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Where Did I Come From? Why Am I Here? Where Am I Going?

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1 Where Did I Come From? Why Am I Here? Where Am I Going?
3 Questions Where Did I Come From? Why Am I Here? Where Am I Going?

2 Three Questions "The Three Questions" is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy first published in 1885 as part of the collection What Men Live By, and Other Tales. The story takes the form of a parable, and it concerns a king who wants to find the answers to what he considers the three most important questions in life. The three questions are: 1) How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time? 2) Who are the people I most need, and to whom should I, therefore, pay more attention than to the rest? 3) And, what affairs are the most important, and need my first attention?"

3 Three Questions Remember then: there is only one time that is important -- Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!“

4 Three Questions Today in my life coaching practicing, many clients express feelings of entrapment. Many folks focus on what isn’t working and how they don’t know what their purpose is, which blocks them from moving forward. Don’t let fear paralyze you or keep you stuck. You deserve to be happy and to life your purpose and a passion-filled life. People ask me how I found my purpose. It was a steady focus forward and many little steps that led to my big picture. I asked three powerful questions that led to my awakening and inner shift. We often stay in unhealthy situations because we are unclear of our future. The path is blurry or we don’t know what we want. To combat this fear, and discover your purpose, ask yourself these three questions.

5 Three Questions 1. Who Am I? You have a unique set of skills, talents and strengths that belong only to you. You have the potential to live a life where you utilize all of your natural abilities. By connecting with your values, you will learn who you are. 2. What Do I Want? You may not know what you want right now, but taking small steps and following your heart’s nudges will guide you to clarity. Each action step you take will pull you forward. You can also return to your childhood and think about what you loved to do as a kid. Maybe you loved to write poetry or use your imagination. This might mean you value expressing yourself creatively.

6 Three Questions 3. How Can I Get There? Take action steps each day to help pull you toward your goal. Instead of focusing on arriving, be in the journey and let the process unfold. When you align with your truth and answer all of these questions, you will realize you have the power to leave any unhealthy situation.

7 Three Questions Nobody can answer these questions for you. Not your parents, your spouse, and, nope, not even your religion. Especially not your religion. These questions must be probed in the one- and-only-place they can be answered – deep within your soul. – Dr. Steve McSwain enow/2014/10/the-three-biggest-questions-of- your-life.html#Le16els3HyLdGgDE.99

8 Three Questions Some people don’t ask the right questions because of their worldview Some people don’t go to the right source for the answers because of their worldview

9 Where Did I Come From? Did I come from something or someone? Which is more reasonable? (Heb. 3:4) I came from the mind and will of God (Gen. 1:1, 26; 2:7) I am made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27; 5:1)

10 Where Did I Come From? I am a dual being: body and soul (Gen. 3:19; Eccl. 12:7) I must treat my fellow-man properly (Gen. 9:6; Jas. 3:9) I am separate and above the rest of creation (Gen. 1:26-30; Psa. 8:3-4)

11 Where Did I Come From? I must take care of my soul (Mt. 16:24)

12 Why Am I Here? Am I here to serve self, or others? Which is more beneficial? (2 Tim. 3) I am to walk with God in humble obedience (Gen. 2:15-17; Mic. 6:8) I am to seek God (Acts 17:27-28)

13 Why Am I Here? I am here to glorify God (Isa. 43:7; Cor. 10:31; Rev. 4:11; 5:13) I am not to change God into my image (Rom. 1:22-25) I am to obey God (Psa. 33:6-9; Eccl. 12:13-14)

14 Where Am I Going? Will I die and cease to exist or will I die and live on? Which is more rewarding/hopeful? (1 Cor. 15:32) I will die (Heb. 9:27; Jas. 2:26) I will live on with consciousness (Lk. 16:22)

15 Where Am I Going? I will be raised (Jn. 5:28-29)
I will stand before God in judgment (Heb. 9:27) I will be judged according to how I have lived now (Rom. 2:7-10)

16 Where Am I Going? I will be sentenced to either heaven or hell (Mt. 25:34, 41, 46) I am, in part, determining my destiny right now! My future, in part, depends upon me!

17 Where Did I Come From? Why Am I Here? Where Am I Going?
3 Questions Where Did I Come From? Why Am I Here? Where Am I Going?

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