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Emily Reimert, Ryleigh Rosta and Tara Wussler

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Presentation on theme: "Emily Reimert, Ryleigh Rosta and Tara Wussler"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emily Reimert, Ryleigh Rosta and Tara Wussler
The Germ Theory Emily Reimert, Ryleigh Rosta and Tara Wussler 

2 Overview Microbiology Germ Theory  Important Figures

3 What is Microbiology Microbiology– The study of microorganisms
Includes Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes Microorganism–Microscopic organism  Bacteria, Algae, Fungus, NOT viruses  TW

4       What is the Germ Theory? The Germ Theory– The Scientific theory of disease Diseases are caused by microorganisms Invasion of a host Pathogen– Microorganism causing an  infectious disease TW

5 Why is the Germ Theory Important?
TW Advancing the medical field Links hygiene and sanitation to bacteria Prevents epidemics Ex. Vaccinations

6 Important Figures Robert Koch (1905) Four Postulates– Microorganisms
TW Robert Koch (1905)  Four Postulates– Microorganisms     specific relations to disease  Ignaz Semmelweis  (1847) –Puerperal Fever rates drop by handwashing Louis Pasteur ( )- Disease controlled by sterilization  Alexander Fleming (1923)–  The first antibiotic (Penicillin) 

7 Ignaz Semmelweis Discovered importance of handwashing
Identified cause of puerperal fever (childbed fever) Advocated for use of antiseptics  Related deaths decreased    ER

8 Semmelweis' Research Compared maternity clinics
One clinic = medical students & male doctors = higher death rate Second clinic = female midwives = lower death rate  Discovered people contract childbed fever  ER

9 Louis Pasteur Discovered germs cause sickness
Founded pasteurization process Created vaccinations (Ex. anthrax and rabies)  Founded method to detect silk worms ER

10 Pasteur’s Research Examined liquids like milk, wine, and vinegar
Found air-borne microbes polluted liquids  Studied silk industry and dangers of silk worms Found microbes could transmit diseases to humans ER

11 Robert Koch "Magic Bullets" attack specific bacteria
Noble Peace Prize Winner-  1905  Tested on sheep Stained bacteria for easy visibility Causes of tuberculosis and cholera  RR

12 Koch's Postulates Pathogens are found in sick organisms
Grown in laboratories for pure culture Cultured pathogens cause original diseases Injected pathogens are identical to host  RR

13 Alexander Fleming Created Penicillin – First Anti-Biotic
Discovery of lysosomes, destroys bacteria Observed bacteria in petri-dishes Nobel Peace Prize Winner – 1945 RR

14 Discovery of Penicillin
Plate of staphylococcus left uncovered   accidental discovery Noticed a mold killed bacteria Mold - penicillium notatum  February 14th, 1929 discovery is released RR

15 Which one is NOT a microorganism?
A- Bacteria B- Fungus C- Algae D- Virus D

16 What is a pathogen? A- microorganism causing an infectious disease B- a type of vaccine C- an antibody D- a germ A

17 What did Semmelweis discover the importance of ?
A- Silk Worms B- Microbes C- Chlorine D- Handwashing D ER

18 Pasteur created a vaccination for …
A- Smallpox B- Anthrax C- Childbed Fever D- Silk Worm Diseases B ER

19 Koch found the cause of…
A- Tuberculosis B- Plague C- Yellow Fever D- Ebola A

20 What was considered the 1st Antibiotic?
A- Staphylococcus B- Anthrax C- Penicillin D- Lysosomes C

21 Summary Microbiology Germ Theory  Important Figures

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