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Georgia College & Career Academies

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia College & Career Academies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia College & Career Academies
TKES and LKES: Where Are We? Georgia College & Career Academies CEO Workshop Cindy Saxon February 8, 2016 11/12/2018

2 Teacher Keys Effectiveness System
6/1/2014 Teacher Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Teacher Effectiveness Measure Student Growth Teachers of Tested Subjects Student Growth Percentiles Surveys of Instructional Practice Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12 Teacher Assessment on Performance Standards Observations and Documentation Support and Documentation Let’s take a moment to review the three components of the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System, which provide a comprehensive evaluation system based on multiple sources of data. The three components of Teacher Keys consist of: Teacher Assessment on Performance Standards, or TAPS, Student Growth, and Surveys of Instructional Practice. Each component contributes to the overall Teacher Effectiveness Measure. Teachers will receive a Teacher Effectiveness Measure, or TEM, based on documentation and data from the three components of Teacher Keys. Teachers of Non-Tested Subjects LEA-Developed, DOE-Approved Student Learning Objectives 6/1/2014

3 TAPS Domains and Standards
6/1/2014 Planning 1. Professional Knowledge 2. Instructional Planning Instructional Delivery 3. Instructional Strategies 4. Differentiated Instruction Assessment Of And For Learning 5. Assessment Strategies 6. Assessment Uses Learning Environment 7. Positive Learning Environment 8. Academically Challenging Environment Professionalism and Communication 9. Professionalism 10. Communication 5 Domains 10 Standards These are the main components of TAPS. There are ten performance standards, or duties, and five domains, or categories, which serve as the basis for TAPS. Performance indicators are examples of the types of performance that  may occur if a standard is being successfully met.  ‘will’ makes it appear as a checklist and I know we want to move away from that yes 6/1/2014

4 Overall TAPS Summative Rating
TEM Decision Table Overall Student Growth Rating Level IV Needs Development Proficient Exemplary III II Ineffective I Level I Level II Level III Level IV Overall TAPS Summative Rating 11/12/2018 4

5 Leader Keys Effectiveness System
Support and Documentation Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure Leader Assessment on Performance Standards Performance Goal Setting Documentation of Practice Governance and Leadership Climate Survey Student Attendance Retention of Effective Teachers Student Growth and Academic Achievement Student Growth Percentiles LEA Developed, DOE Approved Student Learning Objectives Achievement Gap Reduction

6 LAPS Domains and Standards
6/1/2014 LAPS Domains and Standards School Leadership 1. Instructional Leadership 2. School Climate Organizational Leadership 3. Planning and Assessment 4. Organizational Management Human Resources Leadership 5. Human Resources Management 6. Teacher/Staff Evaluation Professionalism and Communication 7. Professionalism 8. Communication & Community Relations 4 Domains 8 Standards 6/1/2014

7 Overall LAPS Summative Rating
LEM Decision Table Overall LAPS Summative Rating Achievement Gap I II III IV Overall Student Growth Rating ND P E 11/12/2018 6/23/2014 7

8 2014-2015 Implementation Summary
How did we do? Implementation Summary More than 108,000 TKES Summative Assessments More than 6,000 LKES Summative Assessments 11/12/2018

9 What’s New? Modified Implementation Calibration Training
SLO Flexibility and Resources GaPSC, Professional Learning, and the TLE Electronic Platform Regional P-20 Collaboratives State Equity Plan Partnership 11/12/2018

10 Modified Implementation
Business Rules have been established to determine eligibility. Criteria include: Two full years of district-wide implementation 45% district-wide implementation/school-wide implementation 51% or less ratings uniformity Correlation between TAPS ratings and growth ratings 11/12/2018

11 Modified Implementation
Who Seven districts 26 schools Modification 2 fifteen minute walkthroughs 1 thirty minute formative observation Which teachers Teachers rated proficient or exemplary are eligible for modified implementation 11/12/2018

12 Calibration Training Description
Designed to increase fidelity of implementation and consistency of ratings. Seeks to increase objectivity and eliminate bias. Participation 1,300 plus evaluators and district representatives from 106 districts have registered to attend. More than 1,000 have completed the training to date  11/12/2018

13 Flexibility is an option – not a requirement.
SLO Flexibility All cohorts may opt to administer SLOs to ensure each teacher has one growth measure. Flexibility is an option – not a requirement. 11/12/2018

14 Charters and SLOs Due to differences in resources and tools, charters may work with the LEA and GaDOE Division of Teacher and Leader Effectiveness to develop and implement charter specific SLOs. Contact Michele Purvis, Program Manager, for information. Charter Guidance Effectiveness/Documents/FY15%20TKES%20and%20LKES%20Documents/SLO %20Resources/ %20Charter%20Schools%20SLO%20Guidance.pdf 11/12/2018

15 SLO Resources & Supports
SLO Attainment and Target Diagnostic Tool Professional Development Modules 222 Exemplars SLO Resource Library 823 volunteered assessments from districts and RESAs 40 Public Domain Assessments Item Bank - Test Pad 118 Courses with 3844 items available 9/2/2015

16 GaPSC & Professional Learning
Beginning July 1, 2017 all Georgia educators will use PL goals or plans to renew their certificates Professional Learning Communities will be required. All PL goals and plans will be entered into the TLE Electronic Platform. 11/12/2018

17 Regional P-20 Collaboratives
These collaboratives: span nine areas of the state include districts, GaPSC, GaDOE, IHEs, & RESAs focus on supporting teachers pre-service through induction connect educator preparation programs with school districts 11/12/2018

18 Georgia’s Equity Plan Based on the most current data available and seeks to support districts who are experiencing equity gaps Seeks to ensure all students have access to effective teachers and school leaders. district equity plans will align with the new work in equity 11/12/2018

19 Our Partnership An effective partnership ensures fidelity of implementation, prevents unnecessary human resources entanglements, and ensures sustainability. TLE will continue to provide ongoing training and support. Districts and charters must develop and implement processes and protocols to support fidelity and sustainability. 11/12/2018

20 Ensuring success… User Guides PL Opportunities
Guidelines and Protocols – “Frequently Occurring Issues” HR Reports District Credentialing 11/12/2018

21 What’s Next? This body of work is constantly changing.
Research base is critical. Data set large enough to provide reliable information is essential. TLE will continue to support districts, schools, leaders, and teachers…as long as we have personnel to do so. 11/12/2018

22 Questions 11/12/2018

23 Contact Information Avis King Deputy Superintendent Office of School Improvement Cindy Saxon Associate Superintendent Teacher and Leader Effectiveness 11/12/2018

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