrable dependable deployable discoverable distributable durable effective evolvable extensible fail transparent fast fault-tolerant fidelity flexible inspectable installable Integrity interchangeable interoperable learnable maintainable manageable mobile modifiable modular nomadic operable orthogonality portable precision predictable producible provable recoverable relevant reliable repeatable reproducible resilient responsive reusable safety scalable seamless self-sustainable serviceable supportable securable simple stable standards survivable tailorable testable timely traceable ubiquitous understandable upgradable usable efficient efficient sustainable robust

22 Sustainable  robust + efficient
accessible accountable accurate adaptable administrable affordable auditable autonomy available credible process capable compatible composable configurable correctness customizable debugable degradable determinable demonstrable dependable deployable discoverable distributable durable effective evolvable extensible fail transparent fast fault-tolerant fidelity flexible inspectable installable Integrity interchangeable interoperable learnable maintainable manageable mobile modifiable modular nomadic operable orthogonality portable precision predictable producible provable recoverable relevant reliable repeatable reproducible resilient responsive reusable safety scalable seamless self-sustainable serviceable supportable securable simple stable standards survivable tailorable testable timely traceable ubiquitous understandable upgradable usable fragile Crash? efficient efficient robust sustainable efficient costly Energy robust

23 efficient Universal laws and architectures
fragile Crash? robust wasteful fragile efficient robust Ideal Impossible (law) Architecture Flexibly achieve what is possible efficient costly Energy Universal laws and architectures

24 U Theorems+ {case study} Architecture Impossible (law) Universal laws
Words and definitions wasteful fragile efficient robust Ideal Impossible (law) Architecture Flexibly achieve what is possible Universal laws and architectures

25 U Theorems+ {case study} Architecture Impossible (law) robust
Brains Bugs (microbes, ants) Medical physiology Nets/Grids (cyberphys) Theorems+ U {case study} Words and definitions Lots of aerospace Wildfire ecology Earthquakes Physics: turbulence, stat mech (QM?) “Toy”: Lego clothing, fashion Buildings, cities Synesthesia wasteful fragile efficient robust Ideal Impossible (law) Architecture Flexibly achieve what is possible Fundamentals!

26 U Theorems+ {case study} Brains Bugs (microbes, ants)
Medical physiology Nets/Grids (cyberphys) Theorems+ U {case study} Words and definitions Lots of aerospace Wildfire ecology Earthquakes Physics: turbulence, stat mech (QM?) “Toy”: Lego clothing, fashion Buildings, cities Synesthesia Fundamentals! turbulence

27 U Theorems+ {case study} Brains Bugs (microbes, ants)
Medical physiology Nets/Grids (cyberphys) Turbulence Theorems+ U {case study} Words and definitions Lots of aerospace Wildfire ecology Earthquakes Physics: stat mech (QM?) “Toy”: Lego clothing, fashion Buildings, cities Synesthesia Fundamentals!

28 ~1980 Starting point 2012 Lots of aerospace Precursors in 1940s
Wildfire ecology Earthquakes Physics: turbulence, stat mech (QM?) “Toy”: Lego clothing, fashion Buildings, cities Synesthesia Precursors in 1940s

29 Since ~2000 Focus today: Neuroscience Cell biology (esp. bacteria)
Brains Bugs (microbes, ants) Medical physiology Nets/Grids (cyberphys) Turbulence Focus today: Neuroscience + People care + Live demos Cell biology (esp. bacteria) + Perfection  Some people care Medical physiology (esp. HRV) + People care, somewhat familiar - Live demos difficult Internet (of everything) (& Cyber-Phys) + Understand the details (and now theory) - Flawed designs (that we can fix) Everything you’ve read is wrong (in science)* Since ~2000 * In high impact “journals”

30 Chiang, Low, Calderbank, and Doyle
Starting point Chiang, Low, Calderbank, and Doyle

31 Cell biology (esp. bacteria)
Brains Bugs (microbes, ants) Medical physiology Nets/Grids (cyberphys) Turbulence Focus today: Neuroscience + People care + Live demos Cell biology (esp. bacteria) + Perfection  Some people care Medical physiology (esp. HRV) + People care, somewhat familiar - Live demos difficult Internet (of everything) (& Cyber-Phys) + Understand the details - Flawed designs Everything you’ve read is wrong (in science)* * In high impact “journals”

32 Cell biology (esp. bacteria)
Focus today: Neuroscience + People care + Live demos Cell biology (esp. bacteria) + Perfection  Some people care Medical physiology (esp. HRV) + People care, somewhat familiar - Live demos difficult Internet (of everything) (& Cyber-Phys) + Understand the details - Flawed designs Everything you’ve read is wrong (in science)* * Mostly high impact “journals”

33 robust efficient A convenient cartoon fragile Function= Movement

34 A convenient cartoon demo
fragile robust efficient costly up down

35 Simplified inverted pendulum
y l length (COM) g gravity l linearize

36 Gravity (-g) is destabilizing Gravity (+g) is stabilizing
Universal laws? Law #1 : Mechanics (Newton) Law #2 : Gravity (Galileo) Gravity (-g) is destabilizing Gravity (+g) is stabilizing oscillates unstable

37 Gravity (-g) is destabilizing Gravity (+g) is stabilizing
Universal laws? Law #1 : Mechanics (Newton) Law #2 : Gravity (Galileo) Gravity (-g) is destabilizing Gravity (+g) is stabilizing Same laws, different consequences.

38 crash fragile stable Theory & Data robust up down

39 crash, details unpredictable
fragile Stable, predictable robust up down OK, boring so far, but…

40 crash, details unpredictable
Stabilize with active feedback control? crash, details unpredictable fragile Easier to control than predict? robust OK, boring so far, but…

41 Stabilize with active feedback control?
(Sense, decide, act) eye vision Control Act

42 harder? hard easy easy easier? down

43 n noise e error eye Law #3 : Vision/light

44 N noise E error eye vision slow delay Control Act

45 v y l length (to COM) g gravity v control (acceleration)  l x
Simplified inverted pendulum y l length (to COM) g gravity v control (acceleration) l v x Act

46 Laplace transform Linearize ±

47 N E Amplification (noise to error) theorem: Entropy rate Energy (L2)
eye vision delay Control Act

48 Amplification (noise to error) theorem:
Entropy rate Energy (L2) Fragility two ways (~ Bode* and Zames): * With key help from Freudenberg and Seron et al

49 Universal laws Mechanics+ Gravity + Light +
Amplification (noise to error) theorem: Entropy rate Energy (L2) Universal laws Mechanics+ Gravity + Light + With Yoke Peng Leong

50 Proof? error Max modulus C + noise P

51 fragility 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 4 6 8 10 Fragile Length, m Shorter

52 Also exponential in delay!
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 4 6 8 10 linear Fragile 10 Length, m .1 1 .5 .2 2 loglog Fragile Also exponential in delay!

53 10 8 Harder 6 Hard 4 2 Theory 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Length, m

54 10 8 Harder 6 Hard 4 2 easy Theory & Data 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Length, m

55 l length l g gravity Essential constraint (“law”): 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2
10 Fragile l length g gravity l Essential constraint (“law”):

56 Entropy rate Energy (L2) Intuition state Before you can react time

57 Amplification is more important than instability.
Bassam (& Brian, Beverley, Dennice, …) says But no analytic formulas Amplification is more important than instability. Stable Unstable Caution state Before you can react time

58 Transients more than asymptotics.
But no analytic formulas Amplification more important than instability. Stable Unstable Transients more than asymptotics. state Before you can react time

59 10 8 6 4 2 easy 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Harder Hard Fragility to
gravity (up) length (+noise) 2 easy 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Robust to mass gravity (down) Length, m

60 A convenient cartoon demo
crash fragile harder hard easy robust short long “efficient” “costly”

61 Simpler but Same laws easy crash fragile harder hard robust short long
“efficient” “costly”

62 Law #1 : Mechanics Law #2 : Gravity Law #3 : Light/vision Law #4 : crash fragile harder hard robust short long

63 “Waterbed effect” Oscillations amplify robust See glyco-oscillations paper

64 ??? hard harder

65 ??? harder

66 Simple analytic formulas
Unstable zeros

67 Proof? error C + noise P

68 100 hardest! 10 Theory 2 .1 .2 .5 1 Length, m

69 100 hard hardest! 10 2 .1 .2 .5 1 Length, m

70 hardest! hard harder Unstable zero Unstable pole
What is sensed matters. hardest! hard harder Unstable pole Unstable zero

71 hardest!

72 hardest! Theory & data crash crash fragile harder hard robust short

73 Gratuitously fragile fragile robust short long

74 Gratuitously fragile fragile Look up & shorten robust short long

75 Actual fragile Ideal robust efficient wasteful expensive

76 Universal laws Impossible (law) robust efficient Actual fragile Ideal
wasteful expensive

77 Engineering and medicine
Actual fragile Impossible (law) Ideal robust efficient wasteful expensive

78 Impossible (law) robust efficient The risk Actual fragile Ideal
wasteful expensive

79 fragile robust short long

80 noise Recap eye vision delay Control Act fragile robust short long

81 Recap noise fragile Fragile to Up Length lo (sense) Length l Noise
eye vision delay Control Act fragile Fragile to Up Length lo (sense) Length l Noise robust short long

82 noise Robust to mass down fragile Fragile to Up Length lo (sense)
eye vision Robust to mass down delay Control Act fragile Fragile to Up Length lo (sense) Length l Noise robust short long

83 Robust to mass down Fragile to Up Length lo (sense) Length l Noise Medial direction Close one eye Stand one leg Alcohol Age fragile robust long short

84 Efficiency/instability/layers/feedback
New efficiencies but instabilities Needs distributed/layered/complex/active control Money/finance/lobbyists/etc Industrialization Society/agriculture/weapons/etc Bipedalism Maternal care Warm blood Flight Mitochondria Oxygen Translation (ribosomes) Glycolysis (2011 Science) How universal? Very.

85 Cell biology (esp. bacteria)
Brains Bugs (microbes, ants) Medical physiology Nets/Grids (cyberphys) Focus today: Neuroscience + People care + Live demos Cell biology (esp. bacteria) + Perfection  Some people care Medical physiology (esp. HRV) + People care, somewhat familiar - Live demos difficult Internet (of everything) (& Cyber-Phys) + Understand the details - Flawed designs Everything you’ve read is wrong (in science)* * Mostly high impact “journals”

86 UG biochem, math, control theory
Chandra, Buzi, and Doyle Insight Accessible Verifiable

87 Efficient = Metabolic overhead to make enzymes
Robust Efficient Energy Supply Robust to  in supply and demand Efficient = Metabolic overhead to make enzymes

88 Efficient = Metabolic overhead to make enzymes
Robust Efficient Energy Supply fragile 1 10 too fragile Robust to  in supply and demand complex 10 -1 1 10 10 10 expensive Efficient = Metabolic overhead to make enzymes

89 Efficiency is domain specific
Robust efficiency 10 -1 1 too fragile complex No tradeoff expensive fragile 10 100 .1 1 .5 .2 2 fragile Efficiency is domain specific

90 Robust/fragile is more universal
Robust efficiency 10 -1 1 too fragile complex No tradeoff expensive fragile 10 100 .1 1 .5 .2 2 fragile Robust/fragile is more universal Efficiency is domain specific

91 Robust/fragile is more universal Efficiency is domain specific
Brains Bugs (microbes, ants) Medical physiology Nets/Grids (cyberphys) Focus today: Neuroscience + People care + Live demos Cell biology (esp. bacteria) + Perfection  Some people care Medical physiology (esp. HRV) + People care, somewhat familiar - Live demos difficult Internet (of everything) (& Cyber-Phys) + Understand the details - Flawed designs Everything you’ve read is wrong (in science)* Robust/fragile is more universal Efficiency is domain specific * Mostly high impact “journals”

92 Health  Complexity  Chaos/Fractals
Li, Cruz, Chien, Sojoudi, Recht, Stone, Csete, Bahmiller, Doyle Robust efficiency and actuator saturation explain healthy heart rate control and variability Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. PLUS 2014 Most popular/cited story? Health  Complexity  Chaos/Fractals wrong

93 Li, Cruz, Chien, Sojoudi, Recht, Stone, Csete, Bahmiller, Doyle
Robust efficiency and actuator saturation explain healthy heart rate control and variability Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. PLUS 2014 Mechanistic physiology + rigorous math and stats

94 HRV, homeostasis, and robust efficiency
controls errors heart rate ventilation vasodilation coagulation inflammation digestion storage O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume Mechanistic physiology energy breath trauma heart beat infection sensor external disturbances internal noise

95 Low Healthy variability? errors Brain O2 O2 High mean BP
Low variability O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume Brain BP Mid mean Low variability Low

96 Low High Healthy variability? errors O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store
Blood volume Low energy trauma infection external disturbances High

97 Low High High Healthy variability? controls errors heart rate O2
ventilation vasodilation coagulation inflammation digestion storage O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume Low High energy trauma infection external disturbances High

98 Low High High Healthy variability? controls errors heart rate O2
ventilation vasodilation coagulation inflammation digestion storage O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume Low High energy breath trauma heart beat infection sensor external disturbances High internal noise

99 Universals Robust efficiency and actuator saturation explain healthy heart rate control and variability Challenge Mechanistic + rigorous math and stats + easily reproducible experiments+ accessible

100 Most “physical” laws are domain specific
controls external disturbances heart rate ventilation vasodilation coagulation inflammation digestion storage errors O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume internal noise High Low Plumbing and chemistry Most “physical” laws are domain specific 10 -1 1 too fragile complex No tradeoff expensive fragile 10 100 .1 1 .2 2 Law #1 Mechanics Law #2 Gravity Law #3 Light Law #1 Chemistry Law #2 Autocatalysis Law #3 Allostery long

101 Efficiency is domain specific
controls external disturbances heart rate ventilation vasodilation coagulation inflammation digestion storage errors O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume internal noise High Low Robust efficiency 10 -1 1 too fragile complex No tradeoff expensive fragile 10 100 .1 1 .5 .2 2 Efficiency is domain specific

102 Robust/fragile is more universal
controls external disturbances heart rate ventilation vasodilation coagulation inflammation digestion storage errors O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume internal noise High Low Robust efficiency Robust/fragile is more universal 10 -1 1 too fragile complex No tradeoff expensive fragile 10 100 .1 1 .2 2 long

103 Robust/fragile is very universal
controls external disturbances heart rate ventilation vasodilation coagulation inflammation digestion storage errors O2 BP pH Glucose Energy store Blood volume internal noise High Low robust efficient costly Robust/fragile is very universal 10 100 .1 1 .2 2 10 -1 1 too fragile complex No tradeoff expensive fragile long

104 Oscillations are common side effects.
amplify 10 100 .1 1 .2 2 10 -1 1 too fragile complex No tradeoff expensive fragile long

105 Universal Not efficient wasteful Domain specific Diverse

106 Universal laws Fragility is more “universal” fragile
Tradeoffs are more “universal” Impossible (law) robust efficient wasteful Domain specific Diverse

107 Universal laws fragile Impossible (law) robust efficient wasteful
Fragility is more “universal” fragile Tradeoffs are more “universal” Impossible (law) robust efficient wasteful Good theory must “plug in” domain specifics Domain specific Diverse

108 Laws and architectures
Simplify essentials and universals Simpler live demos and experiments Undergrad math, bio, neuro, tech only (Skip lots of details) N>1! eye vision Act delay Control noise error slow Slow Architecture? Law? Fast Flexible Inflexible

109 + noise vision gain Object motion eye Cortex Head motion slow Highly
fast slow Highly evolved (hidden) architecture Act AOS delay VOR gain Error Tune gain Cerebellum Act

110 Understand this picture.
noise Cortex Object motion eye vision + Head motion fast slow Act AOS delay VOR gain Error Tune gain Understand this picture. Cerebellum slowest Act AOS = Accessory Optical system

111 Universal laws and architectures:
Theory and lessons from nets, grids, brains, bugs, planes, docs, fire, fashion, art, turbulence, music, buildings, cities, earthquakes, bodies, running, throwing, Synesthesia, spacecraft, statistical mechanics wasteful fragile efficient robust Ideal Impossible (law) Architecture

112 Doyle, Csete, PNAS, JULY For more info Most accessible No math References

113 Robust vision w/motion
Object motion Self motion Motion Vision

114 Fast Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility
Robustness Virtualization Diversity Fast

115 Fast Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility
Bacteria Biofilms Ants Development Regeneration Cancer Internet Vision Brains Turbulence Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility Robustness Virtualization Diversity Fast

116 Controlling functionality (bacteria)
Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Cheap HGT Architecture Virtualization Diversity Speed Flexibility Robustness Transcription/ Translation Fast Costly Protein

117 Layered architecture Slow Cheap HGT Apps Architecture Virtualization
Diversity Speed Flexibility Robustness Trans* OS Fast Costly Protein HW

118 Tradeoff Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Cheap HGT Trans* Trans* Protein
Fast Costly Flexible Inflexible General Special

119 Tradeoff Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Cheap Apps OS OS HW HW HW Fast
Costly Flexible Inflexible General Special

120 Tradeoff Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Cheap Apps OS OS HW HW HW Fast
Costly Flexible Inflexible General Special

121 Tradeoff Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Cheap Apps OS HW Fast Costly
Flexible Inflexible General Special

122 Universal HGT Slow Cheap Apps Trans* OS Protein HW Fast Costly
Flexible Inflexible General Special

123 Universal HGT Slow Apps Trans* OS Protein HW Fast Flexible Inflexible

124 Horizontal App Transfer
Diversity App App App App App App App App HGT App App Slow Apps Trans* OS Protein HW Fast Flexible Inflexible

125 Horizontal App Transfer Horizontal Hardware Transfer
Universal App App App App App App App App App HGT App App Slow Apps Trans* OS Protein HW HW Fast HW Horizontal Hardware Transfer HW HW Flexible Inflexible HW

126 Horizontal App Transfer Horizontal Hardware Transfer
Future “Internet of Everything”? App App App HGT App App Slow Apps OS HW HW Fast HW Horizontal Hardware Transfer HW HW Flexible Inflexible HW

127 What you can look forward to. FaceWorld Siri 3.0 Glass 3.0

128 The zombie/vampire apocalypse is here…
Fossil fuel

129 Horizontal App Transfer Horizontal Hardware Transfer
Virtualization App App App App App App App App HGT App App Slow Apps Trans* OS Protein HW HW Fast HW Horizontal Hardware Transfer HW HW Flexible Inflexible HW

130 Horizontal Gene Transfer Horizontal Hardware Transfer
Virtualization Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene HGT Gene Gene Slow Trans* Protein HW HW Fast HW Horizontal Hardware Transfer HW HW Flexible Inflexible HW

131 Horizontal App Transfer Horizontal Hardware Transfer
Hijacking App App App App App App App App HGT App App Slow Virus Apps Trans* OS Protein HW HW Fast HW Horizontal Hardware Transfer HW HW Flexible Inflexible HW

132 Where function is controlled
HGT Slow Cheap Apps Trans* OS Protein HW Fast Costly Flexible Inflexible General Special

133 Biofilms HGT Apps Trans* OS Protein HW
Initiation, development in to spatially-structured population, cellular differentiation, biofilm-level reproduction (dispersers) HGT Apps Trans* OS Intercellular communication, chemical gradients, mechanical forces, geometry Protein HW Cells

134 Initiation, invasion, metastasis
Cancer Initiation, development in to spatially-structured population, cellular differentiation, biofilm-level reproduction (dispersers) Initiation, invasion, metastasis Intercellular communication, chemical gradients, electrical gradients, mechanical forces Intercellular communication, chemical gradients, mechanical forces, geometry Cells Cells

135 Fast Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility
Bacteria Biofilms Ants Development Regeneration Cancer Internet Vision Brains Turbulence Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility Robustness Virtualization Diversity Fast

136 Fast Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow Architecture Speed Flexibility
Robustness Virtualization Diversity Fast

137 Why? Mechanism Tradeoff Slow vision VOR Fast Thanks to Partha Mitra

138 Fast Flexible Mechanism Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) Tradeoff Slow
vision Tradeoff VOR Fast Flexible Inflexible

139 eye vision slow Act delay Slow vision Fast Flexible Inflexible

140 fast Fast Flexible eye vision slow Act delay Slow vision VOR

141 fast Fast Flexible eye Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR)
Does not use “vision”? fast Act Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) Slow VOR Fast Flexible Inflexible

142 It works in the dark or with eyes closed, but can’t easily tell.
fast Act Slow VOR Fast Flexible Inflexible

143 fast Fast Flexible eye vision slow Act delay Slow vision VOR

144 Layering Feedback Fast Flexible eye vision slow Act Highly evolved
(hidden) architecture delay Slow vision Illusion Fast VOR Flexible Inflexible

145 What components can build from neural hardware.
Slow vision Fast VOR Flexible Inflexible

146 Slow vision Fast VOR Flexible Inflexible

147 System is “tuned” to a specific environment +
noise Cortex System is “tuned” to a specific environment eye vision Object + Head fast slow Act AOS delay VOR gain Error Tune gain slowest Cerebellum Slow vision Act Tuned What good architecture allows. Fast VOR Flexible Inflexible

148 Temporarily drop this tradeoff picture.
Terminology? Tuned? Illusion? Architecture? Temporarily drop this tradeoff picture. Slow vision Tuned What good architecture allows. Fast VOR Flexible Inflexible

149 System is “tuned” to a specific environment +
noise Cortex System is “tuned” to a specific environment eye vision Object + Head fast slow Act AOS delay VOR gain Error Tune gain slowest Cerebellum And focus on mechanism Act Tuned What good architecture allows.

150 What is the next most important missing piece?
Error Cortex Object motion eye vision + Head motion Act delay VOR slow fast Summary so far. What is the next most important missing piece?

151 These signals must “match”
Error Cortex Object motion eye vision + Head motion Act delay VOR slow fast These signals must “match” What is the next most important missing piece?

152 The VOR gain must be tuned to match the visual feedback loop.
Error Cortex Object motion eye vision + Head motion fast slow Act delay VOR gain Tune gain? The VOR gain must be tuned to match the visual feedback loop.

153 + fast eye vision Cortex slow gain Cerebellum Error Object motion
Head motion fast slow Act delay VOR gain AOS Tune gain Error Cerebellum AOS = Accessory Optical system

154 Needs “feedback” tuning This fast “forward” path
Error Cortex Object motion eye vision + Head motion slow Needs “feedback” tuning Act delay VOR gain AOS This fast “forward” path Tune gain Error Via AOS and cerebellum (not cortex) Cerebellum AOS = Accessory Optical system

155 Cortex Slow Reflex Fast Flexible Inflexible + Cerebellum fast eye
vision Act slow delay VOR fast Object motion Head motion Cerebellum Error + Tune gain gain AOS Cortex Slow Cerebellum Fast Reflex Flexible Inflexible

156 Cortex Slow vision Special case VOR Fast Flexible Inflex Slow Fast
Cerebellum Fast Reflex Flexible Inflexible

157 Where function is controlled
HGT Apps Slow Trans* Cortex OS Protein Cerebellum HW Reflex Fast Flexible Inflexible

158 Virtualization Cortex HGT Apps Slow Trans* OS Protein HW Illusion
Cerebellum HW Illusion Reflex Fast Flexible Inflexible

159 Horizontal Meme Transfer Horizontal Tool Transfer
Slow Cortex Cerebellum Reflex Fast Horizontal Tool Transfer Flexible Inflexible

160 Horizontal Cortex Horizontal Meme Transfer Slow Illusion Reflex Fast
HGT meme meme meme HGT meme meme Slow Cortex Cerebellum Illusion Reflex Fast Horizontal Tool Transfer Flexible Inflexible

161 Virtualization Cortex HGT Apps Slow Trans* OS Protein HW Illusion
Cerebellum HW Illusion Reflex Fast Flexible Inflexible

162 Virus Bad Meme Transfer Hijacking? Cortex HGT Apps Slow Trans* OS
Protein Cerebellum HW Reflex Fast Flexible Inflexible

163 + noise vision gain Object motion eye Cortex Distributed control
Head motion fast slow Act AOS delay VOR gain Error Tune gain Cerebellum slowest Delays everywhere Act AOS = Accessory Optical system

164 + slowest noise vision slower gain Object motion eye Cortex
direct,fast Head motion Act slower AOS delay VOR gain feedbacks Error Tune gain Cerebellum slowest Heterogeneous delays Act

165 Common pattern direct,fast Slow feedbacks Tuned Fast Flexible Inflexible

166 Control of heat shock in
rpoH Control of heat shock in E. Coli  mRNA DnaK Other operons El-Samad, Kurata, Doyle, Gross, Khammash (2005), Surviving Heat Shock: Control Strategies for Robustness and Performance. PNAS (8): FEB 22, 2005 DnaK DnaK RNAP ftsH Lon RNAP DnaK FtsH Lon

167 Control of heat shock in
direct,fast rpoH Control of heat shock in E. Coli  mRNA DnaK Other operons feedbacks El-Samad, Kurata, Doyle, Gross, Khammash (2005), Surviving Heat Shock: Control Strategies for Robustness and Performance. PNAS (8): FEB 22, 2005 DnaK DnaK RNAP ftsH Lon RNAP DnaK FtsH Lon

168 + noise vision gain Object motion eye Cortex Distributed control
Head motion fast slow Act AOS delay VOR gain Error Tune gain Cerebellum slowest Delays everywhere Act AOS = Accessory Optical system

169 Heterogeneous delays everywhere
noise Cortex Object motion eye vision + Head motion fast slower Act AOS delay VOR gain Error Tune gain Cerebellum slowest Heterogeneous delays everywhere Act

170 10 100 .1 1 .5 .2 2 Slower noise error Slow Fast delay Speed  1/

171 delay Slower noise error Fast Slow 10 100 .1 1 .5 .2 2 Speed  1/
robust short

172 10 100 .1 1 .5 .2 2 noise error delay robust short

173 delay Short Fragile Speed  1/ Slow  Fragile Length lo noise error
10 100 .1 1 .5 .2 2 Speed  1/ Slow  Fragile Length lo noise error Length l delay Speed  1/ Length lo Length l

174 delay Robust to Fragile to mass Up down Length l Instability
Length lo (sense) Noise Medial direction Close one eye Stand one leg Alcohol Age Instability fragile Sensors/ actuators robust Delay delay short long

175 Physics of Fluids (2011) y y x z z x high-speed 3D coupling region
Flow x z upflow high-speed region downflow low speed streak Blunted turbulent velocity profile Laminar Turbulent 3D coupling

176 What I remember about turbulence
Bassam Brian Beverley Dennice Bassam Brian Beverley Dennice What I remember about turbulence

177 Turbulent Laminar Streamline Laminar fragile Transition Turbulent robust efficient wasteful

178 Turbulent z x y Laminar Laminar fragile Transition Turbulent robust
Flow Laminar Laminar fragile Transition Turbulent Fundamentals! robust efficient wasteful

179 Control? Turbulent Laminar wasteful fragile Laminar Turbulent
Bassam Turbulent Laminar wasteful fragile Laminar Turbulent efficient robust Control? Sharks Dolphins

180 Passive and active control? Massive sensing/actuation? Distributed?
Turbulent Passive and active control? Massive sensing/actuation? Distributed? Sparse comms Delays Localized? Time and space Scalable synthesis computation Scalable implementation Laminar Laminar fragile Control? Sharks Dolphins Turbulent robust efficient wasteful

181 References
Y.-S. Wang, N. Matni, S. You, and J. C. Doyle, “Localized Distributed State Feedback Control with Communication Delays,” ACC, 2014. Y.-S. Wang, N. Matni, and J. C. Doyle, “Localized LQR Optimal Control,” CDC, 2014. Y.-S. Wang and N. Matni, “Localized Distributed Optimal Control with Output Feedback and Communication Delays,” Allerton, 2014. In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 182

182 Large-Scale Systems Smart grid, Internet, wireless sensor network, biological systems,…etc. Tradeoffs between Efficiency (E), Robustness (R), Scalability (S) Mainstream: (E), (R), (S) are done in a serial and ad-hoc manner 183

183 Large-Scale Systems Control theory deal with the transient of the system – essential for robustness Traditional control theory: fundamental limits on the tradeoff between (E) and (R), NO (S) Localized control theory: fundamental limits on the tradeoff between (E), (R), and (S) 184

184 Large-Scale Systems Add more applications 185

185 Interconnected Systems
Plant Interaction

186 Open-loop Disturbance

187 Open-loop State Deviation

188 Open-loop Propagation

189 Open-loop Propagation

190 Open-loop Propagation Space

191 Space-Time Diagram Space Time

192 Open-loop Space Marginally Stable Time

193 Closed-loop Different controller architectures Controller

194 Idealized Centralized Control
Sensing / Actuation delay: 1 Sensing / Actuating

195 Idealized Centralized Control
State / Control State Space Time

196 Idealized Centralized Control
State Space + Global Optimal ‒ Infinite Comm Speed ‒ Global Comm ‒ Global Model / Design Time

197 Distributed Control Information Sharing with Delay

198 Idealized Centralized Control
State Space + Global Optimal ‒ Infinite Comm Speed ‒ Global Comm ‒ Global Model / Design Time

199 Distributed Optimal H2(Lamperski, Doyle 2013)
Control Control State Space + Near Global Optimal + Finite Comm Speed ‒ Global Comm ‒ Global Model / Design Comm speed: Inf Global optimal Time

200 Collect all info to compute
About QI framework Controller Collect all info to compute local control action

201 Localized Distributed Control

202 Localized Distributed Control
Sensing / actuation delay: 1 Comm speed: 2 (compared to plant speed) Slightly stronger than QI 206

203 Localized Distributed Control
Basic idea

204 Localized Distributed Control
Basic idea State deviation

205 Localized Distributed Control
Basic idea activate propagate

206 Localized Distributed Control
Basic idea Two steps further

207 Localized Distributed Control
Basic idea Two steps further

208 Localized Distributed Control
Basic idea Localized!

209 Localized Distributed Control
Basic idea Localized FIR

210 Distributed Optimal H2(Lamperski, Doyle 2013)
Control Control State Space + Near Global Optimal + Finite Comm Speed ‒ Global Comm ‒ Global Model / Design Comm speed: Inf Global optimal Time

211 Localized Distributed Control
State Space + Near Global Optimal + Finite Comm Speed + Local Comm + Local Model / Design + Localized closed-loop Time

212 Space-Time Region Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
Space-Time Region (state) Localized Region Space Time

213 Space-Time Region Control Region Constraints Space State Region Time

214 State Feedback Global Plant Model

215 State Feedback Global Plant Model Local Plant Model

216 State Feedback Localizability
Generalization of controllability Controllability Matrix

217 State Feedback Localizability
Local Feasibility Test (controllability in a space-time region) State Region Constraint Control Region Constraint (Boundary is zero) (Communication delay)

218 State Feedback Localizability
Localizable: All local feasibility tests are feasible Linear constraint for localized optimization (LQR) State Region Constraint Control Region Constraint (Boundary is zero) (Communication delay)

219 Localized Implementation
Now, we have localized closed-loop response. How to synthesize and implement the controller in a localized way? Recall the control space-time region

220 Space-Time Region Space Control Region Time

221 Space-Time Region Space Control Region Time

222 Space-Time Region Information Collection Space Time

223 Localized Synthesis Information Collection
Space Localized synthesis by passing the feasibility solution locally Time

224 Localized Implementation
Information Collection Space Localized implementation based on estimated disturbance Time

225 Localized Distributed Control
Global Plant Model Localized Implementation

226 Comparison Scheme Synthesis Implementation Performance Centralized
Global Inf comm Global info Optimal Completely Decentralized NP-hard Decentralized info Unknown Heuristic No guarantee Distributed QI comm ~Optimal Localized Distributed Localized (SF LQR) ~QI comm Local info (better in L0)

227 Summary Localizability is a generalization of controllability and observability in space-time regions. If localizable, we have Localized FIR closed loop (~global optimal) Localized implementation Localized synthesis (with decomposable cost) In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 240

228 Applications Disturbance localization
Power network, transportation network, software-defined networking, structure design, resilience in network (under failure),… Optimal transient with practical control Ex: smart grid,… Scalable design / implementation Ex: energy-efficient wireless sensor network,… In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 241

229 References
Y.-S. Wang, N. Matni, S. You, and J. C. Doyle, “Localized Distributed State Feedback Control with Communication Delays,” ACC, 2014. Y.-S. Wang, N. Matni, and J. C. Doyle, “Localized LQR Optimal Control,” CDC, 2014. Y.-S. Wang and N. Matni, “Localized Distributed Optimal Control with Output Feedback and Communication Delays,” Allerton, 2014. In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 242

230 Tradeoffs

231 Model Chain model with 24 nodes Marginally stable
Equal penalty on state and control Equal magnitude for process / sensor noise

232 Design Factors 1. Actuator / Sensor density (centralized)
2. Communication speed (distributed) 3. Localization / FIR constraints (localized) In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 245

233 Actuator / Sensor Density
In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 246

234 Communication Speed In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 247

235 Locality / FIR constraints
d = 9, T = 30 In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 248

236 Comparison # Act. # Sen. Speed Local Time Obj. Normal Degrade 24 Inf
Max(23) 6.9035 1 12 7.7017 1.1156 11.56% 8.0933 1.1723 5.09% 1.5 8.1494 1.1805 0.70% 9 30 8.1585 1.1818 0.11% In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 249

237 Large-Scale Example 1000 nodes, 250 actuators, 500 sensors
Centralized v.s. Localized SF + Localized FC (suboptimal) Comparison Controller implementation Controller synthesis Closed loop performance In the figure, we use unstable plant. For the math, we use stable plant. QI framework, use Q to convexify the problem. If QI, then Q \in S <=> K \in S. 250

238 Controller Implementation
Scheme Centralized Localized Comm. Speed Inf 1.5 LQR Locality Max (999) 8 Kalman Locality 4 Type Const. matrix FIR filters

239 Controller Synthesis Scheme Centralized Localized Comp. complexity
Comp. time (parallel) 467 s 1.552 s Model Locality Max (999) 9 (LQR) 5(Kalman) Redesign Offline (global) Real time (local)

240 Closed Loop Performance
Scheme Centralized Localized Affected Region Max(999) 13 Affected Time Inf 100 Normalized H2 1 1.02

241 Localized Distributed Control
State Space + Near Global Optimal + Finite Comm Speed + Local Comm + Local Model / Design + Localized closed-loop Time

242 Idealized Centralized Control
State Space + Global Optimal ‒ Infinite Comm Speed ‒ Global Comm ‒ Global Model / Design Time

243 Cheap but tight lower bound?
State Centralized Space Time

244 More Extensions/Apps Apps: neuro, smartgrid, CPS, cells
IMC/RHC, etc (all of centralized control theory) Cyber theory: Delay jitter (uncertainty) Cyber: Comms co-design (CDC student prize paper) Physical: Robustness (unmodeled dynamics, noise) Cyber-phys: System ID, ML, adaptive SDN (Software defined nets, OpenDaylight) Revisit “layering as optimization”? Poset causality (streamlining)? Quantization and network coding?

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