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How to Engage Students.

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1 How to Engage Students

2 Strategies for engaging students’ attention and active participation
Ways to get attention Ways to focus attention Ways to keep attention Ways to keep attention during seat work.

3 Ways to get attention Seat students close to you for direct instruction Model excitement Generate discussion Use mystery and playfulness Establish a system of signaling cues: Auditory cues Visual signals Routine phrases Eye contact

4 Ways to focus attention
Incorporate presentations Explain the purpose Move around in the classroom Project your voice Teach thematically whenever possible Incorporate visual techniques such as: Color Positioning students Writing key words or pictures Illustrating Pointing to written material Using overhead projector Blockingunwanted material

5 Ways to keep attention Be well-prepared
Format lessons using a variety of questioning Increase student responses Vary the way you call upon students Use higher-level questioning techniques Ask students to write their best guess first Utilize peer help such as the: Pair-share format Cooperative learning groups Group or responses Provide materials such as: Individual journals Pre-made response cards Response fan Partial outlines Computer programs

6 Ways to keep attention during seat work
Give manageable amount of work Check if students understand directions Make sure supplies are available Assign study buddies Use private cues Scan the class frequently Provide examples for reference Use behavior modification techniques

7 What happens when you try to engage students by floating a question during class? Silence? The same eager student anxious to answer? Most of the students not thinking about the question but just hoping that you won't call on them? What can we do to make students more actively engaged with the material during lecture in order to improve student learning?

8 Teaching Strategies The jigsaw technique The gallery walk
Effective discussion Concept sketches Case studies Debates Just-in-time teaching Role Playing

9 The Jigsaw technique The Gallery Walk
Dividing students into groups, allowing them to learn about the topic, re-dividing into mixed groups, allowing each member to discuss their topic. The Gallery Walk Devising several questions/problems at a different table or at a different place on the walls. Students form as many groups as there are questions, and each group moves from question to question.

10 Effective Discussion Concept Sketches
Discussion is an excellent way to engage students in thinking and analyzing or in defending one side of an issue, rather than listening to lecture. Students must also respond to one another, rather than interacting intellectually only with the instructor. Concept Sketches Sketches or diagrams that are concisely annotated with short statements that describe the processes, concepts, and interrelationships shown in the sketch.

11 Debates Case Studies Debates force students to deal with complexity and "gray areas.“They can also help provide relevancy of course material to everyday issues. Debates also improve student's oral communication skills.  Case Study: The presentation of students with a problem to solve that revolves around a story (the "case"). Good case studies give the students considerable latitude in deciding how to solve the problem.

12 Just-in-time teaching
A way of engaging students in course material before class and preparing them to come to class and participate actively during class. Role-Playing A well-constructed role-playing or simulation exercise can emphasize the real world and require students to become deeply involved in a topic.

13 As you enter a classroom ask yourself this question: "If there were no students in the room, could I do what I am planning to do?" If your answer to the question is yes, don't do it. Gen. Ruben Cubero, Dean of The Faculty, United States Air Force Academy

14 Good luck to you all! Power to You!

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