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“I Am the True Vine”
The Setting (John 13-14) John take place in the last hours of Jesus’ life Jesus had already told His disciples goodbye (John 13:33) Jesus comforted them and offered them hope (John 14) On the verge of leaving the upper room (John 14:31b) The disciples were anxious and perplexed Jesus sought to calm, instruct and strengthen (ch ) Jesus uses an allegory to draw a comparison Though they would be separated physically/bodily, there is a spiritual connection between Jesus and His disciples.
The Saying (John 14:6) “I am the true vine” (15:1, 5)
The source of life for the branches, providing all water and nutrients needed Without the vine, no fruit could ever result – branches are utterly dependent upon the vine Without Christ, no spiritual life or hope of eternal reward (John 14:6; Acts 4:11-12) “My Father is the vinedresser” (15:1) The one in charge of the vines and the branches The one to whom ultimate accountability is to be rendered He does everything in his power to see that the plant bears fruit – if it doesn’t, not his fault
The Saying (John 14:6) The Branches are the Lord’s disciples (15:5, 8)
“you…you…you…He…him…you…anyone…he…a branch… you…you…you…you…you…you…you…My disciples” (v. 4-8) False and irresponsible to claim branches are denominations Branches enjoy a special connection with Christ (the Vine), with defined responsibilities and blessings “They” may be angels (15:6) Those responsible for gathering withered branches and throwing them into the fire Likely correspond with the “reapers” in the Parable of the Tares (Matt. 13:24-30), identified as “angels” (13:39) They will “gather out” of God’s kingdom those who practice lawlessness and cause others to stumble (13:41)
The Significance One must be “in Christ” to enjoy any spiritual life at all “Every spiritual blessing” is “in Christ” (Eph. 1:3) No spiritual blessings are enjoyed by those not connected to the vine (“in” 13 times) “Every branch IN Me” (v. 2) “Abide IN Me, and I IN you” (v. 4) “Unless it abides IN the vine” (v. 4) “Unless you abide IN Me” (v. 4) “He who abides IN Me, and I IN him” (v. 5) “If anyone does not abide IN Me” (v. 6) “If you abide IN Me” (v. 7) “And My words abide IN you” (v. 7) “Abide IN My love” (v. 9) “You will abide IN My love…abide IN His love” (v. 10)
The Significance One must be “in Christ” to enjoy any spiritual life at all “Every spiritual blessing” is “in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). No spiritual blessings are enjoyed by those not connected to the vine (“in” 13 times) To be “in Christ” is equivalent to and necessitates being “in His body/church” (Eph. 1:3, 22-23; 2:13-21; 5:23; Rom. 6:23) One must obey the gospel (through baptism) to enter into the “in Christ” relationship (Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 3:26-27)
The Significance Every branch “in Christ” must “bear fruit”
Christians are to “bear fruit” (“bear” 7 times) “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away” (v. 2) “Every branch that bearS fruit He prunes…” (v. 2) “…that it may bear more fruit” (v. 2) “…the branch cannot bear fruit of itself” (v. 4) “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bearS much fruit” (v. 5) “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit” (v. 8) “I chose you…that you should go and bear fruit” (v. 16)
The Significance Every branch “in Christ” must “bear fruit”
Christians are to “bear fruit” (“bear” 7 times) Our purpose “in Christ” is to “bear fruit,” “bear much fruit” Without connection to the vine, we “can do nothing” to bear fruit (v. 5) Thus, the Father cannot be “glorified” (v. 8; cf. Eph. 3:21; Matt. 5:16), and we cannot be His “disciples” (v. 8) What is the “fruit”? Immediate context = converts to Christ (v. 8, 16; cf. Rom. 7:4) Elsewhere in N.T. = the “fruit” of Christian character (Gal. 5:22-23)
The Significance Every branch “in Christ” must continue to “abide” in Him To “abide” means to “remain joined to, sustain a union with, continue with, be steadfast, endure” (10 times) “ABIDE in Me, and I in you” (v. 4) “…unless it ABIDES in the vine” (v. 4) “…unless you ABIDE in Me” (v. 4) “He who ABIDES in Me, and I in him” (v. 5) “If anyone does not ABIDE in Me” (v. 6) “If you ABIDE in Me, and My words ABIDE in you” (v. 7) “…ABIDE in My love” (v. 9) “…you will ABIDE in My love” (v. 10) “…and ABIDE in His love” (v. 10) Obviously implies the possibility of not doing so
The Significance Those who are faithfully productive in Christ will experience a “pruning” “Pruning” = “cleansing” or “purging” of productive branches The purpose of the “pruning” is to enhance branch production, to do even more and produce more fruit (v. 2) As a farmer severs dead branches to bring greater life and room for growth for the living, God’s disciplinary measures sometimes are unpleasant but bring forth “more fruit” and “fruitfulness” (Heb. 12:4-13; 1 Pet. 1:7; Jas. 1:2-4 The “word” (v. 3), and sometimes our devotion to it, is the means by which God prunes, trims and cuts
The Significance It is possible for one who is “in Christ” to fall away and be lost “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away” (v. 2) To “take off” something that is attached, to “cut off” That which is “taken away” is then “cast out” or “thrown away” (v. 6; cf. 2 Cor. 13:5) That which is “thrown away” is “withered” or “dries up” (v. 6; cf. Jude 12) That which is “withered” is then “gathered” for final disposal (v. 6; cf. Matt. 13:40-41) That which is “gathered” are “thrown into the fire” and “burned” (v. 6; cf. Rev. 20:15; Matt. 25:46) One who is connected to the vine can be severed from it – apostasy is possible
The Significance Those who faithfully remain “in Christ” may “ask” of God with confidence “Ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (v. 7) In the context, these are things necessary for personal spiritual development and the conversion of souls The promise is that God will respond to our prayers: “IF” we abide in Him (v. 7) “IF” His words abide in us (v. 7) The Christian life is one of trust Do we have sufficient faith to “ask”? Do we ask and truly mean, “Your will be done”?
The Significance Our salvation is conditional
“IF” is found three times in this context (v. 6, 7, 10) Jesus states that salvation is conditioned upon: Being in Christ Abiding in Christ Having Christ abiding in us Having Christ’s words abiding in us Bearing much fruit with/for/in Christ Asking the Father and trusting Him Abiding in Christ’s love Keeping His commandments
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