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HB410 Attendance & Truancy Reporting

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Presentation on theme: "HB410 Attendance & Truancy Reporting"— Presentation transcript:

1 HB410 Attendance & Truancy Reporting
Debbie Barbee, Business Analyst The Management Council

2 Agenda What’s new in the suite HB410 Reporting Intervention Plan
Attendance Reports New Features HB410 Scenarios

3 What’s happening in the suite
Now available on YouTube Examples: Student Verification (UNCLEMIS) in SI: Create From Existing in SpS: The videos provide a quick overview of functionality in the suite. Currently cover areas in SI, DataMap, SpS and VirtualClassroom with plans to continue to add more. StudentInformation / Suite Videos

4 HB410 Reporting

5 If only it were this easy!!!

6 HB410 Required many changes this year
Changes in attendance calculations New reports New ways of tracking attendance Intervention teams Student Intervention Plans Closer monitoring of attendance

7 HB410 Absence Thresholds Habitually Truant Excessive Absences
Absent 30 or more Consecutive Hours without a legitimate excuse (unexcused) Absent 42 or more Hours in a Month without a legitimate excuse (unexcused) Absent 72 or more Hours in a Year without a legitimate excuse (unexcused) Excessive Absences Absent 38 or more Hours in a Month with or without a legitimate excuse; (excused & unexcused) or Absent 65 or more Hours in a School Year with or without a legitimate excuse (excused & unexcused)

8 EMIS Reporting FT Events reported based on data from Intervention Plan and Threshold data Reported by all EMIS reporting entities who provide education to students in grades KG & above Reported as they occur in Traditional districts Midyear & End of Year Student (S) collections SOES End of Year Student (S) Collection

9 EMIS Reporting - FT Dates are reported for the following events:
A – Parent Notified of Excessive Absences B – Student becomes Habitually truant C – Habitual Truant violates Court Order D – Absence Intervention Plan Implemented

10 EMIS Reporting - FT Event A - Parent Notified of Excessive Absences
Student has crossed an Excessive Absence threshold (monthly or yearly) Parent Involvement record exists with Written Notification and Excessive Absences where the date is on or after when the student crossed the threshold The earliest involvement record on or after the threshold is reported Report only one record regardless of which threshold the student hit Students may have an Absence Intervention planned before hitting the Excessive Absences threshold If Parent is notified prior to the student hitting the threshold, the event will not be reported

11 EMIS Reporting - FT Event B - Student Becomes Habitually Truant
Student has crossed any of the Habitually Truant thresholds (consecutive, monthly, or yearly) The earliest involvement record on or after the threshold is reported

12 EMIS Reporting - FT Event C - Habitual Truant violates court order
Student has crossed any of the habitual truancy thresholds Judicial involvement record exists with Violates a Court Order and Habitual Truancy where the date is on or after when the student crossed the threshold Each involvement record on or after the threshold is reported Just a clarification on Adjudication, the event only gets reported if a student violates a court order if the student actually appears in court and is found guilty of violating the court order for attendance. This is the only event type where a student may have multiple records for the same event type with different dates

13 EMIS Reporting - FT Event D - Absence Intervention Plan Implemented
Student has crossed any of the Habitual Truancy thresholds (consecutive, monthly, or yearly) An intervention team Plan Created On date has been entered (can be before the threshold date) The Plan Created On date is reported

14 EMIS Reporting - FT Use the EMIS Transfer for ‘S’ Collections and select the Student Truancy and Excessive Absences (FT) option to transfer records to ODE

15 EMIS Reporting - FT Ad Hoc Reports Committee
Working on adding additional reports for Intervention plan data New report will include all of the events reported in the FT file and student demographics for each student in the file

16 HB410 Reports – Attendance Thresholds
To identify students that have crossed a threshold – run Attendance Thresholds from the Analytics Hub

17 HB410 Reports – Yearly Absence Summary
To identify students that are close or have crossed threshold – run Yearly Absence Summary from the Analytics Hub 1. Totals on the report - highlighted in yellow identify thresholds that are approaching 2. Totals on the report - highlighted in red identify thresholds that have been met 3. The blue links above the totals for each student create individual student sub reports

18 HB410 Reports Additional reports available for attendance data
Yearly Absence Detail with Perfect Attendance Use post-processing filters to get the data you want from the report Click the ellipsis on the left side of the report for additional filtering options

19 Attendance Reports Use the post processing filters to filter your data down even further. For this report, the filters at the beginning of the report have been removed, the data is generated as a data dump, then using post processing filters, narrow down the data you want to get just by clicking the options for the filters. You’ll see the data change on the page to only include data based on the filters you select.

20 HB410 Attendance Calculation
Attendance calculated nightly for all districts in an ITC New Feature – Attupemis from the Period S Collection Verify Menu recalculates the HB410 & EMIS Attendance Updates FS Attendance Tab Recalculate attendance after daily attendance is entered Recalculate before each EMIS Submission for the ‘S’ collection

21 HB410 Documentation Check the task list after each release. New features will be included. The change log at the beginning of the doc will make you aware of the most recent changes

22 Intervention Plan

23 HB410 – Intervention Plan Student Intervention Plan page was added to track the student’s intervention details and actions taken. Convenient links were added to several pages in the application to make attendance data more easily accessible. On the student Intervention page, a link on the top to get to the School Absences page was added. Current Absence Hours and thresholds data is updated each time attendance is recalculated. Districts may create an intervention plan prior to the student hitting any thresholds

24 HB410 – Create Intervention
To initiate the process, click on the ‘Create Intervention’ button at the top of the page. Once the plan is created, the District responsibilities checklist opens and is available for updates. All areas of the plan may be updated at that point.

25 HB410 – Intervention Plan Link from School Absences to Student Absence Intervention Page Click the link on the School Absences page to quickly go to the Student Absence Intervention page

26 HB410 – Absence Intervention
The Current Absence information on the left side of the page provides the most recent totals for Excessive Absences and Habitual Truancy counts. The Print Letter option on the page allows you to generate a letter on demand for the student using your own templates

27 HB410 – Absence Intervention
The Thresholds area provides details on when students reached specific thresholds. Parent Notifications helps you track the information sent to parents Reason Parent Notification – still has yellow triangle….parent must be notified in writing within 7 days of the student hitting the threshold When a Student Becomes Habitually Truant. Report the date the student first becomes habitually truant regardless of which threshold(s) he/she hits

28 HB410-Absence Intervention
Once a plan is created, it remains open for the rest of the school year Intervention Plans cannot be deleted The Status at the top of the plan is ‘Open’ when the plan is created but may be changed to ‘Completed’ or ‘Cancelled’ Plans are specific to the school year – if a plan carries over to the next school year, create a plan in the next school year

29 HB410 – Absence Intervention
Parent Involvement Parent involvement is recorded based on the type of notification(s) made to the parents. As contact is sent or attempted, it should be recorded under Parent Involvement for the appropriate threshold. When the threshold is Excessive Absences and the type of contact is ‘Written Notification’, an EMIS event is reported.

30 Judicial Contact When a student violates a court order for Habitual Truancy, an event is needed under the Judicial contacts. Once created with the type of contact as ‘violates a court order’, an FT record for type D is created.

31 HB410 – Absence Intervention
New Features HB410 – Absence Intervention

32 HB410 Updates Updates made to accommodate students attending multiple buildings at the same time Current calculation doesn’t handle them properly No way to know how much time a student spends in each building Results in too much time calculated for the student

33 HB410 Updates New page developed to specify Calendar percentages for students

34 HB410 Updates Script in release initially populates table for any student enrolled in two or more buildings in the same district Records added initially with 50% in each building Manual adjustments may be made to correct the FTE for each building When student withdraws from a building, withdrawal date added to Percentage record Attendance calculated for the percent of time spent in each building

35 HB410 Updates Example #1: Student spends 50% of time in two different buildings each day Student Calendar Assignments: Promoted from last year in Choffin (7/1/17 – 9/4/17) Choffin: 9/5/17 – 5/31/18 Chaney : 9/5/2017 – 5/25/18 New Attendance Percentage Table entries:

36 HB410 Updates Example #2: Student Starts the school year attending one building. On November 5th, student also enrolls in another building in the district

37 HB410 Updates Example #3: Student starts the school year in one building, enrolls in another on November 5th while still attending his original building, then withdraws from building B May 15th but remains enrolled in building A

38 HB410 Updates Example #4: Student is enrolled in one building but attends another full time (ex: districts with a JVS building within the district) In this example, the HS building enrolls the student but student attends the JVS building full time. The student must be enrolled in the high school building because that is where he graduates from. Since the student is full time in the JVS building, all attendance will be taken there. He would be 0 percent in the high school and 100% in the JVS building

39 HB410 Updates Example #5: Student is only enrolled in one building in the district

40 HB410 Scenarios

41 CCP Student Attends Elsewhere Full-Time
Students who attend CCP Full time elsewhere (taking CCP courses taught at another location) are to be counted for EMIS attendance as present 100% of the time. Since they are attending full time elsewhere, they should be set up as follows: Student may be assigned to any calendar, not the non-attending calendar. Since the student’s FTE is zero, and the student is coded as attending elsewhere full time as CCP, attendance will be calculated for the student as if he is attending AND was present 100% of the days he is enrolled.

42 CCP Student Attends Elsewhere Part Time
Students who attend CCP Part Time elsewhere (taking CCP courses taught at another location part time) are to be counted for EMIS attendance as present for the time they are attending elsewhere and in attendance or absent according to attendance taken at the district for the time the student is being educated by the district. For this student, following these guidelines: Student should have an FTE greater than zero AND less than 100% on their FS record Student may be assigned to any attending calendar Absences for the time the student should be in attendance at the district should be entered as Partial Absences AND should contain both a start time and a stop time. This will ensure that the exact amount of hours is calculated for each absence.

43 CCP Student Attends district part-time & CCP part-time within the district
Students who attend CCP Part time within their own district (CCP courses are offered within their high school For these students, since they never leave the building, attendance should be calculated for them as if they are attending the district 100% of time Any absences that occur during the time they are attending the CCP classes within the building should be counted the same as any other absence

44 Attendance for JVS Satellite Students
A student attends their home district part time and a JVS Satellite, which is housed at their building for the rest of their day The student’s FTE is split between the time they are educated by employees of the home district and employees of the JVS The student never leaves the building to attend the JVS Satellite classes For EMIS reporting, attendance is calculated based on the percent of time educated in the district, however, the district is responsible for the student’s attendance for HB410 for the entire day At this time, districts must manually calculate the attendance for the time the students are attending the JVS classes. Enhancements have been submitted to calculate attendance for HB410 purposes for the whole day

45 Seniors who leave for a portion of the day
We have a district who allows their students to leave school for a portion of the day that they do not have a class scheduled. When calculating absence time for a student, should this period of the day be included? If they are not in attendance for the full day, should their absence hours = 6 or 5.5? If they only miss a portion of the day and part of the time is during this allowed out of building period, does that time also get included time also get included? If student’s do not have a scheduled class, this time should not count toward the minimum school year for that student and thus they should have a reduced calendar. Per your example, these students would have 5.5 of hours absences instead of 6 hours if they are not in attendance for the full day. If they miss a portion of the day that they don’t have a scheduled period, this portion would be reduced We have a district who allows their students to leave school for a portion of the day that they do not have a class scheduled.  So they are not sitting in their seats during an assigned class or study hall.  When calculating absence time for a student, should this period of the day be included?  For example, the school’s normal day is 6 hours.  A student does not have a scheduled class that they are required to be in attendance for in the middle of the day that lasts for 30 minutes.  If they are not in attendance for the full day, should their absence hours = 6 or 5.5?  If they only miss a portion of the day and part of the time is during this allowed out of building period, does that time also get included?

46 School enters all absences as Unexcused until updated to excused
If a school enters daily attendance as Unexcused until the student brings in an excuse, they will have students hit thresholds that may not be accurate. A student may show as hitting a threshold one day, but the next day, no longer hitting it because the triggering absence was updated to an excused absence. In , Attupemis will recalculate the HB410 attendance & EMIS attendance for the district on demand Since ODE deletes all records and reloads with each submission, submit FT Truancy records along with FS records For the end of the school year, make sure all absences and all Absence Intervention plans are updated before the final S Collection submission

47 Students who hit the threshold for Chronic Absenteeism
HB410 doesn’t require schools or districts to take any action if a student misses 10% or more of the school year When a student misses 10% or more of the school year, they are considered chronically absent It is good practice to track and offer proactive and supportive interventions to these students The school and district chronic absenteeism rate is currently reported on the Local Report Card As we transition to ESSA implementation, chronic absenteeism will be graded and will play a bigger part of the school improvement system ODE calculates chronic absenteeism ranges based on the attendance data submitted through EMIS

48 Questions?

49 Thank you for coming!

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