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How FDT Technology Interfaces with Major Fieldbus Networks

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1 How FDT Technology Interfaces with Major Fieldbus Networks
Geoff Wickens FDT Group

2 Fieldbus technology is rapidly being adopted in the process industry…
Fieldbus provides: Improved plant efficiency, safety and productivity Access to asset health through digital communications Asset management is an essential components of any successful process automation strategy ISA 2008 Jason Norris

3 Device configuration software Asset management tools
FDT technology has freed end user’s from vendor proprietary solutions Choose the best in class Instrumentation Device configuration software Asset management tools ..And no more vendor specific software

4 FDT connects with 12 different protocols
AS-interface ContolNet DeviceNet EtherNet/IP FOUNDATION Fieldbus HART INTERBUS IO Link MODBUS SL/TCP PROFIBUS DP/PA PROFINET I/O CIP Annex configuration Bullet list builds with Logos Have these protocols come in faster or all at once.

5 The DTM… …is the driver representing the actual device
…is provided by the device manufacturer … is loaded on any Frame Application …has a standardized interface to the Frame Application …has the graphical user interface …includes the complete parameters of the device Device Type Manager The DTM... Is the software driver that represents the actual device is provided by the device manufacturer has a standardized interface to the FDT frame application. Interface has been standardized by FDT Group and it guarantees operation and interoperability in any FDT frame application has a graphical user interface (any kind of visualization, trends, histograms, graphics, colors are possible), is capable for multimedia and can be developped for each device ???? This means that it is possible to create a DTM for each device that is on the market includes the complete logic and parameters of a device can be used in any FDT frame application exchanges data with FDT frame application and other DTMs (commDTM exchanges with deviceDTM?????) This means 1. The data exchange between commDTM and deviceDTM 2. The nested communication, where DTMs communicate in a vertical structure and exchange data through different hirarchies

6 Communication independence
FDT supports all communication protocols for Factory and Process Automation FDT fits all physical networks FDT technology provides transparent unrestricted routing over all network levels - it is communication protocol independent All commonly used communication protocols and fieldbus-standards are or will be included in FDT specification, for example HART, Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, Devicenet, interbus, modbus, asi In order to establish communication drivers are needed for field devices and for network components FDT allows one framework to handle different communication segments and different communication protocols FDT allows transparent, centralized data access from one framework to any device in a network And once again FDT is communication independent, any commonly used industrial communication protocol can be used in FDT

7 FDT - How does it work? One FDT interface to the Frame Application (DCS, PLC, Asset Management, Engineering Tool) and to the DTM One DTM per device fits into all Frame Applications One Frame Application accepts all DTMs FieldCare PACTware Asset Mgmt. System/ Engineering Tool DCS PLC DCS PLC DTM DTM DTM DTM Configuration Parameterization Start Up Alarm Model Monitoring Plant Diagnosis Calibration Maintenance DTM DTM DTM

8 Networked communication
FDT maps existing networks A) Simple networks Ethernet TCP/IP CommDTM Device DTM HART Following example describes what DTMs are needed in order to establish a communication from frame application to two different control valves. The first valve works in Profibus network while the second valve is tradionell 4-20 mA device and uses HART communication. The computer communicates with Profibus network component which has an IP-address and is connected to ethernet. In a computer there is PC communication card enabling profibus communication, it needs an own driver, the CommDTM. The profibus network component needs an own driver also, the commDTM. One control valve is connected directly to network component and needs own driver, a device DTM. For the valve with 4-20 mA signal the communication starts similarly as with valve in profibus. The computer communicates with Profibus network component which has an IP-address and is connected to ethernet. In a computer there is PC communication card enabling profibus communication, it needs an own driver, the CommDTM. The profibus network component needs an own driver also, the commDTM. HART devices can be connected to profibus with a special network component enabling profibus to 4-20mA conversion..That component needs an own driver, a commDTM and finally second valve needs own driver, a deviceDTM

9 FDT provides detailed information
Getting more out of the devices you already have!

10 FDT makes life easier Device operation via DTM with graphical user interfaces and dialogues Pictures are worth a 1000 words DTM makes device management easier: device operation via graphical user interface and dialogues pictures are always worth of a 1000 words and can simplify working with a device

11 , Event Your name

12 , Event Your name

13 Tested combinations CS 3000 Delta V IACC Field Mate PACT Ware Field Care ND 9000 DD Yes eEDDL No DTM DVC 6000 SRD 991 EJX MV The FF Devices available with DTM & eEDDL were limited! The DTMs provided had not passed the dtmINSPECTOR Test (yet)!

14 Evaluation Result DD (Example)
Multiple tabs List of parameters Look and feel is same within a single DCS system, but is very different per DCS No user friendly parameterization No graphics DDs must contain the minimum data required at the Operator’s Station!

15 Evaluation Result eEDDL (Example)
Predefined set of graphics but not the same on different DCS No data storage No intelligent wizards There is no standard EDDL to provide common GUI for all similar devices in different DCS!

16 Evaluation Result eEDDL (Diagnosis)
Online device diagnostics defined by DCS vendors EDDL allows DCS to define how device appears and what it can do!

17 Evaluation Result DTM (Diagnosis)
Automatic presentation of diagnostic alerts Look and feel of DTM is same in all DCSs and all Frame applications for each vendor DTMs are based on FDT/DTM Guidelines used by all developers!

18 Evaluation Result DTM (Example)
Full graphical support No loss of results during open/closing of different DTM screens Data storage Configuration and test results in one view DTMs have additional capability to store data for baseline & trending!

19 WIB project: Conclusions (1)
Basic claims on pros/cons of FDT/DTM and eEDDL are confirmed using FF technology. FUNCTION Basic DDL Enhanced DDL FDT FF block configuration Yes Yes (1) Calibration Methods No Device Setup Wizards Limited Programming flexibility Very limited State of the art GUI Data storage and reporting functionality Capable of any type of complex calculations Advanced diagnostics for sophisticated devices 1 –for safety and operations a standard guide is needed to limit who can change the device configuration. DTM provides the most functionality for a Device!

20 WIB project: Conclusions (2)
There are not sufficient FF devices with DTM or eEDDL in the market. eEDDL offers required data accessibility and functionality as used in commissioning of FF smart devices. FDT/DTM offers enhanced data accessibility and extended functionality as used in commissioning and maintenance of FF smart devices in a very effective and flexible manner.

21 WIB project: Recommendations
Systems should support both eEDDL and FDT/DTM. More FF devices with eEDDLs and DTMs are required. Certification for (FDT) Frame applications is needed. DTMs already have dtmINSPECTOR 2.0 for certification. Add a hierarchal order to for FF Function Block, Device Configuration Change Management (DCCM) and standard menu system to the FDT/DTM Style guide. Vendors should provide DTMs for their FF devices and include more device intelligence in their DTM solutions.

22 WIB test summary The independent WIB test confirms that there is a real need for FDT Technology: FDT delivers new and extended capabilities – as promised eEDDL is limited to data access, parameterization and commissioning FDT is the right platform for applications in configuration, operation and maintenance WIB encourages vendors to provide DTMs for all of their devices

Conclusion FDT Technology delivers value FDT is increasingly accepted by the market recommended and specified by leading end users getting more visibility in the media getting recognition by the industrial automation community FDT is receiving increasing acceptance from Device manufacturers and DCS Providers FDT’s open architecture provides a level playing field which benefits the end users, DCS providers and device manufacturers FDT IS THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY! 24

24 FDT Technology designed for Plant Lifecycle Management
Overview FDT Technology designed for Plant Lifecycle Management User Interface Functionality Engineering/ Configuration Commissioning Operation Maintenance/ Diagnostics Graphical support Device specific algorithms and functionalities Integrated specific procedures for parameterization, calibration, and complete commissioning Provides intuitive user interfaces for online information viewing and data access Data validation and compare Provides procedures for predictive maintenance and advanced diagnostics DTM Proprietary EDD add-on DD with enhanced visualization and user interface (HMI) EDD Proprietary DD add-on Developed for device configuration & methods DD Plant Lifecycle FDT, EDDL and FDI, Event Your name

25 Members

26 Open access to device intelligence
, Event Your name

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