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Presentation on theme: "2nd ARCTIC SCIENCE MINISTERIAL"— Presentation transcript:

Update on the Preparation

2 Arctic Science Ministerial
Key Events Arctic Science Ministerial 08:00-17:15 Arctic Science Forum 09:00-18:30 Evening Venue 19:30-22:00

3 Austria, Belgium, China, Greenland, India, Singapore
The Invited Countries Positive replies: Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Faroe Islands, France, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA. Pending replies: Austria, Belgium, China, Greenland, India, Singapore Organisers European Commission, Finland, Germany

4 The Permanent Participants of the Arctic Council
- Aleut International Association - Arctic Athabaskan Council - Gwich’in Council International - Inuit Circumpolar Council - Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North - Saami Council.

5 International Organisations
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Group on Earth Observations (GEO) International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) International Council for Science (ICSU) Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) University of the Arctic (UArctic) UN Environment (UNEP) World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

6 Overview of the locations

7 Arctic Science Ministerial
Date/Venue: , Axica – Convention Center Participants: ca. 90 persons, 25 Ministers plus 2 Delegates (incl interpreter), 6 inidgenious representatives Placement: 1st row Ministers; 2nd row Delegates Language: English, simultanous translation upon request Logistics: On site catering and on site technical support Accommodation: Rooms reserved at Hotel Adlon (tbc by participants) Invitation Procedure: tbd Escort of Delegations: tbd Airport-VIP-Service: tbd Transfers: tbd Security: tbd

8 Arctic Science Forum Arctic Science Forum, 25. October 2018
BMBF, Berlin (Alexander von Humboldt-Saal) Kapelle-Ufer 1, Berlin 280 participants: max 10 scientists per country, 5 per indigenous organization, 1per int. organization live webcast

9 Evening Reception Date/Venue: 25.10.2018, Museum für Naturkunde
Participants: 300 – 350 Programme: 19:30 Cocktail reception, individual greeting of Ministers, handshake fotos 20:00 Musical kick-off 20:10 Greetings by hosts (English) 20:30 Welcome dinner Evening Reception

10 The Themes of the ASM2

11 Strengthening, Integrating and Sustaining Arctic Observations, Facilitating Access to Arctic Data, and Sharing Arctic Research Infrastructure Understanding Regional and Global Dynamics of Arctic Change Assessing Vulnerability and Building Resilience of Arctic Environments and Societies

12 Arctic Science Forum

13 4. Arctic Science Forum Arctic Science Forum Agenda 25.10.2018
09.00 – Registration 10.00 – Opening session 11.00 – Coffee break 11.30 – Session 1: Understanding Regional and Global Dynamics of Arctic Change 13.00 – Lunch break (Group photo, Press conference with prominent scientists during lunch break)

14 4. Arctic Science Forum Arctic Science Forum Agenda 25.10.2018
14.30 – Session 2: Assessing Vulnerability and Building Resilience of Arctic Environments and Societies 16.00 – Coffee break 16.30 – Session 3: Strengthening, Integrating and Sustaining Arctic Observations, Facilitating Access to Arctic Data, and Sharing Arctic Research Infrastructure 18.00 – Conclusions Transfer to the Reception (10-15 minutes walk)

15 Request for input

16 Countries are invited to provide by 5 MARCH 2018:
A written update on the status of deliverables presented at the ASM1 A written update of 2-pager A list of new deliverables A list of delegates (up to 10) for the Scientific Conference The inputs from the countries are fundamental to design in detail both the Scientific Conference and the Ministerial meeting.

17 Teleconferences 29 January: Joint teleconference US (OSTP)/Germany (AWI Arctic Office): handover from ASM1 to ASM2 organizers - Participants of ASM1 teleconferences will be invited March/April: First teleconference of ASM2 organizers (AWI Arctic Office) - All participants of ASM2 Science Forum will be invited

18 The Schedule for the invitation

19 The invitations will be sent in February to the Minister indicated by each Government
The invitations to the Ministers will be sent by Germany on behalf of the three organisers The first draft of the Joint Statement will be circulated before the end of the winter

20 Thank You


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