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Lesson 6 Mass Culture in the 1950s

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1 Lesson 6 Mass Culture in the 1950s
Postwar America ( ) Lesson 6 Mass Culture in the 1950s

2 Lesson 6 Mass Culture in the 1950s
Postwar America ( ) Lesson 6 Mass Culture in the 1950s Learning Objectives Examine the rise of the suburbs and the growth of the interstate highway system. Explain the causes and effects of prosperity in the 1950s on consumers. Discuss postwar changes in family life. Describe changes in education in the postwar period. Describe the rise of new forms of mass culture. Interstate Highway Act consumerism median family income nuclear family Benjamin Spock’s Billy Graham California Master Plan

3 Suburbia Suburban Migration Americans want a place to call their own
Levittown - affordable houses, all built the same way. William Levitt – created first Levittown – Long Island, New York Affordable houses for young families - $58/month Federal and State Assistance Interstate Highway Act- 41,000 miles of highways GI Bill Federal Housing Administration – low-interest loans Suburbs – conformity

4 Suburban Migration Suburbia Car Culture Highways Shopping Centers
Travel + Vacation Las Vegas, National Parks, Amusement Parks (Disneyland) Shopping Centers Malls, Grocery Stores Car Culture Suburbs cause increase in car consumption Shopping centers Fast food restaurants Drive in theaters

5 Increased Consumption and Consumerism
Culture of Consumerism Family Income Father and Mother Worked Increased wages Innovations New inventions Washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, microwaves Color TV Advertisement Buy items on credit – Diner’s Club – First Credit Card

6 Increased Consumption and Consumerism
Analyze Data How did the percentage change in the top two income brackets shown affect U.S. consumer culture?

7 Families and Communities in the Fifties
Ideal American Family – “Nuclear Family” Women “homemakers” Raise family, Clean house Dissatisfied life Betty Freidan writes the book “Feminist Mystique” Creates a Feminist movement against role of women during the 1950’s and 1960’s Women face social pressures if they pursue a career. Men “Breadwinners”

8 Families and Communities in the Fifties
Society Changes Children Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care Benjamin Spock Spoil Children – Permissive Culture Religion “In God We Trust” – US Dollar “under God” – Pledge of Allegiance USA – Religious beliefs USSR – Atheist beliefs Medicine Polio – Dr. Jonas Salk Penicillin – Andrew Flemming + other antibiotics

9 Families and Communities in the Fifties
Analyze Graphs By what percentage did total women workers change from 1955 to 1970? Is this a significant change?

10 Educational Opportunities and Priorities
Growth of Higher Education American Dream was alive and well Increased economic productivity 40% attended college in 1960’s National Defense Education Act Increased funding for education + teacher training Space Race Science and Math Brown V. Board of Education (1954) Segregated schools were unconstitutional

11 Television Shapes American Culture
TV reflected the ideal American Family Same shows and same advertisements around the nation 1952 Election – people watched campaigns TV did not show the diversity of America Race, Religion, Poor, mental illness

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