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EDS and SATERN Perfect Together
Presented at the Eastern Territory Emergency Disaster Services Commission Conference 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
What is SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) A group of volunteers, TSA Staff and TSA Officers who are licensed Amateur Radio Operators who want to help The Salvation Army with its emergency communication needs SATERN was begun in 1988 in the CT by Maj. Pat McPherson and several other hams Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
SATERN’s growth (cont’d.) SATERN has grown to a registered membership of over 3000 today It consists of the National Director, 4 Territory Coordinators in the U. S., plus international Coordinators in Canada, Australia, the UK and Russia There are also ARLOs in some Divisions, a National Net Coordinator, an Emergency Net Coordinator and a National Training Coordinator SATERN was accepted as part of the National EDS Commission in 2005 SATERN is included in the MoUs that TSA has with FEMA, ARRL (ARES) and REACT SATERN has recently received very good write-ups in: the White House Report, “The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina – Lessons Learned”, 22 Feb. 2006 the Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee of the U. S. House of Representatives, “A Failure of Initiative”, 15 Feb. 2006, and the Spring 2006 volume of the TSA Eastern Territory magazine, PRIORITY! Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
What/who are Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)? Hobbyists who have earned a federal license to build, maintain and operate equipment to use radio waves to communicate with each other, in many different modes, anywhere in the world, and beyond Puzant Azirian, OH5NH, Lebanon, one of over 2,000,000 Hams around the world Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
The Amateur Radio Service is the only internationally licensed service that encourages experimentation by its licensees, allows the use of home-build equipment and permits its licensees to open up, work on, modify and maintain their own equipment. It is this very freedom to experiment, which carries with it the potential for unknown levels of interference to other services, that must be controlled and regulated. Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
3. U. S. Hams are charged by CFR Title 47, part 97 to, (a) provide emergency communication, (b) advance the radio art, (c) advance their communication and technical skills, (d) be a pool of trained operators, technicians and electronic experts and (e) enhance international good will. Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
Hams charge themselves, through their own Code of Conduct: Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
5. The frequencies on which Hams are allowed to practice their art are spread throughout the Electromagnetic spectrum. They are found below the AM Broadcast band and well above the microwave frequencies of RADAR, thus permitting communication under any conditions, everywhere. Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
The shortwave (HF) Ham Bands are shown below. They are found interspersed between bands set aside for maritime, aeronautical, governmental, military, industrial and commercial uses. Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
7. The commonly used VHF and UHF Ham Bands are shown below. They are interspersed between the FM broadcast, low frequency TV, low frequency public service, high frequency public service, high frequency TV, cell ‘phone, Wi-Fi, wireless ‘phone, microwave ovens and radio astronomy frequencies. Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
Why do Hams want to associate themselves with The Salvation Army? Faith beliefs To support the good services that The Salvation Army provides in times of need To help their neighbors and to give back to their community through their skills E. How do Hams associate themselves with TSA? 1. SATERN is multifaceted a. We are active from our homes, through SATERN Nets on a regular, routine basis and in times of wide-spread disasters b. We are on call and on-site, as EDS volunteers, with radios 2. We are there, full-time, as TSA staff and Officers who have earned our Ham licenses Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
How do Hams help? Hams have specialized skills and knowledge that can augment, or in some cases be, the communication link to the outside world Hams generally enjoy communication devices, no matter what kind. They frequently have knowledge of other communication capabilities, e.g., CB GMRS/FRS VoIP Various digital modes, e.g., CW, TTY/RTTY, FSK, TV, SSTV, Facsimile, encrypted devices, etc., Satellite 3. During emergencies, Hams will, a. establish communication links b. tirelessly pass traffic, both tactical and H&W c. shadow incident chiefs to keep them informed and in touch d. monitor other services involved with the incident Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
How can EDS utilize the SATERN volunteers to the greater good? During the Disaster Planning Process, Bring your SATERN volunteers into the EDS training system, train them in TSA organization, protocols and expectations ask them to train the other volunteers on communication techniques and protocols let them see how you think and what your bigger picture is Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
Disaster Planning Process (cont’d.) Use the SATERN volunteers as part of the EDS disaster planning and on frequent drills and events. Let them get familiar with TSA, EDS and your organization and get to know them and their talents and dependabilities Always over-recruit volunteers. There will never be enough in an emergency. During an Incident Use the SATERN volunteers, according to their talents and skills, to augment your communication systems Encourage your SATERN volunteers to develop other skills and experiences During the Debriefing after an Incident Involve the SATERN volunteers in the debriefing sessions. Just being in the room to hear the successes and concerns of other components of the Incident helps everyone to work together better and provide solutions for the next time Have the SATERN volunteers catalog those things that went well and those things that could be improved and their suggestions for improvement methods for communications Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
WII-FM (What’s In It – For Me?) A pool of resourceful, motivated, local volunteers, trained in emergency communications, who can be relied upon to pass accurate information for you B. A back-up communication system for the really bad disaster C. A familiar, dependable pair of hands, eyes and ears D. A communication resource who will relieve you of the worry about communication problems, who can be counted on to resolve communication issues Hiram P Maxim, 1AW, founder of ARRL Rick Cain, W7KB, SATERN member, Utah Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
EDS and SATERN, Perfect Together
IV. Point of Reference for cost purposes $1520 $250 $100 $200 $230 $10,600 $950 $3000 $1500 $550 $490 $200 ? Presented at ET EDS Commission Conference on 04 May 2006
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