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The dog at the wedding By: Jolene.

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1 The dog at the wedding By: Jolene

2 “Sis”, my sister had said, “you have to come, it’s my wedding
“Sis”, my sister had said, “you have to come, it’s my wedding! Dutifully I answered, “Fine!” It was her wedding. But now I was starting to regret it. The dress, the hair, the hair the makeup. Though I did have to admit I do look good in all of the fluff. So now here I am sitting through a wedding ceremony. Anyway, I’ll just tell her happy wedding and then leave when it is over. Nothing but a waste of a day. What Jamie doesn’t know is that I snuck my Yorkie to the wedding. Don’t judge me. I need some form of entertainment and Mr. Bad Boy is just adorable.

3 Anyway the ceremony is almost over
Anyway the ceremony is almost over. “You may now kiss the bride” I leaned down to cover Mr. Bad Boy’s eyes, and guess what, he is gone! Oh no! I tried to stand up discreetly, but my sister gave me the evil eye. Oh boy! How do I tell her? I tried mouthing it to her. This is starting to turn into the longest intro to a kiss ever! Now some heads are turning. “Proceed,” I said. “I will just be looking for my dog.” Awkward! Just then Mr. Bad Boy appeared between the bride and the groom.

4 He tore through them and barked. Then he through up on the brides dress. Oh No! Thankfully, he was heading this way. I dashed out to the center isle of the small Baptist church in Wisconsin. Luckily a kind gentlemen from across the isle held him back from running back the other way. Meanwhile the kissing was going on.

5 I checked the man out. He looked about my age with a smirk on his face
I checked the man out. He looked about my age with a smirk on his face. Ugh. Men!! That is why I don’t date!! Anyway, at least he helped me rescue Mr. Bad Boy. “Hi”, he said after the wedding was over. Do you want to take our dogs to the dog park tomorrow. “Nope”, “ugh I mean sorry, I can’t.” “I have to fly back to Atlanta. That’s where I live you know.” “Oh,” he said. “ I am going to visit Atlanta in a few months. Maybe we can visit then?” As if. “ Sure, maybe.” anyway I left the wedding stressing out about work. I got back to Atlanta and got back to my routine.

6 6 months later- I heard a knock on my door. “Who is it
6 months later- I heard a knock on my door. “Who is it?” “Uh, Jeffry” “Jeffery who?” “I met you at a wedding. I helped rescue your dog!” Uh oh. I started to have flashbacks. “How did you find me?” “I asked around. Anything for you.” Gosh, this guy is desperate. “Now will you let me in?”

7 “I guess. How are you. ” “The real question is how are you
“I guess. How are you?” “The real question is how are you? That will determine how I am.” Jeepers so mushy! “I was fine until you got here.” “I am determined to see you to a dinner at least.” “Is that what it will take to make you stop bothering me?” “Yes unless you turn out to have fun on our date.” “Ugh, fine, deal. Now , can you leave.” “I’ll see you tomorrow at 8:00.”

8 The next day I got dressed for our “date”
The next day I got dressed for our “date”. Oddly enough I enjoyed having an excuse to get out. I got dressed and put on makeup.

9 “At 8:00 precisely I heard a knock on my door. “Coming
“At 8:00 precisely I heard a knock on my door. “Coming.” “No rush darling.” Ugh. I went out and he took me to eat at Jimmy’s!

10 “I had a wonderful time,” I said, surprising myself, after dinner
“I had a wonderful time,” I said, surprising myself, after dinner. “I knew you would. Shall we go out again in a few weeks?” “Ok”

11 Later that day my sister called
Later that day my sister called. She talked about how great being married is. I told her about my date. She says to be careful, because he was never invited to her wedding. Just when I figured out that I liked him. Of course.

12 I called him up. “Hello. ” I hung up. I couldn’t go through with it
I called him up. “Hello?” I hung up. I couldn’t go through with it! I just couldn’t believe how much of a jerk he was! He snuck into my sister’s wedding, then forced me to go out with him! What a jerk!

13 Later he called to confirm our date
Later he called to confirm our date. I told him what a jerk he was and made him sorry for ever messing with our family. He said he needed to pay us back by taking me out for another date. “Uh Uh son, you don’t know who you’re messing with! I am not falling for your tricks again.” I hung up. Ugh!

14 Anyway, I thought about him for a few weeks, and then went back to the busy life I have teaching at Emory University. I like teaching fellow adults, so I teach adults coming in for further education.

15 I have been especially enjoying this year, because I have a really cute guy in my class.

16 Guess what. He moved out of my class into an advanced business class
Guess what??? He moved out of my class into an advanced business class. NOOOOOO!!!

17 Honestly, its ok. I need a break
Honestly, its ok! I need a break! I requested a break and Emory said I could have one. I am going to visit sis! So Mr. Bad boy and I packed up and headed out to Wisconsin.

18 We visited for a week, and then headed home
We visited for a week, and then headed home. It was good to get a fresh mind, and forget about men for once. It was really nice!

19 What a great time!

20 No way. I just got an offer to work at Yale
No way! I just got an offer to work at Yale! I took it, so now I need to move! That is a fun adventure! I got a new house.

21 6 months later… I love my new job at Yale. I even met a guy
6 months later… I love my new job at Yale. I even met a guy. (Don’t worry, I didn’t meet him at a wedding or in my class!) I met him because his office is next to mine at work! He is nice.

22 6 months later… Guess what. We’re getting married
6 months later… Guess what? We’re getting married. This whole thing is going to start at a wedding and end at a wedding. My sister and her husband are even coming for the ceremony! I’m so happy!

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