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Futurism / Dada / Surrealism

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Presentation on theme: "Futurism / Dada / Surrealism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Futurism / Dada / Surrealism
Subject #5 Futurism / Dada / Surrealism

2 FUTURISM Refused traditional art forms
Wanted their art to be an expression of speed and modern technology Tomasso Marinetti - Italian Poet, Playwright, & Professional Agitator Talked about the new world technology He wrote the “Manifesto of Futurism” Futurism: Not looking into the past; celebrated the age of the machine

3 Futurism - Umberto Boccioni
Artist: Umberto Boccioni - Young Italian Artist who joined the Futurism movement The City Rises - Oil on canvas Painting shows how “Futurist painters adapted Cubism to create “waves of muscular energy” The City Rises Umberto Boccioni

4 Futurism - Umberto Boccioni
Unique Forms of Continuity in Space - Sculpture Bronze 1913 A sculpture that puts the painting The City Rises in a 3D form Unique Forms of Continuity in Space Umberto Boccioni 1913

5 Futurist Sculpting - Constantin Brancusi
Born in a tiny peasant village in Romania Had a skill for carving and villagers raised money to send him to a school of crafts Bird in Space was his way of displaying his desire for purity Sculpture Bronze 1928 Bird in Space Constantin Brancusi

6 Dada Started after a war of on the ways of conventional thinking by the Dadaists Dada means nothing Dada art was anarchic and humorous but also deadly serious Dada was mainly made to frustrate and confuse audiences Dada was considered to be worthless rubbish to be discarded

7 Dada - Marcel Duchamp Dada artist with interesting but weird artworks
Famous work - Nude Descending a Staircase by Marcel Duchamp Painting Oil on canvas 1912 Fun Fact: The Evening Star called the painting The Rude Descending a Staircase

8 Had R. Mutt written on it (a plumbing manufacturer)
Marcel Duchamp’s artwork Fountain was literally thrown out of the International Exhibition of Modern Art show Had R. Mutt written on it (a plumbing manufacturer) He called it a ‘ready made art’ He pretty much stated that any everyday object could be art. Fountain Marcel Duchamp 1917

9 Dada Juxtaposition: Unrelated objects that are taken out
of their normal context and joined together producing a new unique object. Artwork – Gift by Man Ray uses this idea of juxtaposition. Gift Man Ray 1921

10 Surrealism Many Dadaists organized under the new Surrealism movement.
Surrealism: “More real than reality” - an art of dreams and the irrational unconscious.

11 Mystery and Melancholy of a Street
Giorgio de Chirico 1914

12 Surrealism - Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali was the greatest master of the style of realism He could make bizarre images seem believable Irrational juxtaposition - objects are of different size and scale Meaning is too deep, even Dali doesn’t know what it is

13 The Persistence of Memory
Salvador Dali 1931


15 Rene Magritte was another weird Surrealist!

16 The Treachery (or Perfidy) of Images
Rene Magritte



19 Quiz 10 Questions

20 Question #1 What did Futurists believe?

21 Question #2 What art movement does this art work come from?

22 Question #3 What does Umberto’s The City Rises painting mean?

23 Question #4 What does Dada mean?

24 Question #5 What is the name of this painting and who is the artist?

25 Question #6 What was written on Marcel Duchamp’s artwork Fountain, and what type of art did Duchamp call it?

26 Question #7 Who is the artist and what is the title?

27 Question #8 What does Juxtaposition mean?

28 Question #9 What is the title of this art work and who is the artist?

29 Question #10 This is an example of what at movement?

30 Bonus What do the words in this picture mean?

31 The End - Sources Lewis, Richard, and Susan I. Lewis. The Power of Art Second Edition. 2nd ed. N.p.: Clark Baxter, n.d. Print. Google Images

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