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#1 What is the best description of this horse’s face?

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Presentation on theme: "#1 What is the best description of this horse’s face?"— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 What is the best description of this horse’s face?
General 2 #1 What is the best description of this horse’s face? A. Blaze and Snip B. Star, Blaze and Snip C. Bald D. None of the Above

2 General 2 #2 How would you describe the white marking on this horse’s left front foot? A. Ankle B. Pastern C. Half Stocking D. Sock

3 #3 Which of these boots would be allowed on your horse in showmanship?
General 2 #3 Which of these boots would be allowed on your horse in showmanship? A. Splint Boots B. Bell Boots C. Skid Boots D. None of the above General 2

4 #4 Horses have two significant blind spots, what are they?
General 2 #4 Horses have two significant blind spots, what are they? Out to the left and right sides Directly Behind and Directly Below their head Far Away – Fast Speeds Close Up - Colors None of the Above General 2

5 General 2 #5 In a judging contest, the official uses “Cuts” in addition to their placings – For example, “I place this class 1,2,3,4 with cuts of 2,8, and 3” What do “cuts” mean? The numbers of horses in the class The amount of difference between the pairs Has to do with the Henneke body system and their fitness None of the above General 2

6 #6 In Equitation, what is the scoring breakdown?
General 2 #6 In Equitation, what is the scoring breakdown? Member & Appointments, 15%; Seat & Hands, 35%; and Performance, 50% Conformation 50%, Rider 50% Horse, 15%; Rider, 85% Member & Appointments, 25%; Seat & Hands, 40%; Performance 35% General 2

7 #7 What part of the horse is the arrow pointing to? Barrel Withers
General 2 #7 What part of the horse is the arrow pointing to? Barrel Withers Gaskin Poll None of the above General 2

8 # 8 Which of these are found below the horse’s coronet band?
General 2 # 8 Which of these are found below the horse’s coronet band? A. Coffin Bone B. Pastern C. Navicular Bone D. Cannon Bone General 2

9 1 2 3 4 # 9 Which of these is the most correct? 1 2 3 4 General 2

10 # 10 What parts of the horse are included in the “topline?”
General 2 # 10 What parts of the horse are included in the “topline?” withers, back, loin, croup Poll, crest, withers, back, loin, croup, tail Back, loin, croup Withers, back, loin General 2

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