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AP Language and Composition International Baccalaureate

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1 AP Language and Composition International Baccalaureate
Welcome Students! AP Language and Composition International Baccalaureate Mr. S. Bradley

2 Why? What is it about the Language Arts class that’s so important?
You took it for three years in middle school. You’ll need to take it for four years in high school. Why? What is it about the Language Arts class that’s so important? Exercise: Take a minute and thoughtfully condense last year’s Language Arts class down into a single word. This can pertain to purpose, topics, thematics, whatever you like.

3 Literary Analysis Let’s unpack the phrase…
A method of intensive consideration whereby we address all the implications of the item

4 Literary Analysis Literature, for our curriculum’s purposes, encompasses… Prose Fiction Prose Nonfiction (Essays, Letters, Memoir, etc.) Spoken Word (Speeches, etc.) Poetry Visual Literature (Film, 2D Art, etc.)

5 In our classroom forum, literature is about:
Understanding “The challenging thing about literature is finding answers, but equally important is recognizing what questions need to be asked… Thomas C. Foster

6 In our classroom forum, literature is about:
Art “If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you.” Henry Rollins

7 In our classroom forum, literature is about:
Intellect “If you can’t read and write, you can’t think: your thoughts are dispersed.” Ray Bradbury

8 “If you can’t read and write, you can’t think: your thoughts are dispersed.” Ray Bradbury
Then, logically… “The quality of your reading and writing dictates the quality of your thought.” - Mr. Bradley

9 Critically Logically With insight
In my class, reading and writing are but means to an end. Ultimately, this class is about thinking… Critically Logically With insight In other words, we will focus on looking beyond the obvious.

10 Literary Analysis What is the purpose of analysis? Isn’t saying “It’s my opinion” enough? What do we mean by “analysis,” anyway?

11 In our classroom forum, analysis is about:
Reasoning Reasoning versus Intuition Reasoning: Observation and evidence-based, thoughtful Intuition – Reflexive and quick, and yet…

12 Intuition: Broccoli is gross.
Reasoning: Broccoli never appealed to my palate – the cabbagey flavor and aroma of overcooked broccoli is offputting. And undercooked broccoli is stringy and gets stuck in my teeth.

13 In our classroom forum, analysis is about:
Manipulation This is the nature of art, whatever its form. One of the artist’s main goals is to manipulate his or her audience in some way…


15 In our classroom forum, analysis is about:
Argumentation Be concise. Be logical. Prove it. Otherwise…

16 …you’re nothing but an untethered opinion floating in the ether.

17 Course Objectives Increase students’ literary and rhetorical analysis abilities Enhance perception and knowledge of literary, rhetorical, poetic, visual, and filmmaking technique Improve students’ writing, observational, speaking, and listening skills Fulfill the prescriptive program as set forth by the International Baccalaureate office Develop skills and techniques as prescribed by the Advanced Placement Language and Composition rubrics and expectations Prepare students for AP and IB testing

18 Course Outline Students analyze a variety of features according to specific genre terminologies and techniques when discussing device, effect, purpose, voice, and style when analyzing the following…

19 Course Outline Semester I The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Roots of Literary Analysis and Synthesis Essays, Letters, Memoir, various sources Voice, Argument, and Rhetorical Analysis Film and Visual Modes, various sources Visual Literacy and Analysis Semester II Poetry, various sources Device and Effect Visual and Written Forms, various sources The Analysis of Satire and Persuasion 1984, George Orwell Various Writing Modes, Research and Speaking

20 Grades The following assessments are used to generate grades:
formal critical essays and commentaries, literary forums, other forms of writing oral presentation, group projects and discussions outside reading and research informal writings and journals reading quizzes and vocabulary tests Report cards - every nine weeks Class Grades will be posted and updated constantly

21 Required Materials Assigned literature book Composition Notebook
Binder Loose-leaf notebook paper Pen (blue or black ink) and pencil Red Pen (for correction and feedback) Highlighters, colored pencils Small stapler (recommended) Computer disk or portable USB drive I recommend that my students look into a free GoogleDocs/Dropbox account

22 Plagiarism and Cheating
To present another person’s ideas as if they were your own Cheating The giving or receiving of test information before, during, or after administration Late Work Tardies and Absences Passes Make-up Work


24 Email and Class Website
My address Class Grades Through Portal connection Class Website

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