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Forest Gate Community School Charlotte Whelan

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1 Forest Gate Community School Charlotte Whelan
CME- secondary school Forest Gate Community School Charlotte Whelan

2 What reasons are children CME in a secondary school ?
Not started the school at all- year 7 – sometimes MPAs Moved house – not notified the school Extended holiday Parents keep them off school ( including opting to homeschool ) Children from travelling communities Truancy Safeguarding concerns (moved due to DV, run away from home, not contactable)

3 Checklist ❹ CME - When a child does not take up school place or has unexplained absence for 3 or more days (Child Missing Education) On each day of absence, home contacted by telephone by Attendance Officer If no contact made, all numbers on the system should be tried On 3rd day of absence, home visit to be made by student manager and or family support worker if appropriate If contact is made, arrangements to attend school put in place by student manager and family support worker If no contact is made, student manager and family support worker make all reasonable efforts to establish whereabouts including making contact with neighbours and students' friends in school If no contact is made, student manager to notify Attendance Officer and family support worker/designated safeguarding lead Family support worker/designated safeguarding lead asses harm. If harm or risk established family support worker to contact children's services If no immediate risk established, student manager to call home daily and carry out daily home visits with family support worker if appropriate If student is missing for 10 days, Attendance Officer completes CME form and sends to LA. Copy kept on file

4 ❶ When the school is notified a child is leaving to go overseas
Letter requested including name, contact details and start date at new school by Attendance Officer Letter received from parent Letter is placed on file by Attendance Officer Head of Learning, Student Manager and family support worker notified by Attendance Officer If overseas, immigration papers and plane tickets requested and placed on file by Attendance Officer If CP concerns, family support worker notifies children's services If evidence above is not  received, Attendance Officer follow CME checklist If evidence above  is  received, sent to new school to arrange transfer of files by Attendance Officer Transfer of files arranged within 10 working days Student added to weekly off role list

5 ❷ When the school is notified that a child is leaving to attend another school in the UK
Letter requested including name, contact details and start date at new school by Attendance Officer Letter received from parent Letter is placed on file by Attendance Officer Head of Learning, student manager and family support worker notified by Attendance Officer If letter and new school details not forthcoming, Attendance Officer follow CME checklist If CP concerns, family support worker to notify children's services The LA of the receiving school should make contact within 5 days of transfer, if not forthcoming within 5 days, AK should follow CME checklist Details put on students' file Upon request from new school, Attendance Officer fills in file transfer form Family support worker calls new school and arranges for CP information to be transferred securely Student added to weekly off role list

6 When the school is notified that a child is leaving to be home-schooled
Letter requested including name, contact details and start date at new school by Attendance Officer Letter received from parent Letter is placed on file by Attendance Officer Head of Learning, student manager and family support worker notified by Attendance Officer LA notified in writing that the parents have elected for home schooling If CP concerns, family support worker to notify children's services When LA send notice of authorisation , Attendance Officer to take student off role Until receive notification from LA, Attendance Officer to chase weekly Student added to weekly off role list

7 ❺ When a child takes holiday during term time
If holiday during term time is requested, Attendance Officer to send home standard letter refusing to permit If holiday during term time is taken, Attendance Officer to send home standard letter refusing to authorise Attendance Officer to notify LA to request penalty notice within 1 week Student attendance to be monitored using school absence procedures

8 ❻ When a child has explained but unauthorised persistent absence
After 3 unauthorised absences in any school year Attendance Officer notifies student manager / HOL and AHT for attendance Meeting called by HOL/student manager with parents to establish expectations of absence If appropriate, student added by AHT for attendance to 5 Stage absence programme for intervention If parent does not engage or student harm or risk identifued by student manager / HOL they should notify designated safeguarding lead / family support worker Home visit to be completed by family support worker If there are safeguarding concerns, family support worker/designated safeguarding lead to notify children's services If attendance does not improve, persistent attendance procedures should be activated by AHT for attendance

9 Case study 1 = W and M W and M are twins from a traveller community
Mum would keep one off if the other was sick Mum’s relationship with school was hot and cold There were a couple of members of staff mum had good relationship with W and M needed pastoral support for behaviour After an incident in year 9 mum decided to home school

10 W and M continued Student Manager and Family support worker visited mum to get her to change her mind Reported as CME / homeschooling After a period of time Mum changed her mind. Students readmitted Family rehoused. Mum worked with the school to find new school place in West London.

11 Case study 2 - S S was missing lots of school from year 8 . Mum unable to get her in Safeguarding concerns as staying out late and SS and police involved From year 9/10 expected CSE. Involved multiagency Missing from school constantly. Mum threatened to send her abroad. Booked a holiday. Constant work with student. Never giving up. Home visits every day. Gave her an academic mentor and pastoral support Things changed, left with GCSE in English and Maths



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