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Miranda Song, Maia Michalashvili, Dori McMenamin

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Presentation on theme: "Miranda Song, Maia Michalashvili, Dori McMenamin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miranda Song, Maia Michalashvili, Dori McMenamin
Current Outbreaks Miranda Song, Maia Michalashvili, Dori McMenamin

2 Bucks County Lyme Disease +Avian Influenza
overview CDC Role in our lives Antibiotic resistance Prevention Measles +Chikungunya Description Statistics/Location Bucks County Lyme Disease +Avian Influenza

3 centers for disease control and prevention
CDC=United States 24/7 Health Protection Agency Protects Americans from health and safety threats Track diseases, research outbreaks, respond to emergencies MS

4 Skip doses for antibiotics Skip
MS DO not... Skip doses for antibiotics Skip Take an antibiotic for a viral infection Take Force healthcare professionals to prescribe you antibiotics Force Save antibiotics for next time you get sick Save Take someone else's antibiotics

5 STEPS to prevent antibiotic resistance
Prevent cross-transmission Foreign virus introduced into new environment Infects and spreads through a new host population MS

6 Steps to prevent antibiotic resistance
Take prescribed medication recommended by professionals Throw away leftover antibiotics Ask professionals for recommended vaccines  Prevent infections that later require antibiotics MS

7 Measles: Description Virus caused infection, creates a skin rash
2-3 year cycle, usually in winter or spring Virus is called paramyxovirus and is extremely contagious Koplik's Spots: red/white bumps that appear around mouth MM

8 Measles: Statistics Common in younger children
95% of those exposed, will become obtain measles 89,780 reported deaths in 2016 (Under 5 years old) Death rate has gone down 84% annually ( ) MM

9 Measles: location Occur mainly in developing countries (Africa and Asia) Persistent because less vaccinations are done Not as common, but occurs in America as well Rates in America have dropped tremendously MM

10 Measles: prevention Preventable with a vaccine
Given to about 15 month olds Infused with virus, but doesn't actually cause it Build up the baby's immune system Isolation if infected MM

11 Chikungunya: Description
Transmitted by infected female mosquitos Causes extremely painful joint pain  Pain usually decreases within a week if treated Can potentially cause chronic disease Easily misdiagnosed with zika virus MM

12 Chikungunya: Statistics
About 1.39 million cases in India in 2006 2,944 deaths in 2006 2014: 4 cases in France 2015: 37,480 confirmed cases in America MM

13 Chikungunya: Location
Mainly occur in India, Africa, and Asia Prevalent in South America Major outbreak around 2006  Islands near Indian Ocean Europe was included MM

14 Chikungunya: Prevention
Reduce number of artificial/natural water filled containers Spray pesticides around these areas Wear clothing that covers most of the skin Place nets that are treated with insecticide on windows MM

15 Bucks County Lyme disease
Caused by Lyme bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) -- > hard to detect and kill From infected deer tick (blacklegged tick) bite (nymph) "Bull's-eye" looking rash appears at bite Called the great imitator DM

16 Tick needs to be attached for 36 to 48 hours to transmit disease
LYME STATISTICS 20% of infected people can recall a tick bite, and fewer than 50% ever see a rash  Tick needs to be attached for 36 to 48 hours to transmit disease 8,186 cases in Bucks County 300,000 people are diagnosed in the US yearly DM

17 Lyme Outbreak Location
Different areas have different tick infection rates Often reflected in risk maps Not accurate- (some states don’t tick test) Known infected ticks found in.. US, Chile, Bolivia, Columbia, Argentina, Cuba, Egypt, Honduras, and Mongolia DM

18 Insect repellent on skin and clothing Check body for ticks often
Lyme prevention Insect repellent on skin and clothing Check body for ticks often Shower/baths after being outside Avoid heavily wooded (Tick infested) areas in summertime  Wear protective clothing DM

19 A Bird Virus (avian (bird) influenza (flu)) Technical name- H5N1
Avian influenza A Bird Virus (avian (bird) influenza (flu)) Technical name- H5N1 Rare in humans- mostly bird to bird  close contact with birds (ex: farmer) DM

20 2013- over 1500 human cases and many human deaths
Avian statistics 2013- over 1500 human cases and many human deaths Yearly average is 1,000 cases a year  Killed nearly 60% of infected people- 142m lives DM

21 Avian outbreak Location
Avian epidemic occurs in people in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Pacific, and the Near East More rare in North America ( ) 400 cases in the world DM

22 Early isolation when feeling sick
prevention Routine Hand washing  Covering face when coughing or sneezing- using tissues and throwing them out Early isolation when feeling sick Avoiding close contact with sick people Avoiding touching one’s eyes, nose or mouth DM

23 D ABC's What does the full CDC name stand for? A) Centers for Disease Control B) Centers for Disease and Prevention C) Centers for Disease and Treatment Prevention D) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MS

24 B Abc's Which of the following should you do to prevent antibiotic resistance? A) Use medication prescribed for your family members B) Throw away leftover medication C) Avoid vaccines D) Consult a family member for recommended vaccines MS

25 C ABc's How are measles transmitted? A. Drinking out of the same water bottle as some who is infected B. Touching someone with the disease C. Breathing the air of someone with measles has sneezed/coughed in D. Get a shot infused with measles MM

26 A ABC's What is a symptom of the Chikungunya Virus? A. Extremely painful muscle/joint pain B. Stomach pain/Vomiting C. Hot flashes D. Feeling numb in various limbs MM

27 D ABC's What are signs you have Lyme Disease? A)Bull's-eye rash B) Headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and fever C) Swollen joints D)All of the above DM

28 C ABC's To prevent Avian influenza you just...? A)Prevent infections that later require antibiotics B)Use a vaccine C)Avoid touching one’s eyes, nose or mouth D)Wear clothes that cover most the skin DM

29 Bucks County Lyme Disease +Avian Influenza
Conclusion CDC Role in our lives Antibiotic resistance Prevention Measles +Chikungunya Description Statistics/Location Bucks County Lyme Disease +Avian Influenza

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